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全 文 :微循环学杂志 , 2007 , 17(3):27~ 28 , 30
微循环学 杂志
2007年第17卷第 3期 中医中药与微循环 
*[ 基金项目]  河北省科学技术与社会发展计划(052761690)
[ 作者单位]  河北北方学院微循环研究所, 邮政编码 张家口
075029; 通讯作者:牛春雨 ,E-mail:zzghyl@126.com;Tel:13831398598
本文 2007-04-19收到 , 2007-06-08接受
  李俊杰 赵自刚  牛春雨  刘艳凯  张玉平  张  静
  [ 中图分类号]  R235.5 R364.1 R311.  [文献标识码]  A  [文章编号]  1005-1740(2007)03-0027-03
由于细胞 、组织和器官的功能依赖于正常的血液循环及血液灌流 ,因此 ,微循环障碍是引起器官功能障碍甚至衰竭的主要因素。研究表
明 ,高分子右旋糖苷(Dex tran 500)在导致大鼠微循
环障碍及血液流变性异常的同时 ,可引起大鼠肝 、
肾 、肺等器官组织形态学损伤[ 1] ;夏至草可明显改善
血瘀大鼠的血液和淋巴微循环障碍[ 2 , 3] 。为了进一
预机制 ,本文观察夏至草醇提物对 Dex tran 500 致
大鼠急性微循环障碍时肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组织一氧化
氮(NO)及其合酶(NOS)的影响 。
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物与分组
Wistar大鼠 20只 ,体质量 240 ~ 300 g(中国医
Dex tran 500复制急性微循环障碍模型 。
1.2 夏至草醇提物制备
唇形科夏至草属植物夏至草[ mrrubium inci-
sum Benth]的全草(内蒙驻张家口医药站提供 ,经
河北北方学院中医系姜希强教授鉴定),按文献[ 4] 报
道方法 ,制备夏至草醇提物 ,经水煎醇沉 ,再经活性
炭脱色 、灭菌制成原生药含量为 5 g/ml的注射液
(pH 、澄清度 、溶血试验检测均为合格)。
1.3 急性微循环障碍模型的复制
所有大鼠均以 2%戊巴比妥钠溶液(北京化学
试剂厂生产 ,批号 20000919 , 50 mg/kg 体重)肌注
麻醉后 ,行颈部正中手术切口 ,剥离左颈静脉和右颈
总动脉 ,插管 ,备注射 、输液及放血用 。稳定 15 min
后 ,夏至草组及模型组大鼠应用 WZF-50F2双道微
量注射泵(浙江大学医学仪器有限公司)以 10%的
高分子右旋糖苷(Dex tran 500 ,瑞典 Pharmacia Bio-
tech ,10 ml/kg 体重)经左颈静脉缓慢匀速推注 , 1
min 注完 , 成功复制急性微循环障碍模型[ 5 , 6] 。6
min 后 ,夏至草组经微量注射泵由颈静脉缓慢推注
夏至草醇提物(6 g/kg 体重 ,以等量生理盐水稀
输液时间为 5 min。对照组以等量生理盐水代替
Dex tran 500和夏至草醇提物。
1.4 标本制备及指标检测
经夏至草醇提物治疗或相当于治疗 40 min后 ,
分别处死动物。选择各组大鼠的肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组
织各 0.8 ~ 1.0 g ,加 9倍的 4℃无菌生理盐水 ,应用
高速分散均质机(FJ-200 ,上海标本模具厂)低温制
备 10%组织匀浆 ,应用高速低温离心机以 2 500 r/
min离心 10 min ,取上清液置于冰箱内-80℃冷冻
备测。应用硝酸还原酶法 、化学显色法分别检测各
组动物各脏器组织匀浆 NO -2 /NO -3 含量及 NOS 活
白以考马斯亮兰法进行定量 。
1.5 统计学处理
所有数据以均数±标准差( x ±s)表示 ,经 SPSS
11.0统计软件包进行单因素方差分析 ,两组间比较
用两样本均数 t检验 ,P<0.05为具有显著性差异。
2 结 果
2.1 夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠器官组
织匀浆 NO -2 /NO -3 含量的影响
模型组肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组织匀浆 NO-2 /NO -3 均
显著高于夏至草组和对照组(P <0.01),而夏至草
组除肝组织匀浆 NO -2 /NO -3 含量高于对照组(P <
0.05)外 ,其它与对照组比较无统计学意义(P >
0.05)。见表 1。
2.2 夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠器官组
织匀浆 NOS 活性的影响
给予 Dex tran 500后 ,模型组肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组
织匀浆 NOS活性均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);夏
至草组除心肌组织匀浆 NOS 活性高于对照组外(P
<0.05),肝 、肾 、肺组织匀浆 NOS 活性与对照组均
无统计学差异(P>0.05),且各器官组织匀浆 NOS
活性均低于模型组(P<0.01)。见表 2 。
表 1 各组大鼠各器官组织匀浆 NO2-/NO3-含量(μm ol/ g , x±s)
组别 n 肝 肾 心肌 肺
对照组 6 1.62±0.39 1.91±0.34 1.92±0.39 1.50±0.20
模型组 6 3.44±0.492) 3.24±0.592) 2.77±0.462) 2.30±0.402)
夏至草组 8 2.14±0.481)3) 1.70±0.603) 2.01±0.443) 1.58±0.383)
注:与对照组比较 , 1)P<0.05 , 2)P<0.01;与模型组比较 , 3)P<0.01
