The genetic variations of four ginseng populations (32 individuals) were confirmed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and 46.1% polymorphic sites were detected, which proved that the genetic diversity level in the garden ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) was relatively high. The diversity coefficient (DC) values of the five populations, i.e., the first-class ginsengs, the third-class ginsengs, the Biantiao (BT) 59 ginsengs, the Beijing ginsengs and P. quinquefolium ranged from the highest in the third-class ginsengs (0.4169) to the relatively lower in the first-class ginsengs (0.2565), then to the lowest in BT59 ginsengs (0.1881). It is proved that the way and the number of generations of selection were very important to purify ginseng population. According to the pairwise differentiation values of all populations, the proportion of diversity coefficient (PDC) values (1.77%) between BT59 ginsengs and the first-class ginsengs was the lowest, that (12.77%) between BT59 ginsengs and third-class ginsengs was moderate, and that (42.01%) between BT59 ginsengs and the Beijing ginsengs was the most significant. The first-class ginsengs and BT59 ginsengs were combined firstly in the dendrogram constructed from the PDC values, followed by the order of the third-class ginsengs, Beijing ginsengs, and P. quinquefolium. The author‘s results were consistent with those of the previous agronomic studies and these data can provide a basis for cultivation and breeding of ginseng.
马小军1* 汪小全2 徐昭玺1 肖培根1 洪德元2
(1. 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学药用植物研究所,北京100094;
2. 中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室,北京100093)
摘要:用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记法对 4个人参 (Panaxginseng C .A .Meyer)栽培群体 32个个体进行遗传多样性分析 ,发现RAPD多态位点为 46 .1% ,证明在人参栽培群体中存在较丰富的遗传多样性。分析一路参、三路参、系选品系 5 9号、北京参等 4个人参栽培群体和 1个西洋参 (P .quinquefolium L .)群体的遗传分化指数值表明 ,三路参变异量最大 (0 .416 9) ,一路参降为 0 .2 5 6 5 ,边条参系选品系 5 9号最低为 0 .1881,表明选择方式和选择代数的纯化作用十分显著。分析栽培群体的遗传关系发现 :系选 5 9号与一路参的遗传分化最小 (1.77% )。系选 5 9号与三路参次之 (13.77% ) ,系选 5 9号与北京参最显著 (42 .0 1% )。遗传分化指数比率值聚类图将系选 5 9号和一路参最先聚类 ,然后依次与三路参、北京参、西洋参聚类 ,这一关系符合以往的研究结果。
关键词: 人参;栽培群体;遗传关系;RAPD遗传分化指数比率
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