60Co γ-IRRADIATION  INDUCED MUTATION BREEDING OF GINGER ISOLATION OF mtDNA FRAGMENTS ASSOCIATED TO CMS IN HOT PEPPER BY AFLP TECHNIQUE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION ON SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITY AND NUTRIENTS THE WAVELET ANALYSIS ON THE SOIL EROSION INTENSITY IN THE BLACK SOIL STRAIGHT CULTIVATED SLOPE EFFECT OF IRRIGATING QUOTA ON WTEAT YIELD, TOPDRESSING EFFICIENCY AND ITS LOSS Dryoathyrium erectum is a member of the genus Athyriopsis A new species of Anoectochilus Blume (Orchidaceae) from China Three new species of Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. (Liliaceae) from Guangxi, China Three new species of the Rubiaceae from Guangxi, China An additional note on Chinese Otochilus (Orchidaceae) Notes on Eulophia dabia (D. Don) Hochr. and its related species Critical notes on some species of Epipactis (Orchidaceae) On the identity of Eulophia hirsuta T. P. Lin (Orchidaceae) Systematic position of Primula secundiflora (Primulaceae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequence data The utility of trnK intron 5′ region in phylogenetic analysis of Ulmaceae s. l. Pollen morphology of Polygonum section Aconogonon Meisn. in China A new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from SE Yunnan, China The identity of Nannoglottis souliei (Franch.) Ling et Y. L. Chen Additional notes on the subgenus Brachypetalum (s. l.) of Paphiopedilum Karyotypes of five species of Cornus (s.l.) (Cornaceae) from China Chromosome numbers of the Chinese Isoetes and their taxonomical significance Observation on the spore morphology of the genus Leptolepidium (Sinopteridaceae) Spore morphology of pteridophytes from China Ⅲ. Thelypteridaceae 1. Cyclosorus Link. Divergence time estimates for major lineages of Cupressaceae (s. l.) A new combination in Leptolepidium (Pteridophyta: Sinopteridaceae) Pleiosorbus is united with Sorbus (Rosaceae) Lectotypification of Aconitum wolongense W. T. Wang A newly recorded species of Plantago Linn. from China The identity of a specific name of Epipactis Echinocystis Torr. et Gray (Cucurbitaceae), a naturalized genus in China Corrigiola L. (Caryophyllaceae), a naturalized genus in China Subularia L. (Cruciferae), a newly recorded aquatic genus of China Aster jishouensis (Asteraceae), a new species from Hunan, China A new species of Dendropanax (Araliaceae) from China Taxonomic notes on some species of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from China A new species of Berchemia (Rhamnaceae) from Xizang, China Karyotypes of eight species of the genus Aspidistra from China Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅳ) Geographical distribution of Kengyilia Yen et J. L. Yang (Poaceae) A new species and a new combination of Alpinia Roxb. in China Validation of Deyeuxia himalaica L. Liou Cytology of eleven species in the genus Ranunculus L. and five in its four related genera from China The formation and evolution of polyploid genomes in plants A new species of Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae) from Yunnan, China Notes on Paphiopedilum wardii and its related species New plants from limestone regions of Guangxi, China Changruicaoia Z. Y. Zhu—A new genus of Labiatae from Mount Emei, Sichuan, China Phytogeographical relationships of the bryophytes between China and North America Quantitative taxonomic analyses of Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) in China based on micromorphological characters of foliar trichomes A new species of Rosa L.(Rosaceae) from Guizhou, China New materials of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China A new species of Helianthemum Mill.(Cistaceae) Three new species of Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) from Guangxi, China Variation and Phylogenetic Relationships Between Polygonatum odoratum and P. cyrtonema A New Species of Potamogeton from China Materiae ad Floram Rhododendri Sinici Notes on the Genus Prismatomeris Thw. (Rubiaceae) of China New Taxa of Berberidaceae from S. W. China New Plants of Zingiber from Yunnan A New Species of the Genus Malus Mill. A New Species of Ilex Linn. (Aquifoliaceae) from Anhui A New Species of the Genus Begonia from Guangxi Two New Species of Draba L. (Cruciferae) from China New Taxa of the Genus Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don from Xizang Studies on the Chinese Woodsiaceae (3)—Phylogeny and Speciation Chemotaxonomic Studies on Equisetaceous Plants in China Effects of inter-row planting grasses on soil organic carbon fractions and soil microbial community of apple orchard in Weibei dryland Effects of soil management practices on stability and distribution of aggregates in Lou soil A New Species of Pseudostellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Helan Mountains A New Species of Gongronema (Asclepiadaceae) from Guizhou New Taxa of Orchidaceae from China (2) New Taxa of Zingiberaceae from Southern Yunnan Observations of Chromosomes of Malus Species in China A New Species of Lindera from Henan A New Species of Hydrangea from Gansu A Cytotaxonomic Study on the Genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) (1)—Karyotypes of 7 Species from Sichuan Additional Notes on Tarenna acutisepala How Studies on Essential Oil Composition in Leaves of Torreya grandis cv. ‘Merrillii‘ and Chemotaxonomy A New Species of the Genus Lithocarpus (Fagaceae) from Fujian Pollen Morphology of Convallarieae (Liliaceae) and Systematic Position of Theropogon Maxim.