表 2 各组大鼠各器官组织匀浆 NOS活性(U/g , x±s)
组别 n 肝 肾 心肌 肺
对照组 6 0.64±0.14 0.77±0.09 1.49±0.25 0.61±0.11
模型组 6 1.53±0.272) 1.16±0.182) 2.24±0.192) 1.05±0.252)
夏至草组 8 0.51±0.103) 0.65±0.193) 1.78±0.251)3) 0.66±0.283)
注:与对照组比较 , 1)P<0.05 , 2)P<0.01;与模型组比较 , 3)P<0.01
微循环学 杂志
2007年第17卷第 3期 中医中药与微循环 
3 讨 论
功能紊乱是引起肺 、肾 、肝等多个器官的功能障碍 ,
诱发多器官功能障碍综合征(Multiple Organ Dys-
function Syndrome , MODS)的主要因素之一[ 1] 。
因此 ,从改善微循环障碍以及血液流变性异常来寻
之一。夏至草具有利水消肿 、活血化瘀作用[ 7] ,应用
夏至草可明显改善大鼠的淋巴微循环障碍[ 8] 。为
此 ,本研究从 NO角度观察夏至草醇提物对急性微
循环障碍大鼠器官损伤的影响 ,并阐明夏至草的药
理学作用 。
NO作为一种具有多重生理功能的介质 ,在参
与调节血管和气管平滑肌舒张 、机体免疫防御 、细胞
溶解等诸多方面发挥重要作用[ 9] ,降低 NO 的生成
释放可改善内毒素休克的低血压[ 10] 。本研究结果
表明 ,给予 Dex tran 500后 ,模型组肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺
组织匀浆的NOS活性及 NO 含量增高 ,其机制可能
为 Dex tran 500 在引起大鼠急性微循环障碍的同
时 ,加重了组织细胞的缺氧以及酸性产物潴留 ,刺激
组织诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)表达增强 , NOS
活性增高 ,诱导内皮细胞 、巨噬细胞 、中性粒细胞形
成大量的 NO ,从而引起 NO 的释放增多;大量的
NO 发挥其损伤作用 ,加重炎症反应 ,通过刺激中性
粒细胞产生呼吸爆发及脱颗粒 ,释放氧自由基和蛋
白水解酶 ,作用于内皮细胞 ,引起组织器官损伤 。输
入夏至草醇提物后 , 各脏器组织匀浆 NO 含量及
NOS活性均显著低于模型组 ,提示输入夏至草有效
地抑制了NOS 活性表达 ,从而减少 NO的产生和释
放 ,这主要是由于夏至草醇提物具有良好的改善微
循环作用 ,减轻了 Dextran 500致大鼠的急性微循
环障碍[ 3] ,从而缓解细胞的缺氧 ,抑制 NO 产生 ,减
轻 NO 引起的炎症反应 ,降低 NO 对组织细胞的损
伤 ,最终达到保护器官功能的作用。
综上所述 ,夏至草醇提物对 Dex tran 500 致急
性微循环障碍大鼠具有较好的保护作用 ,其机制与
夏至草可有效改善微循环流态[ 3] 、改善细胞缺氧状
态 ,从而抑制 NO 的产生 、减轻组织细胞的炎症损伤
有关 ,这为深入研究夏至草醇提物的药理学作用提
供了实验依据 ,也为以活血化瘀类中药为靶标治疗
微循环障碍类疾病治疗提供了新思路 。
李俊杰(1969~ ),男 ,汉族 ,副教授
(下转第 30 页)
28   李俊杰 ,赵自刚 , 牛春雨  
表 1 CHD 患者治疗前后血脂和 E2 检测结果( x ±s, n=49)
T C(mmol/ L) TG(mmol/ L) HDL-C(mm ol/ L)LDL-C(mmol/ L) ApoA1(g/ L) ApoB(g/ L) E2(nmol/ L)
治疗前 5.97±1.11 2.01±0.84 0.94±0.33 3.83±1.0 1.42±0.24 1.34±0.38 0.10±0.08
治疗后 5.13±0.802) 1.94±0.97 1.06±0.28 3.12±0.641) 1.57±0.411) 1.17±0.241) 0.13±0.09
注:与治疗前比较 , 1)P<0.05 , 2)P<0.01
桂枝温通心阳 ,炙甘草益气复脉 ,诸药相伍 ,通补兼
施 ,标本兼治 ,对中医胸痹的治疗有针对性 ,在治疗
观察中临证加减 ,如胸痛甚者 ,加三七 、蒲黄;心悸明
显者 ,加柏子仁 、酸枣仁;血压较高者 ,加杜仲 、石决
明等 。
国内外大量资料表明 ,脂质代谢的紊乱 ,尤其是
TC 的升高是动脉粥样硬化的重要原因[ 5 , 6] 。我们
对临床已确诊的中老年冠心病患者 ,经服用汤药治
疗后 ,其实验室观察指标表明 TC 、LDL-C 、ApoB 降
低 ,ApoA1升高 ,与治疗前比较差异有显著性意义 ,
平 ,有助于改善血脂代谢 ,而对 E2的代谢影响不大 。
有关资料也证实川芎 、赤芍 、益母草等活血化瘀中药
能降低血胆固醇 ,降低血小板聚集 ,改善血液粘稠度
和高凝状态[ 7] 。周建英等[ 8]对补阳还五汤进行拆方
研究 ,发现该方对高脂血症动物模型具有明显的降
脂作用 。近年来随着对补阳还五汤药理作用的不断
研究 ,发现该方在心血管系统有更广泛的应用 ,尤其
对治疗 CHD 取得了满意的疗效[ 9] ,值得进一步研
究 。
黄宪章(1970~ ),男 ,汉族 ,副主任技师 ,医学博士
微循环学 杂志
2007年第17卷第 3期 中医中药与微循环 
参 考 文 献
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3 郑莜萸主编.中药新药临床研究指导原则(试行).北京:中国医药
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4 周玉中.补养还五汤加味治疗高脂血症近期疗效观察.实用中
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5 刘久波 ,陈 林 ,何晓阔 ,等.血脂与血液流变性的关系及其对高
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6 黄宪章 ,庄俊华 ,徐 宁 ,等.血脂测定结果的临床可接受性分析.
