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Cytological Study on Acorus L. in Southwestern China, with Some Cytogeographical Notes on A. calamus

Chromosome counts of three Acorus species ( A. calamus L., A. tatarinowii Schott and A. gramineus Soland.) were performed in the Southwestern China. Both A. tatarinowii and A. gramineus shared the same chromosome numbers 2n=24. Populations of A.calamus in South and Southwestern Yunnan are tetraploids (2n=44) while those in the central and northwestern Yunnan being hexaploids (2n=66). The hexaploids are reported here for the first time. Attention was drawn to the ploidy pattern in A.calamus . It seems that the hexaploids were evolved from their ancestors during the early Tertiary as an impact of orogenesis of the Himalayas.

王红 李文丽 顾志建* 陈永燕

摘要:通过对中国西南部3种菖蒲属(Acorus L.)植物(菖蒲A.calamus L.、石菖蒲A.tatarinowii Schott和金钱蒲A.gramineus Soland.)的细胞学研究,发现分布在云南及四川的9个菖蒲居群中,有5个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=44),4个居群为六倍体(2n=6x=66)。其中四倍体见于滇南及川西南;六倍体见于滇中及滇西北,并为首次报道。在云南及贵州分布的石菖蒲及金钱蒲5个居群均为二倍体。讨论了菖蒲分布区从二倍体、三倍体、四倍体和六倍体4种不同倍性居群的分布规律和可能的演化关系,六倍体居群的产生很可能与喜马拉雅造山运动有关。

关键词: 菖蒲属;菖蒲;细胞学;细胞地理;中国西南部

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