Preliminary study on tree death of Korean pine-deciduous mixed forest of Changbai Mountain Tree Species Diversity and DBH Diversity of the Secondary Forests on the North Slope of Changbai Mountains Effect of Liberation Cutting on the Vegetation Carbon Storage of Korean Pine Forests by Planting Conifer and Reserving Broad-leaved Tree in Changbai Mountains of China Studies on identif icat ion of Rhodila sachalinens is by1HNMR f ingerprintsin dif ferent Changbai mountain regions Carbon Supply Status in the Betula ermanii in Changbai Mountain Seasonal Dynamics and Influence Factor of Root Respiration of Fraxinus mandushurica in the Changbai Mountain The Correlation Between the Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and the Vegetation Succession of the Ecosystems in Different Climatic Zones of China Flora analysis of riparian plant communities on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain Rare and threathened polypores in the ecosystem of Changbaishan Nature Reserve of Northeastern China GIS and RS determination of abiotic range of forest landscape distribution in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve Analysis on factors affecting net primary productivity distribution in Changbai Mountain based on process model for landscape scale Simulation of temporal-spatial variation characteristics of surface runoff in Changbai Mountain based on process model for landscape scale Ecosystem productivity process model for landscape based on remote sensing and surface data α diversity of communities and their variety along altitude gradient on northern slope of Changbai Mountain Potential response of major tree species to climate warming in Changbai Mountain,Northeast China Analysis of environmental gradient and community of forest-swamp ecotone in Changbai Mountains Eco-value level assessment of broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain Improvement of algorithm for TEMCF in evaluation of daily mean temperature in mountainous districts Evaluation on the influence of natural forest protection program on forest ecosystem service function in changbai mountain Specific leaf area and its influencing factors of forests at different succession stages in Changbai Mountains Conservation effectiveness of broadleaved korean pine forest in Changbai Mt. based on C-Plan systematic conservation planning software The Seed Bank in Logging Gaps in Populus davidiana Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain Influence of road utilization on plant and soil in road effect zone in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve The influence of Gap regeneration dynamics to early-spring herb in the Korean pine broad leaved forests in Changbai Mountain Boundary form effects of timberline ecotone on colonization of woody plants and timberline dynamics in Changbai Mountain Distribution Patterns of Ground Moss Species and Its Relationships with Environmental Factors in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China A preliminary study on fine root biomass and dynamics of woody plants in several major forest communities of Changbai Mountain, China Faunal Composition and Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Cerambycidae in Changbai Mountain Reserve Gap Characteristics and Disturbance Regime in a Dark Coniferous Forest in Changbai Mountain Areas The Decomposition and Nutrient Content of Fallen Woods in the Moss-Pinus koraiensis Dark-Conifer Forest at North Slope of Changbai Mountain Effects of warming onmineral element contents in leaves of dominant species and in soils in Changbai Mountain tundra Spatio-temporal variation of vegetation and analysis of its driving factors in Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve Impact of tree harvesting on the population structure and dynamics of Pinus koraiensis (Pinaceae) Forest multi-target management planning of Lushuihe Forestry Bureau Characteristics of plant species diversity in a windthrow area on Changbai Mountain after 26 years of natural recovery Assessment of the endangered status and conservation priorities for plants in the alpine tundra of Changbai Mountain Spatial patterns of a treeline Betula ermanii Cham. population on the north slope of Changbai Mountain Seasonal dynamics and resorption efficiencies of foliar nutrients in three dominant woody plants that grow at the treeline on Changbai Mountain Seasonal variations of nitrogen flux and composition in a wet deposition forest ecosystem on Changbai Mountain Vascular Plant Resources and Their Diversity in Changbai Mountains Impact of alpine snowpacks on primary productivity in Rhododendron aureum community in Changbai Mountain, China Researches on litterfall decomposition rates and model simulating of main species in various forest vegetations of Changbai Mountains,China Researches on nutrient return of litterfall in the alpine tundra ecosystem of Changbai Mountains Spatial variations in nutrient accumulations within the tundra zone on Changbai Mountain Canonical correspondence analysis on relationship of herbs with their environments on northern slope of Changbai Mountain Applicability of daytime downward longwave radiation parameterized models in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Woody plant species composition and community structure in residual fragments of broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forests in Changbai Mountains area. N and P stoichiometric traits of plant and soil in different forest succession stages in Changbai Mountains. Composition and seasonal dynamics of seed rain in broad-leaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest, Changbai Mountain Seasonal dynamics of litter accumulation in major forest communities on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China Influence of Overstory on Seasonal Variability of Understory Herbs in Primary Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest of Changbai Mountain Quantitative Study of Conservation Priority of the Rare and Threatened Ornamental Plants in Changbai Mountains Spatial scaling of net primary productivity based on process model in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve Discovery of a moss family Schistostegaceae in Changbai Mountain, China Short-term death dynamics of trees in natural secondary poplar-birch forest in Changbai Mountains of Northeast China. Distribution pattern of neutral sugar in forest soils along an altitude gradient in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Temporal and spatial analysis of forest biomass in Changbai Mountains, Heilongjiang, China Effects of snow cover on soil temperature in broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountains. Relationship between tree-ring chronology of Larix olgensis in Changbai Mountains and the climae change Impact of logging on carbon density of broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forests on Changbai Mountains Preliminary Study of the Evaluation System of Precious and Endangered Wild Officinal Plants in Changbai Mountains Regeneration Dynamics of Logging Gaps in Populus davidianaBetula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain Evaluation Wild Wood Use Plants in Changbai Mountains Area Fine root biomass and its depth distribution across the primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved forest and its secondary forests in Changbai Mountain,northeast China The Markov model analysis of landscape dynamic: A case researches in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve Co-occurrence of plant species among communities with changes in altitudes on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain Height niche of some tree species in the Korean pine broad leaved forest on Changbai Mountain Regeneration dynamics of tree species in gaps of Korean pine broad-leaved mixed forest in Changbai Mountains Characteristics of gap in Korean pine broad-leaved forests in Changbai mountain STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF A TEMPERATE DECIDU OUS CONIFER MIXED FOREST IN CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN * Medicinal Plant Resources and Their Diversity in Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve Study on Regeneration Niche Metrics Based on Ecostate-Ecorole Theory Effect of Site Types on Carbon Storage of Natural White Birch Forest Ecosystem in Changbai Mountains, Northeast China SOIL RESPIRATION IN BROAD-LEAVED AND KOREAN PINE FOREST ECOSYSTEMS, CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN, CHINA Canonical Correspondence Analysis on Relationship of Woody Plants With Their Environments on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain Application of land use model CLUE-S in the planning of surrounding the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve The functional traits of forests at different succession stages and their relationship to terrain factors in Changbai Mountains Analysis of the process and impacts of Deyeuxia angustifolia Invasion on the Alpine Tundra, Changbai Mountain STUDIES ON THE SPECIES RICHNEES AND COMPOSITION OF TREE-PATHOGENIC MICROFUNGI IN CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN GAS EXCHANGE OF RHODIOLA SACHALINENSIS ON CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN

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