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8 周建英 ,卞慧敏.补阳还五汤对大鼠高脂血症动物模型降脂作用
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(上接第 28 页)
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3 张利民 ,姜 华 ,任君旭 ,等.夏至草提取物对大鼠实验性微循环
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9 牛春雨 ,李继承 ,赵自刚 ,等.肠系膜淋巴管结扎对失血性休克大
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30   黄宪章 ,金卓祥 , 任燕歌 ,等  
本 期 论 文 导 读 文摘页 · 1

微循环学杂志 ·第 17卷 , 第 3期
第 7页/TOLL样受体-4和髓样分化蛋白-2在血吸虫病小鼠肝脏的表达及意义李岽健 ,杨 镇 ,牛丽文 /华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济
医院综合科 ,武汉 430030
目的:探讨血吸虫病小鼠肝脏 TOLL 样受体-4(T LR-4)和髓样分
化蛋白-2(MD-2)的表达及其在肝脏损害中的作用。方法:将 40 只健
康小鼠随机分成正常对照组(N 组 , 20只)与模型组(M 组 , 20只), M
组采用腹部敷贴法制作血吸虫病模型 ,造模 150天后处死动物 ,鲎试验
法测定血清内毒素水平;免疫组化和 RT-PCR方法检测肝脏中 T LR-4
和 MD-2的表达。结果:M 组血清内毒素水平高于 N 组(P<0.01);M
组小鼠肝脏 TLR-4/MD-2表达水平高于 N 组(P<0.01);M 组小鼠肝
脏 TLR-4/MD-2高表达主要位于肝窦内皮细胞及肝窦区周围细胞。
结论:血吸虫病肝硬化可发生肠源性内毒素易位 、内毒素血症;脂多糖
通过其信号转导蛋白 T LR-4和 MD-2在肝脏的高表达 ,激活一系列促
炎基因的转录 ,可能是引起血吸虫病肝脏损害的原因之一。关键词:血吸虫病 内毒素血症 TLR-4/M D-2 小鼠
第 10页/交联明胶材料制备及细胞毒性的实验研究
祖育昆 ,张凯伦 ,蒋雄刚/华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院心血
管外科 ,武汉 430022
目的:制备交联明胶 ,并检测其微球物理性质和细胞毒性。方法:采用双相
乳化冷凝聚合法制备交联明胶 ,采用光镜和扫描电镜观察微球外形和分散度 ,紫
外分光光度法测绘交联明胶体外戊二醛释放曲线 , M TT 实验检测其细胞毒性。
结果:所制备的交联明胶微球表面光滑 、直径均匀 ,干粉微球直径为 21.13±1.
42μm ,溶胀后为 26.72 ±1.74 μm ,溶胀率为127%。戊二醛释放实验和 M TT
实验证明其无细胞毒性。结论:交联明胶微球能在体外缓释超过 30 天 ,能有效
吸附溶液 、细胞毒性低 ,是下一步以交联明胶为载体进行基因转染实验的基础。关键词:交联明胶 制备 细胞毒性
第 13页/一种新的老年期痴呆大鼠模型的研究查运红 ,梅元武 ,黄 敬/华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院神经内
科 ,武汉 430022
型。方法:雄性 Wista r大鼠 ,双侧颈总动脉永久性结扎(2VO)并腹腔注射 D-半
乳糖(D-gal)6周(60 mg/ kg/天),制备老年期痴呆大鼠模型。采用神经电生理(事件相关电位)检测 ,脑组织切片 Bie lschowsky改良法银染色 、HE染色 、海马
与对照组相比 ,模型组鼠出现白内障改变及明显 P300 潜伏期延长 、脑内 AchE
活性降低 、海马神经元变性 、固缩 、坏死及神经纤维紊乱等变化。结论:双侧颈兔动脉永久性结扎加 D-gal腹腔注射制备的大鼠模型模拟了人类老年期痴呆的发
病特点 ,可用于血管性痴呆 、阿尔茨海默病等老年期痴呆的形态 、病理生理变化
关键词:衰老 血管性痴呆 阿尔茨海默病 动物模型 混合性痴呆
第 16页/组织因子 siRNA表达载体的构建及其抑制人神经母细胞瘤细胞组织
方 峻 ,汤 浩 ,夏凌辉 ,等/华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院
血液科 ,武汉 430022
目的:构建组织因子(TF)特异性小干扰 RNA(si RNA)表达载体 ,观察其对
人神经母细胞瘤细胞 TF 表达的影响。方法:分子生物学方法构建 TFsiRNA-
pSUPER表达载体 ,限制酶切予以初步筛选 ,基因测序进行证实。以脂质体 Lipo-
fectamine2000介导转染人神经母细胞瘤细胞系 SK-N-MC。以 Western Blotting检测 TF表达。结果:所构建 TFsiRNA-pSUPER表达载体经基因测序证实。SK-N-
MC细胞高表达 TF, TFsiRNA-pSUPER表达载体转染 48h后 ,TF 表达水平与转染
pSUPER质粒的对照细胞相比显著降低 ,呈剂量依赖性。结论:人神经母细胞瘤
SK-N-MC 中 TF 异常高表达 ,本研究构建的 TFsiRNA表达载体可在 SK-N-MC 中
特异性下调 TF表达 ,可作为干预 TF表达 、研究其非凝血功能的有效手段。
关键词:组织因子 神经母细胞瘤 小干扰 RNA
第 19页/TGF-β1 、BMP-7 mRNA在实验性肝纤维化中的表达及意义黄 宁 ,曾令兰 ,李淑莉 ,等/华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院
传染病实验室 ,武汉 430022
目的:检测转化生长因子 β1(TGF-β1)、骨形态发生蛋白-7(BMP-7)mRNA在实验性大鼠肝纤维化中的表达 ,并研究其与病程的关系。方法:采用复合因素建立肝纤维化动物模型 , HE染色观察肝脏组织病理表现 ,实时荧光定量逆转录-
聚合酶链反应技术(Real Time RT-PCR)检测 TGF-β1 、BMP-7 mRNA 的表达水平 ,并分析两指标与病程的相关性。结果:肝纤维化动物 TGF-β1mRNA 明显高于正常对照组 ,而 BMP-7 mRNA 水平明显低于正常对照组。随着病程的延长 ,
TGF-β1mRNA 表达水平呈明显上升趋势 ,而 BMP-7 mRNA 则呈下降趋势。结论:肝纤维化的进程与 TGF-β1mRNA 水平升高和 BMP-7 mRNA 表达下降有一定关系。
关键词:肝纤维化 转化生长因子 β1 骨形态发生蛋白-7  实时荧光定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应技术 大鼠
第 22页/眼缺血再灌注损伤大鼠葡萄膜组织 COX-2的表达及意义
陈建斌 ,赵春明 ,张 虹 ,等/华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院眼科 , 武汉 430030
表达及意义。方法:通过血管结扎法建立大鼠一侧眼缺血再灌注损伤模型 ,并以
对侧眼作为假手术对照 ,检测实验眼分别缺血1 h 、2 h 、3 h 、4 h 、5 h 、6 h 情况下 ,
脉络膜和虹膜组织中 COX-2和血管内皮生长因子(V EGF)的表达。结果:在各
组实验眼脉络膜和虹膜各层组织中都有不同程度 COX-2和 V EGF 阳性表达 ,与
假手术对照眼比较有显著性差异 , P<0.01;且脉络膜或虹膜中 COX-2 和 VEGF
表达具有良好相关性 ,分别为 r =0.943 , r =0.886。结论:与炎症密切相关的
COX-2可能作为潜在的血管增生刺激因子 ,在葡萄膜新生血管形成中起着重要
关键词:环氧合酶-2 血管内皮生长因子 葡萄膜 缺血再灌注 大鼠
第 24页/前胸部瘢痕疙瘩微血管的形态与分布毛运春 ,唐红梅 ,庄 强/中国协和医科大学 ,中国医学科学院整形外
科医院 ,北京 100041
部瘢痕疙瘩 、正常皮肤标本经 10%中性福尔马林液固定后常规石蜡包埋 、切片 ,
采用 HE、CD34 免疫组化微血管染色 ,观察微血管数量 、分布和口径变化。结
果:正常前胸部皮肤真皮乳头层血管网稀疏;真皮网状层微血管细小 ,分布比较
均匀。瘢痕疙瘩微血管分布明显不均匀 ,乳头层微血管 、网状层浅层微血管 、网
状层深层微血管分界清楚。和正常皮肤相比 ,瘢痕疙瘩浸润部乳头层微血管 、网
状层浅层微血管 、网状层深层微血管丰富 ,微血管数量增加 ,微血管内径增大;老
化部乳头层微血管 、网状层深层微血管数量增加 ,微血管内径增大 ,网状层浅层
