作 者 :张桂萍,张峰,茹文明
期 刊 :生态学报 2008年 28卷 1期 页码:407~415
Keywords:subalpine meadow, plant diversity, life form functional groups, tourism disturbance, Lishan, Shunwangping,
摘 要 :历山是国家级自然保护区,也是山西省自然保护区中面积最大、物种资源最丰富的自然保护区。运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合方差分析研究了旅游干扰对历山舜王坪亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响及其变化规律。结果表明:(1)随着距游径距离的增加,不同样带主要科、属、种的数量均有所上升,毛茛科所含种数增加幅度较大,菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科所含种数变化幅度较小。(2)不同样带植物主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度均发生了不同程度的变化(p>0.05),距离游径越远,主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越大;伴人植物则表现出相反的变化趋势,即距离游径越远,伴人植物的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄)。(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%。随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定。(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平 (p>0.05)。鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸植物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用。
Abstract:Lishan Mountain is located in the eastern of Zhongtiao Ranges bordering Qinshui county, Yangcheng county, Yicheng county and Yuanqu county in Shanxi. It is at 35°16′-35°27′N, 111°51′-112°30′E, and belongs to warm-temperate continental monsoon climate zone. Lishan Provincial Natural Reserve was authorized by Shanxi Provincial Peoples Government in 1983, and Lishan National Natural Reserve was designated by the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China in 1988. It is the largest natural reserve (248km2) and with the richest wildlife resources in all natural reserves in Shanxi. Shunwangping subalpine meadow is at 2358m above sea level and is the highest peak in Lishan Natural Reserve. It consists mainly of xero-mesophyte or mesophyte, which includes mainly Festuca rubra, Carex subpediformis, C. heterostachya, Poa annua, Fragaria orientalis, Sanguisorba officinalis, Ranunculus japonicus, Polygonum viviparum, Gentiana macrophylla et al. Because of the abundant natural and cultural scenery, it has increasingly attracted tourists. With the rapid development of tourism, however, its vegetation resource has been damaged to some degrees owing to the unreasonable exploration and the imperfect management. The quadrats were set from timberline (2100m) to the top peak (2358m) in Shunwangping subalpine meadow. Four transect belts were parallel each other and were parallel with the traveling path. Following a gradient of decreasing tourism disturbance intensity, each transect was 0m, 4m, 8m and 12m, respectively, away from the traveling path. Each transect included 32 1m×1m quadrats, which were set up at 100m intervals. A total of 128 quadrats and 88 species were recorded in the field. By using richness indexes, evenness indexes and diversity indexes,the change tendency and regularity of the plant diversity of communities in Shunwangping subalpine meadow influenced by tourism interference were studied, along with ANOVA. The results were as follows: (1) The number of the families, genera, and species of the different transects increased with the increase of the distance away from the tourism path. The number of species in Ranunculaceae alternated more than that in Rosaceae, Compositae and Gramineae. (2) In spite of the variation of the relative coverage, the relative height and the relative density of main dominants were not significant (p>005), the regularity of variation showed that the distance away from traveling path corresponded to higher relative coverage, height and density of the dominant species. However, the change trend for the relative coverage, the relative height and the relative density of the companion species showed inverse trend. For example, the Polygonum aviculare distributed only in Transect I, and was absent in Transect II, Transect III, Transect IV. (3)For the functional groups of life form, the permanent plant was accounting for about 80% in the total, which was more than that of therophyte and shrub (accounting for 20%) totally. With the increase of tourism interference, the proportion of therophyte raised, the proportion of permanent plant inclined, and the proportion of shrub was constant relatively. (4) The result of diversity indices indicated that the richness indices and the diversity indices raised, and the evenness indices declined with the increase of the distance away from the traveling path. The difference was not significant (p>005)by using ANOVA. It suggests that the tourism interference has not resulted in serious influence on plant diversity in Lishan subalpine meadow. Based on the disturbance degree of tourism on plant diversity in Lishan subalpine meadow, some management strategies are proposed for the development of tourism and for plant resource conservation and its utilization.
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