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Distribution Patterns of Ground Moss Species and Its Relationships with Environmental Factors in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China

The relationships of 42 species of ground moss with six environmental factors in 41 sites on Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve were analyzed. Four site groups and four groups of ground moss ecological species were identified using the method of Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). The results of Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) showed that altitude, soil sand content, soil acidity, forest canopy coverage and soil water content are the five major environmental factors influencing the distributional patterns of the moss species. The four groups of ecological species, which correspond well with the four site groups, are projected on the species-environment biplot of DCCA. Group 1 dominated in the bogs of Larix olgensis forest, group 2 in the alpine tundra, group 3 in the dense conifer forest, and group 4 mainly in the Betula ermanii community and the Betula ermanii-Larix olgensis forest in sub-alpine respectively.

郭水良1,2  曹同1

(1. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,沈阳110015;"# 浙江师范大学生命与环境科学学院,金华321004)

摘要:对长白山自然保护区 41个样地中的 42种主要地表藓类分布与 6种重要环境因子间的关系进行了定量研究。应用双向指示种分析法 (TWINSPAN)发现调查的 41个样地可分成 4个样地组 ,42种地面藓类可分成 4种藓类群。应用除趋势典范对应分析 (DCCA)的研究结果表明 ,海拨高度、土壤含砂量、土壤酸度、林冠层郁闭度、土壤含水量是 5个影响 42种地表藓类分布格局的主要环境因子 ,在DCCA排序图上 ,显示出藓类群与样地类型良好的对应性 ,藓类群 1~ 4分别在落叶松 (Larixolgensis)沼泽地、高山苔原、暗针叶林、亚高山岳桦 (Betulaermanni)林和岳桦 落叶松林中占优势。

关键词: 藓类植物;长白山;生态分布;除趋势典范对应分析

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