微血管内径增大 ,微血管数量明显减少。和瘢痕疙瘩浸润部相比 ,瘢痕疙瘩老化
部乳头层微血管 、网状层深层微血管数量 、微血管内径无明显变化 ,网状层浅层
微血管数量减少 ,微血管内径无明显变化。瘢痕疙瘩浸润部 、老化部网状层浅层
瘩微血管不但数量和内径异常 ,而且分布异常。
关键词:前胸部瘢痕疙瘩 微血管
第 27页/夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠一氧化氮及其合酶的影响李俊杰 ,赵自刚 ,牛春雨 ,等/河北北方学院微循环研究所 ,张家口
目的:观察夏至草醇提物对高分子右旋糖苷(Dext ran 500)致急性微循环障碍
大鼠一氧化氮(NO)及其合酶(NOS)的影响。方法:Wistar 雄性大鼠 20只 ,随机分
为夏至草组(n=8)、模型组(n=6)和对照组(n=6)。静注 10%Dext ran 500(10 ml/
kg.bw)复制急性微循环障碍模型(对照组以等量生理盐水代替)。6 min后 ,夏至草
组自颈静脉缓慢推注夏至草醇提物(5g/ ml ,6g/kg.bw),其它两组以等量生理盐水
代替。40 min后 ,制备肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组织匀浆 ,观察组织匀浆NO 含量及 NOS 活
性的变化。结果:模型组肝 、肾 、心肌 、肺组织匀浆NO 含量及 NOS活性均显著高
于对照组(P<0.01);夏至草组各器官组织匀浆 NO 含量及 NOS活性显著低于模型组(P<0.01),除肝匀浆NO 含量及心肌匀浆 NOS活性高于对照组外,其它各指
标与对照组均无统计学差异。结论:夏至草醇提物减轻Dext ran 500致急性微循环
障碍大鼠器官损伤的机制与降低 NO的生成与释放有关。
关键词:夏至草 急性微循环障碍 高分子右旋糖苷 一氧化氮 大鼠
第 29页/补阳还五汤加减治疗冠心病血脂和雌二醇代谢的变化
黄宪章,金卓祥,任燕歌 ,等/广东省中医院二沙岛分院 ,广州 510105
度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C),免疫透射比浊法检测载脂蛋白 A1(ApoA1)和载脂蛋白
B(ApoB),化学发光免疫法检测雌二醇(E2)。结果:治疗后 TC、LDL-C、ApoB降低 ,
ApoA1升高 ,与治疗前比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05), TG、HDL-C、E2治疗前后比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:补阳还五汤加减治疗冠心病有助于改善血
关键词:补阳还五汤 冠心病 血脂 雌二醇
第 31页/泽泻提取物对高同型半胱氨酸血症兔氧化及抗氧化因子的影响
张力华 ,李开军 ,薛存宽 , 等/华中科技大学同济医学院附属梨园医
院 ,武汉 430077
机分为正常对照组 、模型组和泽泻组。蛋氨酸皮下注射法建立 HHcy 血症动物
模型 ,泽泻组灌喂泽泻提取物。8 周后检测血浆总同型半胱氨酸(tHcy),血清丙
二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、诱导型一氧化氮(iNO)和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)水平。结果:(1)模型组和泽泻组实验后血浆 tHcy明显高于正常对照组 ,
差别有显著性意义(P<0.01);(2)泽泻组血清 MDA 水平明显低于模型组(P<
0.01),泽泻组血清 SOD水平明显高于模型组(P<0.05);(3)泽泻组血清 NOS
和 iNO 均明显低于模型组(P<0.01)。结论:泽泻可能通过降低 iNO 活性 ,抑制
过氧化 ,防止动脉粥样硬化的产生。
关键词:泽泻 同型半胱氨酸 氧化因子 兔
第 33页/慢性肾功能衰竭患者血液透析和肾移植前后凝血-血栓形成
谢忠明 ,曾昭炜 ,王敏莲 ,等/武汉大学人民医院 ,武汉 430060
体外血栓形成指标的变化。方法:CRF 病人53例 ,46例采用血透治疗 ,7 例采用同种异体肾移植。分别于治疗前 、血液透析 10次后 、肾移植 18 个月后检查血浆
结果:CRF 患者 ET-1增加 , A T-Ⅲ降低 ,体外血栓较长 、较重 ,与健康对照组比较
P 均<0.01;血透治疗后 ET-1有所降低 , A T-Ⅲ有所增加 , 但体外血栓长度和重
量无显著变化(P>0.05);肾移植治疗后血浆 ET-1 、A T-Ⅲ 以及血栓长度和重量
均较治疗前有非常显著性统计学差异 , P均<0.01 ,接近健康对照组水平。结
论:ET-1 和A T-Ⅲ异常变化可促进 CRF 患者凝血功能增强和血栓形成 , 肾移植
能改善凝血功能 ,防治血栓形成。

Page 7/Expression andSignificanceof Toll-like Receptor 4 and MyeloidDif-
ferentiat ion 2 in the Liver of Rats with Schistosomal Cirrhosis/ Li
Dongjian , Yang Zhen , Niu Liwen , et al/Department of Surgery ,
Tongji Hospital , Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University
of Science and Technology , Wuhan 430030
Objective:To explore the expression and signif icance of Toll-like re-
ceptor 4(TLR-4)and myeloid differentiation 2(MD-2)in the liver of rats
w ith schistosomal ci rrhosis.Method:Subdividing 40 rat s into 2 groups:
group N(cont rol),groupM(model).The M group included 20 rats infec-
t ed percutaneously w ith cercariae of schistosomiasis japonica.Immunohis-
t ochemistry and RT-PCR w ere applied to detect the protein and mRNA
expression of TLR-4/MD-2 , vena cava blood was tested for endotoxin.
Results:The expression of T LR-4/MD-2 in the liver in M group w as sig-
nificantly higher than N group(P<0.01), the level of endotoxin in M
group w as significant ly higher than N group(P<0.01).The expression
of T LR-4/MD-2 w as mainly at liver sinusoidal endothelial cell and the cell
around the liver sinuses.Conclusion:Endotoxin translocat ions and high
expression of TLR-4/MD-2 play an important role in lesion of li ver func-
t ion of rats with schistosomal cirrhosis.
Key words:Schistosomal ci rrhosi s;Endotoxemia;TLR-4/MD-2;Rats
Page 10/Preparat ionof CrossLinking Gelatin Microspheresand Experimen-
tal Study of Cytotoxicity / Zu Yukun , Zhang Kailun , Jiang
Xionggang/Department of Cardiac Surgery , Aff iliated Union
H ospital , Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of Sci-
ence and Technology , Wuhan 430022
Objective:To prepare cross linking gelatin microspheres and evaluate
