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全 文 :水葱药学及生态价值研究概况
巩江 1,徐文进 2,马亚荣 2,张小伟 3,赵冬冬 3,
胡家华 3,宇磊 3,黄海艳 2,倪士峰 2* (1.西藏
民族学院医学院,陕西咸阳 712082;2 西北大
学生命科学学院,陕西西安 710069;3.西北大
学物理学院,陕西西安 710069)
摘 要 水葱是重要的水体景观要素,能有效
复方面发挥重要作用。 有关其成分、药理和临
床用途的研究报道目前还比较少。 在广泛文
献检索的基础上 ,对水葱种属、成分 、药理作
关键词 水葱;药理作用;临床应用 ;生态价
基金项目 西部资源生物与现代生物技术教
育部重点实验室基金(KH09030); 西藏自治区
科技厅重大科技专项基金(20091012); 陕西省
作者简介 巩江(1975-),女,甘肃兰州人,高
究。 * 通讯作者,男,江苏沛县人,副研究员,博
收稿日期 2014-12-30
修回日期 2015-03-05
Overview of Pharmacological & Ecological
Research of Scirpus tabernaemontani Gmel
Jiang GONG1, Wenjin XU2, Yarong MA2, Xiaowei ZHANG3, Dongdong ZHAO3, Jiahua HU3, Lei
YU3, Haiyan HUANG2, Shifeng NI2*
1. Department of Medicine, Tibet Nationality College, Xianyang 712082, China;
2. The College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China;
3. Physics Department , Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
Supported by Opening Foundation of Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and
Biotechnology in Western China (Northwest University), Ministry of Education
(KH09030); the Major Scientific and Technological Project of the Department of Science
and Technology, Tibet Autonomous Region (20091012); the Scientific Research Plan
Projects of Shaanxi Education Department (2010JK862).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: nsfstone@126.com
Received: December 30, 2014 Accepted: March 5, 2015A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2015, 16(3): 493-496
Copyright訫 2015, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticultrue
I ntroduction to Scirpustabernaemontani GmelScirpus tabernaemontaniG-
mel is a species of flowering plant in
the sedge family Scirpus tabernae-
montani genre known by the common
names softsterm bulrush and great
bulrush [1]. It is a perennial herb pro-
ducing dense stands of many narrow
erect stems reaching 1 -2 m, shape
like green Chinese onion but much
thinner. The stem is in cylindrical
shape, hollow inside. It grows from a
long rhizome system with many fi-
brous roots; it can be found in various
wetland environment, both at home
and abroad[2]. S. validus f. Mosaic is
a variant of Scirpus tabernaemontani,
and with yellow-greenish cyclic annu-
lar streaks, it has more ornamental val-
ue than the original strain[3].
Liu et al. [4] reported that Scirpus
tabernaemontani contained the follow-
ing components: styrene, camphor,
borneol, menthol, styrene ether,
isopiperitenone, eucarvone, ethanone,
α-aromadendrene, 4, 7, 7α-trimethyl-
5, 6, 7, 7α-tetrahydro benzofuranone,
fluorene and phenanthrene.
Pharmacological Actions
Fan et al. [5] used ethanol, n-hex-
ane, acetone and butyl alcohol as a
solvent to extract the Scirpus taber-
naemontani plants, and the inhibitory
zone method was used to test the an-
tibacterial effects of the various ex-
tracts on seven normal microbials,
namely, Escherichia coli, Staphylo-
coccus aureus, Streptococcus mu-
tans, Streptococcus oralis, Bacillus
subtilis, Aspergillus and Penicillium.
The results showed that Scirpus
tabernaemontani extracts could inhibit
the growth of seven normal microbial.
Clinical Applications
GU[6-7] reported that the treatment
of 60 cases of benign prostatic hyper-
plasia (BPH) proved that long-term
use of Scirpus tabernaemontani could
prevent BPH, reduce the residual
urine volume, improve lower urinary
tract symptoms and maximal urinary
Abstract On the basis of extensive literature search, the species, ingredients, phar-
macology, clinical applications, ecological value and cultivation techniques of Scirpus
tabernaemontani Gmel have been reviewed, to provide scientific data for further re-
search & development.
Key words Scirpus tabernaemontani Gmel; Pharmacology; Clinical applications; Eco-
logical value; Cultivation techniques
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015
flow rate (Qmax).
Ecological Values
Effects on heavy metals
Accumulation ability of Cd in wa-
ter body: the heavy metals in the water
environment had high toxicity to
aquatic animals and plants and hard to
remove, and the pollution not only af-
fected the aquatic ecological system
but also threated human health [8].
