Effect of different fertilizer combinations and straw return on microbial biomass and nitrogen-fixing bacteria community in a paddy soil Research on N-fixing property of bacteria with N-fixation and dissolving P function Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of Gentiana macrophylla and its rhizosphere microbial community structure Variation of nifH gene diversity of soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Moso bamboo(Phyllostachys pubescens)plantation converted from broadleaf forest Studies on the interactions between phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in rock phosphate solubilization THE DISCOVERY AND PRELIMINARY STUDY ON NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA FROM THE ROOTS OF MASSON PINE SAPLINGS Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the coral Pocillopora damicornis analyzed by PCR-RFLP Effects of intercropping with soybean on bacterial and nitrogen-fixing bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of sugarcane Isolation, identification and inoculation effect of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Sphingomonas GD542 from maize rhizosphere Effects of molybdenum on nitrogenase activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in sugarcane Mapping quantitative trait loci for associative nitrogen fixation ability in rhizosphere of rice seedling Inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on the growth of Rhizophora stylosa Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of Gentiana macrophylla and its rhizosphere microbial community structure Effects of different conservation tillage on amount and distribution of soil ammonifying bacteria, nitrobacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria Effects of Effective Microbial Inoculants on Alfalfa Growth Character

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