the physical characterist ics and cytotoxicity.Method:Diphasic emulsified
cold-condensation method w as adapted to prepare cross linking gelatin mi-
crospheres.The morphology of microspheres w as observed by means of
SEM and light microscopy.Ult raviolet spect rophotomet ry was used to
detect glutaral releasing cu rve of microspheres in vi tro , t ogether wi th
M TT test , to evaluate cytotoxicity of microspheres.Results:The diame-
t er of cross linking gelatin microspheres could be ef fect ively cont rolled and
w ere 21.13±1.42μm and 26.72±1.74μm before and after sw elling.
The swel ling rate w as 127%.Although glutaral w as released w hen mi-
crospheres degradated, MTT test confirmed that there w as lit tle cytotox-
icity of microspheres.Conclusion:These studies demonst rated the good
delayed release potent ial and lit tle cytotoxicity of cross linking gelat in mi-
crospheres.It could be used as gene transfection carrier for sustain relea-
sing DNA plasmid.
Key words:Cross linking gelatin;Preparation;Cytotoxicity
Page 13/Research on a Rat Model of Aged Dementia/ Zha Yunhong , Mei
Yuanwu , Huang Jing/Department of Neurology , Union Hospi-
t al of Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of Science
and Technology , Wuhan 430022
Objective:To establish a novel m odel of seni le dementia in rats.
Method:Wistar male rats were t reated w ith a permanent bilateral occlu-
sion of both carotid arteries(2-VO)and D-galactose(60 mg/ kg/ d, ip ,42
d)to make senile dement ia model in rat s.The recording of event-related
potential(ERP), the H&E staining and the modified Bielschow sky si lver
stain of paraffin sect ions , as w ell as the analysis of AchE activity in hip-
pocampu s were carried ou t to evaluate the rat model , compared w ith the
normal rat s.Results:As compared with the control group, the model
groups showed the lagging of P300 in ERP , the decreased AchE activity
in hippocampu s, the degenerat ion of hippocampal and cerebral cortex neu-
rons , and the neurof ibrillary changes.Conclusion:Wistar rat s treated
w ith both 2-VO and D-galactose simulated some characteristic of human
seni le dementia , w hich may be used in basic experiment studying of senile
dementia , such as vascular dementia , Alzheimers disease and mixed de-
ment ia.
Key words:Aging;Vascular dementia;Alzheimer s disease;Animal
model;Mixed dement ia
Page 16/Construction of TFsiRNA Expression Vector and Study on Its Inhibi-
t ive Effect in Human Neuroblastoma/ Fang Jun , Tang Hao , Xia
Linghui , et al/Department of Hematology , Aff iliated Union
Hospital , Tongji Medical College , Huazhong Universi ty of Sci-
ence and Technology , Wuhan 430022
Objective:To cons truct the specif ic ti ssue factor(TF)small interfer-
ing(siRNA)expressive vector and study the regulat ive effect on TF ex-
pression in human neuroblastoma cell s.Method:TFsiRNA-pSUPER
plasmid w as const ruscted by inserting specific 19-nt silencing sequence
target ing TF gene into pSUPER vector.Potential construct w ere
screened by restrictive enzyme digestion reaction and then ident ified by
gene sequencing.Transfection of TFsiRNA-pSUPER was performed by
u sing lipofectamine2000.The expression of TF w as examined by Western
blot ting.Results:The const ructed TFsiRNA-pSUPER was identif ied by
gene sequencing.Human neu roblastoma cell line SK-N-MC expressed
high level of TF.Knockdow n of TF expression was achieved by transfec-
t ion of TFsiRNA-pSUPER on SK-N-MC cells in a dose-dependent man-
ner.Conclusion:These results suggest that TFsiRNA-pSUPER has been
constructed successfully and can knockdow n TF in high TF-expressive
human neu roblastoma cell line SK-N-MC.TFsiRNA-pSUPER can be
used as a potent ial means of inhibition of TF expression especially w hile
studying it s non-coagulative function.