Through accumulation in the body and
absorption of the roots system, Scir-
pus tabernaemontani showed signifi-
cant effects on the purification of
heavy metals in water body[9]. Obser-
vations and research have found that
Scirpus tabernaemontani had great
tolerance to Cd pollution of high levels
in the soil, and high rate of bioaccumu-
lation to Cd[10-11].
Accumulation ability of Pb in water
body: Pb is one of the known pollu-
tants of heavy metal with the largest
toxicity, and it has strong cumulativity
and irreversibility. Scirpus tabernae-
montani showed significant effects on
the purification of Pb2 + in water body
through accumulation in the body and
absorption of the roots system[12].
Accumulation ability of Zn in water
body: wetland plant Scirpus tabernae-
montani was hydroponically cultured
with different concentrations of treat-
ment of ZnCl2 solutions (0, 50, 100,
300, 800, 1 500 and 2 500 mg/L), and
the results showed that zinc ion con-
centrations of treatment solutions were
different in different parts of Scirpus
tabernaemontani [13].
Removal of mercury in water
body: Skinner [14] reported that Scirpus
tabernaemontani plants were exposed
to concentrations of 0, 0.5 or 2 mg/L of
mercury for 30 d, and Microtox (water)
and cold vapor Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS0 were used to de-
tect the roots and water. The Microtox
results indicated that the mercury in-
duced acute toxicity had been re-
moved from the water, and AAS con-
firmed an increase of mercury within
the plant root tissue and a corre-
sponding decrease of mercury in the
Removal of heavy metals in mine
drainage: Scirpus tabernaemontani
showed good removal effects on the
heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn, Cd) in
mine drainage, especially good to the
removal of Ni, Mn and Cd with the re-
moval rate reaching over 80%. There-
fore, Scirpus tabernaemontani is suit-
able to be used as artificial wetland
plant to treat and purify the heavy met-
als in mine drainage [15-16].
Effects on organic pollutants
Degradation of pentachlorophe-
nol: pentachlorophenol and its sodium
salts were widely used as a fungicide
and wood preservatives. However,
with stable chemical property, long
residual period, high toxicity, broad-
spectrum toxicity and mutagenicity to
organisms, it was listed as the prior
monitoring organic pollutant with long-
lasting effects in the environment. And
scientists had attached great impor-
tance to its existence and treatment.
Scirpus tabernaemontani showed cer-
tain accumulation ability to pen-
tachlorophenol. And therefore, it is fea-
sible to use Scirpus tabernaemontani
to remediate pentachlorophenol, the
hardly biodegradable organic pollutant,
in the soil [17-20].
Phytoremediation of BDE-209:
due to its excellent inflaming retarding
performances, decabromodiphenyl
ether was widely used as a bromide
flaming retardants. In recent years, it
found that it had long-lasting effects,
which was easy to bioaccumulate and
had endocrine disrupting effects.
Aquatic macrophyte of Scirpus taber-
naemontani Gmel showed good phy-
toremediation effects on BDE-209 in
sediment, which was also one of the
most promising remediation tech-
niques to solve the organic pollutants
in sediment at present[21].
Effects on water eutrophication
Water eutrophication and organic
pesticides pollution were the main as-
pects of water pollution. Scirpus taber-
naemontani showed certain purifica-
tion effects on nitrogen, phosphorus
and other nutrients in the eutrophic
body of water, making it able to be
used to carry out the phytoremediation
of this kind of water bodies [22-24]. FU[25]
reported that Scirpus tabernaemontani
showed significant purification effects
on the highly salty reuse water in
Tianjin-Economic and Technology
Development Area Landscape River
(short for TEDA), and had significant
purification effects on the pollutants of
COD, TN, NH3-N, NO3-N, TP, PO4-P in
the water. LIU [26] studied the removal
efficiency of 6 macrophyte species
(Phragmites communis, Typha an-
gustifolia, Acorus calamus, Nymphaea
tetragona, Scripus validus, and Pont-
ederia cordata) for nitrogen and phos-
phorus by growing them in eutrophic
ponds. And the results showed that
Scripus validus and Acorus calamus
showed the highest removal efficiency
for nitrogen and phosphorus. Espe-
cially Scripus validus by, it was easy to
grow and had good adaptability, mak-
ing it worthy to be applied in water
Anti-cyanobacterial allelopathic ef-
Nakai [27] reported that in order to
find out the suitable artificial floating
island plant, the methanol extracts of
Scirpus were investigated by observ-
ing the effects on the growth of Micro-
cystis aeruginosa, and the results
showed that the roots of Scirpus con-
tained antimicrobial ingredients, mak-
ing it a good artificial floating island
Effects on pesticides in water body
Removal of chlorpyrifos: chlor-
pyrifos was a kind of pesticide, which
had large-consumption in Chinese a-
gricultural and high detection rate in
water environment. It was of great e-
conomic and social values to screen
out safe, economic and effective
aquatic plants to treat and remediate
the pollution of chlorpyrifos to water.
