The Result and Operation of Casing Aphid Bags on the Tree Branch CROP SENSE AND RESPONSES TO WATER DEFICIT Near surface CO2 concentration and its quantitative relationship with character of underlying surface in Shanghai City, China. Modeling of climate financing based on MRICES Studies on Fundatrix Emergence Period, Quantitative Change and Autumn Migrant Reproductivity of Chinese Horned Gall Aphid, Schlechtendalia chinensis Analysis of Accepted and Funded General,Young Scientists‘ and Regional Programs in Horticulture of NSFC During the Lastest Five Years THE FUNDAMENTAL PATTERN OF THE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF VEGETATION IN HUNAN PROVINCE Recent progress in research on neutrophilic, microaerophilic iron(Ⅱ)-oxidizing bacteria THE INTEGRATIVE EXPRESSION OF PARAMETER ON THE FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FLORA Fundamental classification of eco-agricultural models Legal Suggestion of Forestry Disaster Funds Relief THE THEORETICAL PROBLEMS ON Potential distribution of Qinghai spruce and assessment of its growth status in the upper reaches of the Heihe River in the Qilian Mountains of China Forestry resources assetization management and system innovation of forestry res ources cultivation fund Improved Methods to Increase Gall Density and Scatter Gall Distribution for the Horned Gall Aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPRODUCTION AND COMPENSATION FOR ECOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF FOREST Analysis of Accepted and Funded General,Young Scientists‘ and Regional Programs in Horticulture of NSFC During the Lastest Five Years The Prediction of Fundatrigena Emergence Period of Schlechtendalia chinensis and Its Utilization Observation of Fundamental and High Order Raman Modes of |?-Carotenes in Pd OECC Thin Film by SERS Projects Funded by the Division of Botany (NSFC) in 2005: Retrospect and Prospect Histochemical Studies on in Vitro Parthenogenesis in Helianthus annuus L. Constrict factors and countermeasure of island tourism development Chemical constituents from roots and rhizomes of Physochlaina infundibularis