Key words:Tissue factor;Neuroblastoma;Small interfering RNA
Page 19/Expression and Significance of TGF-β1 and BMP-7 mRNA in Ex-
perimental Rat with Hepat ic Fibrosis / Huang Ning , Zeng
Linglan , Li Shuli , et al/Department of Infection Disease , Union
Hospital of Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of S ci-
ence and Technology ,Wuhan 320022
Objective:To investigate the expression and signif icance of t ransfor-
ming growth factor-beta1(TGF-β1), bone morphogentic protein-7(BMP-
7)mRNA in experimental rat hepatic fibrosis.Method:To establish ani-
mal m odels of hepatic fibrosis induced by the exposure of rat s to compo-
nent factors.Pathological section examined the pathological changes of
liver.Real t ime RT-PCR assessed expression of TGF-β 1 and BMP-7 mR-
NA.Results:The expression of TGF-β1mRNA in hepatic fibrosis rat s
w as higher than in normal cont rol rat s , and the expression of BMP-7
mRNA w as low er than in normal cont rol rats.With the aggravation of
the disease , TGF-β1mRNA was apt to an obvious increase , while BMP-
7mRNA showed an adverse change.Conclusion:The intensifi cation of
hepat ic f ibrosis w as related to the high level of TGF-β1 mRNA and the
low performance of BMP-7 mRNA.
Key words:Hepatic f ibrosis;TGF-β1;BMP-7;Real Time RT-PCR;Rat
Page 22/ Expression of COX-2 and Its Significance in Rat Uvea After Ocular
Ischemia Reperfusion Injury/ Chen Jianbin , Zhao Chunming ,
Zhang Hong , et al/Department of Ophthalmology , Tongji Hos-
pital , Tongji Medical College , Huazhong University of S cience
and Technology , Wuhan 430030
Objective:To investigate the expression of COX-2 and its significance in uvea
after ischemia and reperfusion injury to ra t ocular.Method:The model o f rats one-
lateral ocular ischemia repe rfusion was established by ligation of blood vessel with
the fellow eyes sham-operated fo r comparison , and the expressions of COX-2 and
VEGF were de tected in choroids and irises af ter experimental eyes experience 1 h ,2
h , 3 h ,4 h ,5 h , 6 h ischemia and 6h following reperpusion.Results:The expressions
of COX-2 and VEGF were po sitive in the choroids and irises of all experimental eye
g roups, and differenced significantly with the sham-operated contrast eyes, P<0.
01;while the expressions of COX-2 in the choroids and irises were well positively
correlated with t hose of VEGF , r=0.943 and r=0.886 respectively.Conclusion:
As a potential stimula ting factor of vascular prolife ration , COX-2 closely related
with inflammation maybe play an impo rtant ro le in uveal neovascularization.
Key words:Cyclooxygenase 2(COX-2);Vascular endothelial grow th fac-
t or(VEGF);Uvea;Ischemia reperfusion;Rat
Page 24/Microvascular ShapeandDistr ibution in theProthorax Keloid/Mao Yunchun ,
Tang Hongmei , Zhuang Qiang , e t al / Plastic Surge ry Hospital,
CAMS&PUMC , Beijing 100041
Objective:To explo re microvascular shape and distribution in the prothorax ke-
loid.Method:Immunohistochemical method of CD34 , HE was used for microvessel
straining on the routinely pa raffin-embedded sections of specimens of keloids , no rmal
skin to observe the number , distribution and diameter of microvessel.Results:T he
microvesse l ne t were fine in the no rmal skin tissue , t he m icro vessel of reticular
laye r were distributed regula rly.There were three microvessel net including
papillar laye r , superficia l reticular laye r and deep re ticular laye r in the keloids.
T he microvesse l were mo re and la rge r in the all t hree lay ers in the invasive re-
gions o f keloids and in the papillar laye r , deep reticula r laye r in the senile re-
gions o f keloid than in the no rma l skin , but in t he superficial reticular laye r in
t he senile re gions of keloid the microve ssel we re la rge r and less.In the papillar
laye r , deep reticular laye r of senile regions , the density and diamete r we re the
same as invasive regions;the micro vessel was significantly less in the superfi-
cial reticula r lay er in the senile regions o f keloid than in the inva siv e re gions of
keloid tissues , but the diame ters had no change.The numbe r in the superficial
reticula r lay er wa s less than in the papillar lay er , deep reticula r lay er in the
same g roup.Conclusion:There are ma rked disto rtion in the numbe r , diame ter
and distr ibution o f m icro vessel in the protho rax keloids.
Key words:Keloids;Microvesse l
Page 27/Effects of Ethanol Extract fromMrrubium Incisumon Nit ric Oxide andNi-
tr ic Oxide Synthases of Acute Microcirculatory Disturbance Rats/ Li
Junjie , Zhao Zig ang , Niu Chunyu , et al/ Institute o f Microcirculation ,
Hebei No rth Universi ty , Zhang jiakou 075029
Objective:To observe th e ef fect s of ethanol ex t ract from Mrru-
bium Incisum on ni t ric oxide(NO)and nit ric oxide sy nthas es(NOS)
in acute microci rculatory disturbance rat s induced by Dex t ran 500.
