STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN OF STEM-ROT OF CHINESE WATERCHESTNUT AND ITS BIOLOGY Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza extracts on formation of morphine physical dependence in mice and its possible mechanism Discussion on development of four diagnostic information scale for clinical re-evaluation of postmarketing herbs Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza extracts on formation of morphine physical dependence in mice and its possible mechanism Pathogen Identification of Legume Dieback of Cassia tora Study on relationship between B-deficiency symptoms of cucumber and changes of endogenous hormone STUDIES ON THE POISONING SYMPTOMS AND THE MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE LEAVES BLADE OF B.SCHREBERI INDUCED BY THE STRESS OF THE POLLUTION OF Cd~( 2+) The ambient ozone pollution and foliar injury of the sensitive woody plants in Beijing exurban region Influence of Kuntai Capsule on ameliorating perimenopausal syndrometo women after hysterectomy Advances in studies on effect superiorities of traditional Chinese medicine on chronic hepatitis B STUDIES ON ACREMONIUM WILT OF SORGHUM Research about re-evaluation of screening of traditonal Chinese medicine symptoms item of post-marketing medicine Xuezhikang The pathogenicity differentiation and variability of Verticillium dahliae from cotton in northern Xinjiang A Study on Mineral Nutrition for Solution Culture of the Seedlings of Calamus tetradact ylus Studies on Die-back of Pine and Its Pathogen(I) Thinking about re-evaluation on symptoms of postmarketing Xuezhikang Capsula treating lipid abnormality A New Chestnut Disease—Brown Margin Leaf Blight and the Pathogen Identification Postmarketing herbs clinical evaluation should concernabout re-evaluating symptoms

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