Scirpus showed good removal efficien-
cy for chlorpyrifos in water body[28-30].
Degradation of dinethoate in wa-
ter: dinethoate was a commonly used
phosphorus peticide. Due to the un-
reasonable application, a lot of
dimethoate ran into the surface water
with the rainfall runoff without absorp-
tion, causing organic pollution. Scirpus
could promote the removal of
dimethoate in aqueous solution[31].
Removal of nicosulfuron: LI [32] re-
ported that Scirpus showed certain
absorption effects on nicosulfuron in
artificial wetland environment, in which
the root system played an important
Removal of atrazine: WANG [33]
found that elevated concentration of
atrazine (> 8 mg/L) had significant ef-
fects on biomass and physiological
Agricultural Science & Technology2015
characteristics of Scirpus tabernae-
montani, decreasing the peroxidase
(POD) activity, root activity, chlorophyll
content, leaf relative water content and
fresh weight, increasing MDA content.
However, there was no significant ef-
fect in low concentrations.
Cultivation Techniques
Breeding methods
It could achieve the division prop-
agation by using the thizoid stolon. Be-
tween the spring equinox and the
Qingming Festival, cut open the
stolon, first plant in pots or jars, and
then transplant to a suitable planting
area when the plant grow into the
height of 50-60 cm [3]. Chen et al. [34]
used Scirpus tabernaemontani in
Northwest Yunnan as materials to es-
tablish the tissue culture technology.
And the explant disinfection method
was as follows: after cold storage for
48 h, the bud was treated with 70%
ethanol for 30 s, and then 0.1% HgCl2
for 8 min. The best proliferation culture
medium formula was: 1/2MS + 6-
BA2.0+ IBA 0.02 mg/L, adding 20 g/L
of sugar, making the proliferation coef-
ficient reach 12.17. The best rooting
medium formula was MS+ AC 1 g/L,
MS + IBA 0.01 mg/L, making the root-
ing rate reach 100% , 85% , respec-
tively. The survival rate of acclimatiza-
tion and transplant reached 100%.
Potting Scirpus
Select the pots with no drainage
hole, dig the wild roots and cut into
pieces before the budding in early
spring or after the leaves falling in au-
tumn, put them in the loose soil at the
3/4 of the height, bury the prepared
root blocks evenly in the soil at 2-3 cm
with enough water, put in the place
with strong sunshine, and keep the soil
in the pot wet[1].
Water planting Scirpus
With certain ornamental value,
Scirpus tabernaemontani is a suitable
kind of aquatic flowers to construct
artificial waterscape in residential
Culture environments
Zhao et al. [37] studied the growth
characteristics and resistance-realted
matters (MDA, proline) of the Scirpus
tabernaemontani (experimental group)
grown in the zero ground water level
environment, and compared with the
Scirpus tabernaemontani (control
group) grown in the normal water envi-
ronment (with water flooding about 20
cm) to find the effects of ground water
level on the growth of Scirpus taber-
naemontani when the ground water
level changed into zero. The results
showed that ground water level chang-
ing into zero was unfavorable for the
growth of Scirpus tabernaemontani,
but reduced the productivity of the
wetland ecological system with Scir-
pus tabernaemontani as the major
plants. Zhang et al. [38] systematically
analyzed the planting methods a-
mong Iris pseudacorus, Scirpus
validus and Acorus calamus with nor-
mal planting density but different
planting models which were pure
plantation, mixed by group plants, and
mixed by individual plant. The results
showed that when I. pseudacorus
and A. calamus were mix-planted with
S. validus separately, S. validus would
exhibit a faster elongation in the stem
to restrain the former two. Studied the
optimal soil and water characteristics
most suitable for the growth of Scirpus
tabernaemontani, including the con-
tent of organic matter, soil fertility,
conductivity, pH value, soil property,
temperature etc.
Summary and Prospect
Scirpus tabernaemontani is an im-
portant factor in water scenery design-
ing, and it also can effectively purify
and maintain the water quality of the
landscape water, making it play an im-
portant role in the environment of
green remediation because of its
beautiful appearance with ornamental
value, and because it is an important
aquatic flowers. There is pretty little
research on the components, pharma-
cology and clinical application of Scir-
pus tabernaemontani , and therefore it
is worthwhile to strengthen the rele-
vant research. With the promotion of
people’s awareness of green envi-
ronment, Scirpus tabernaemontani will
surely be widely applied in ecological
environmental protection and medical
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