作 者 :SONG Zhan-Qian, LIANG Zhi-Qin, LIU Xing
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1998年 6期
Keywords:Pinus, P.bungeana, Oleoresin, Chemotaxonomy,
The chemical characteristrics of oleoresin from Pinus bungeana Zucc. was stud-
ied. It contains 25 contents. The amount of its monoterpenes is about 47.0% and that of β-
pinene is as high as 24.8%. The chemical compositions of oleoresins of 16 species from sub-
gen. Strobus and subgen. Pinus were also analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The amounts of
isopimaric acid, palustric acid/levopimaric acid, lambertianic acid and abietic acid in P.
bungeana oleorensin differ from that of subgen. Strobus, and is similar to that of subgen.
Pinus .