Method:20 m ale Wis tar rat s were randomly divided into th ree
groups:Mrrubium Incisum group(n=8), model g rou p(n=6)and
con trol group(n=6).The acute microci rculatory dis tu rban ce model
w as es tablis hed by int ravenously Dext ran 500(10ml/ kg.bw), and
Dext ran 500 w as replaced by equivalent normal saline in con t rol
group.6 minutes later , ethanol ext ract f rom M rru bium In cisum w as
infused in Mrrubium Incisum group(5g/m l , 6g/ kg.bw);in other
groups eth anol ext ract f rom Mrrubium In cisum w as replaced by n or-
mal saline.After 40 min , the liver , kidney , cardiac muscle and
lu ng w ere taken out and made for homogen ate , and the NO content

and NOS activity w ere determined.Results:The NO content and NOS
activity of li ver , kidney , cardiac muscle and lung homogenate in model
group w ere signi ficant ly increased than that of cont rol group(P<0.01).
The NO content and NOS activi ty of liver , kidney , cardiac muscle and
lung homogenate in Mrrubium Incisum group were significantly low er
than that of model group(P<0.01).And the indexes of Mrrubium Inci-
sum group w ere no stat istical dif ference with cont rol group , except the
NO content of liver homogenate and NOS activi ty of cardiac muscle ho-
mogenate w ere higher.Conclusion:Ethanol ext ract from Mrrubium Inci-
sum could markedly abate organs injury of acute microcirculatory disturb-
ance rat s by Dext ran 500 and i ts mechanism relate to ethanol extract f rom
M rrubium Incisum reduces NO generation and release.
Key words:Mrrubium Incisum;Acute microcirculatory disturbance;
Dextran 500;Nit ric oxide;Rat
Page 29/Change of Serum Lipid and Estradiol with Buyanghuanwu Decoc-
tion to Treat Coronary Heart Disease/Huang Xianzhang , Jin
Zhuoxiang , Ren Yange ,et al/ Clinical Laboratory , Ersha Island
Branch , Guangdong Provincal Hospi tal of TCM , Guangzhou
Objective:To explore change of serum lipid and est radiol(E2)wi th
Buyanghuanwu Decoction to t reat coronary heart di sease.Method:49
coronary heart disease patients w ere t reated 2 months by Buyanghuanwu
Decoction.Total cholesterol(TC)and triglycerides(TG)w ere measu red
by enzyme method before and af ter treatment.High densi ty lipoprotein
cholesterol(HDL-C), l ow densi ty lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C)w ere
measured by homogeneous phase.Apolipoprotein A1(ApoA1)and apoli-
poprotein B(ApoB)were measured by immune turbidimet ry.E2 w as
measured by chemiluminomet ric immunoassay.Results:Post-t reatment
level of TC , LDL-C and ApoB was decreased , that of ApoA1 w as in-
creased, there were statist ically significant(P<0.05)result s before and
after treatment such as TC, LDL-C, ApoA1 and ApoB.There were no
statistically signif icant(P>0.05)such as TG , HDL-C and E2 .Conclu-
sion:It is helpful to improve serum lipid metabolic level by Buyanghuan-
w u Decoct ion to treat coronary heart di seases.
Key words:Buyanghuanw u Decoction;Coronary heart disease;Serum lip-
id;Est radiol
Page 31/ The Effect of the Extractive from Rhizoma Alismatis on the Oxi-
dant/Ant ioxidant Factor Expression in Homocysteinia Rabbits/
Zhang Lihua , Li Kaijun , Xue Cunkuan , et al/Department of
Geriat ric Medicine , Liyuan H ospital , Tongji Medical College ,
Huazhong Universi ty of Science and Technology ,Wuhan 430077
Objective:To study the mechanism of the extract ive f rom Rhizoma
Alismatis inf luence oxidant/ antioxidant factor expression in high homo-
cysteinia rabbit s.Method:The ef fective components in Rhizoma Ali smatis
w as ext racted by recirculat ing alcohol.Tw enty-four male rabbit s w as di-
vided into three groups at random:normal cont rol group(n=4), model
group(n=10), therapy group(n=10).Model group and therapy group
w ere given L-methionine subcutaneou se injection very day for eight
w eeks.At the same time , the therapy group w as fed the ef fective compo-
nents in Rhizoma Alismat is and the normal control group was given phys-
iologic saline subcutaneouse injection.After 8 w eeks, Homocysteine w as
examined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).Colori-
metries w ere performed to determine superoxided ismu tase(SOD), maleic
dialdehyde(MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), induce- nit ric oxide
synthase(iNOS)and Ni tric oxide synthase(NOS).Results:The level of
tH cy in model group and therapy group increased obviously.However ,
compared with the model group , the level of SOD in the therapy group
w as higher(P<0.05)and MDA(P<0.01), NOS and iNOS(P<0.01)
w as low er.Conclusion:These data demonst rated that the effective compo-
nents in Rhizoma Alismat is can protect the blood vessel endothelium
through inhibit ting the activity of iNOS , and eliminate the factor of oxy-
Key words:Rhizoma Alismat is;Homocysteine;Oxidant factor;Rabbit
Page 33/Changes of Coagulat ionand ThrombosisBefore and After Hemodi-
alysis and Renal Transplantation inPat ient with Chronic Renal Fail-
ure /Xie Zhongming , Zeng Zhaowei , Wang Minlian , et al /
Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University , Wuhan 430060
Objective:To observe the changes of blood coagulation and vi tro-
thrombosis indexes before and af ter hemodialysis and kidney t ransplanta-
t ion in pat ient w ith ch ronic renal failu re(CRF).Method:53 cases CRF
patients including 46 hemodialysis and 7 allogenic kidney t ransplantation.
Before therapy , after hemodialysis 10 t imes or renal t ransplantat ion 18
m onths, al l the patients , thei r plasma endothelin-1(ET-1) and an-
t ith rombin Ⅲ(AT-Ⅲ)level , vit ro th romboplast ic length and w eight w ere
examined and stat istics analysi s together health cont rol group.Results:
Compared w ith the cont rol , the ET-1, the thrombus length and w eight
w ere obviously increased(P<0.01), but the AT-Ⅲ was clearly decreased(P<0.01)in the CRF patients;After hemodialysis 10 times, the ET-1
w as slight ly low ered and the AT-Ⅲ mild risen , but the length and w eight
w ere not change(P>0.05);After kidney transplantat ion 18 months, all
above parameters w ere dist inctively improved(P<0.01), but come back
to closed to normal subject s(P>0.05).Conclusion:The coagulation
funct ion of CRF patients maybe enhanced by abnormal change of ET-1
and AT-Ⅲ, kidney t ransplantation can quite improve high degree blood
clott ing , prevent and cu re thrombosis.
