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A Classification Synopsis of the Genus Dryopteris from Yunnan

The  genus Dryopteris of the Dryopteridaceae is one of the largest gen-
era in pteridophytes, which contains about 300 species and is distributed through-
out the world. There are about 200 species of this genus in China, of which at
least 88 are present in Yunnan.
     In this paper, the author presents a classification synopsis of the genus
Subg. I    Pycnopteris (T. Moore )Ching    1 species
Subg. II.   Dryopteris
Sect. 1.   Hirtipedes Fraser-Jenkins       19 species
Sect. 2.    Pandae Fraser-Jenkins          1 species
Sect. 3.   Fibrillosae Ching               18 species
Sect. 4.   Chrysocomae S. G. Lu            7 species
Sect. 5.   Caespitosae S.G.Lu              5 species
Sect. 6.   Pallidae Fraser- Jenkins         10 species
Sect. 7.   Marginatae Fraser-Jenkins       7 species
Sect. 8.   Splendentes Fraser- Jenkins       2 species
Sect. 9.   Purpurascentes Fraser- Jenkins    1 species
 Sect. 10.  Nephrocystis H. I tô             3 species
 Subg. llI.  Erythrovariae (H. I tô ) Fraser-Jenkins, emend. S.G. Lu
 Sect. 11.   Erythrovariae                  11 species
 Sect. 12.   Variae Fraser- Jenkins          3 species
     A key to these groups is given and all the species are enumerated in the pres-
 ent paper.

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