Key words:Chronic renal failure;Coagulation;Thrombosis;Hemodialy-
sis;Renal transplantation
Page 35/Observation of the Function of VSMC in Rabbit Carotid ArteryAth-
erosclerosisPlague/ Zhao Jin , Chi Luxiang , Zhu Xingming/De-
partment of Cardiology , Southw est Hospi tal, Third Milit ary
Medical University of Chinese PLA , Institute of Cerebrovascu-
lar Disease of Chongqing City , Chongqing 400038
Objective:To investigate the function of vascular smooth muscle cell(VSMC)in rabbit carotid artery injured by ai ring drying.Method:To
establish rabbit carotid artery injured model by using airing drying and
high cholesterol and lipoid diet , 36 animals were divided into normal diet
group and injured group , the expression of ê-smooth muscle actin(ê-SM-
actin), apoptosis and proliferation, matrix metalloproteinase -2(MMP-2)
and tissue inhibitor of mat rix metaloproteinase-2(TIMP-2)w ere evalua-
ted by immunohistochemistry.Results:There is no ê-SM-actin 、Ki-67
nuclear antigen(Ki-67)and apoptosis expression in the carotid of normal
diet group and MMP-2 and TIMP-2 expression w ere low.All of their ex-
pression elevated in the injured group.ê-SM-actin posit ive cell s are
VSMCs and foam cells and with the grow of the foam cell , MMP-2 and
TIMP-2 expression were decrease.Foam cells can both apoptosis and
prolif erate.Conclusion:The major components of the atherosclerosis
plaque caused by airing drying and high cholesterol and lipoid diet are
VSMC and VSMC derived foam cell.During the formation of VSMC de-
rived foam cell f rom VSMC , it can express MMP-2 and TIMP-2 , w hich
is the major source of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 , wi th the grow of the foam
cell , MMP-2 and TIMP-2 expression w ere decrease.During the forma-
tion of VSMC derived foam cell from VSMC , they can apoptosis and pro-
Key words:Atherosclerosis;VSMC;MMP-2;TIMP-2;Apoptosi s;Cell
prolif eration;Rabbit
Page 39/Association of SerumLevel of Hemoglobin A(1c)and lipoprotein-
a with Coronary Artery Disease Complicating Diabetes Mellitus/
Luo Haiyun, Pu Lijin , Guang Xuefeng , et al./Department of
Pathophysiology of Kunming Medical College , Kunming 650031
Objective:To investigate the associat ion of serum of hemoglobin A(1c)and Lipoprotein-a wi th coronary hear disease(CHD)in pat ients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus.Method:Serum levels of hemoglobin A(1c)and
Lipoprotein-a w ere measured in 54 wi th type 2 diabetes only and 128 pa-
tient s with diabetes and CHD.Multivariate logist ic regression analysis
w as performed to ident ify risk factors for CHD in diabetic pat ients.The
predictive value of hemoglobin A (1c)and Lipoprotein-a for presence of
CHD in diabetic patients was calculated by constructing receiver-operating
characterist ic curves(ROC).Results:Serum level of hemoglobin A (1c)(7.5±1.4)% and Lipoprotein-a(0.25±0.19)g/ L in diabetic patients
wi th CHD w ere significant ly higher than those in patients with diabetes
only(6.9±1.4)% and(0.19±0.16)g/ L , P<0.05.Mult ivariate logi s-
tic regression analysis revealed that hemoglobin A(1c)and Lipoprotein-a
w ere independent risk factors for CHD in diabetic patients(OR =2.28 ,
95%CI 1.12~ 4.63 , P<0.05)and(OR=2.3 , 95%CI 1.11~ 4.79 , P<0.05).Area under the ROC cu rve for logistic regression model was 0.
73 , P<0.01.The optimal cut-off point for logistic regression model was
0.7(sensit ivity 70%, specif icity 65%)in the predict ion of CHD in dia-
betic patients.Conclusion:Serum level of hemoglobin A (1c)and lipo-
protein-a are independent risk factors for CHD in diabetic patients and
may be useful in predicting the relative risk for CHD in patients wi th type
2 diabetes.
Key words:Hemoglobin A(1c);Lipoprotein-a;Diabetes;Coronay heart
Page 42/Correlation Between Plasma Homocysteine , Lipoprotein(a)Levels
and InsulinResistancein DiabetesCHDPatients./ Lv Xiaohua/De-
partment of Clinical Laboratory General Hospital of Changhang ,
Wuhan 430010
Objective:To explore correlation between plasma total homocysteine(tHcy),
Lipoprotein(a)[ Lp(a)] levels and insulin resistance in diabetes CHD.Method:De-
terminating Parameters as tHcy、Lp(a)and FPG in the g roups of normal control(n=68), diabetes non-CHD(n=49)and diabetes CHD(n=38), computing insulin
sensitivity index(ISI).Results:T he concentra tions of tHcy and Lp(a)in diabetes
CHD groups we re significantly higher than no-CHD(P<0.01), The concent rations
of tHcy and Lp(a)in diabetes CHD groups is negatively correla ted significantly with
ISI(r=-0.342 , P<0.05;r=-0.412 , P<0.05), and the concent rations of tHcy
and Lp(a)in diabetes non-CHD groups werent correlated(r=-0.211 ,P>0.05;r=-0.283 , P>0.05).Conclusion:The concent rations of plasma tHcy and Lp(a)in
diabetes CHD patientsn were significant ly higher , and rela ted with insulin resistance
Key words:Type 2 diabetes;Coronary heart disease;Total homocys-
teine;Lipoprotein(a);Insulin resistance