作 者 :奇凯,张春雨,侯继华,赵秀海*
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 18期 页码:5106~5112
Keywords:herbaceous species diversity, interspecific associations, Pinus tabulaeformis forest on sandy site,
摘 要 :研究了赤峰市天然沙地油松林草本植物群落物种多样性以及种间关联动态。在200m×200m的样地中,设置100个1m×1m草本样方,2009年6-9月份每月底调查样方内所有草本植物物种、多度、高度及盖度。分析结果表明,6-9月份共调查到草本植物32种,隶属于16科,24属。用多项指标进行物种多样性的测度,8月份草本植物物种数、丰富度最高。6、7月份草本植物群落的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数最大,9月份最小。通过方差比率法(VR)和χ2检验的计算,对草本群落总体关联性和草本群落种间关联进行分析。结果表明,草本植物群落总体关联性在8月份为正关联,其它月份(6、7、9月份)均为负关联。6-9月份,草本植物群落总体关联性程度逐渐降低,由负相关逐渐变为不显著相关。群落总体相关性不显著,说明群落中物种间虽然存在一定联系,但仍然存在独立的分布格局。某一草本群落总体关联性随时间变化是在不断改变的,并不是单一的从负相关到正相关,或从相关到不相关。群落整体关联性随着生境的改变而发生变化。分析每月都出现的20个物种的种间关联,结果显示,6-9月份草本植物正负联结比值变动范围为0.379-0.558;4个监测月份中负联结种对数均大于正联结种对数。6-9月份草本物种对之间的关联性也在随时间发生变化,说明随着群落内物种动态发育,群落组成在不同时期出现此消彼长的动态变化,不同物种的群落功能及相互关系也将发生改变,进而影响物种种间联结性。植物种对的正联结体现了植物利用资源的相似性和生态位的重叠性,植物种对的负联结体现了物种间的排斥性,这是长期适应不同微环境,利用不同空间资源的结果,也是生态位分离的反映。
Abstract:The monthly changes of species diversity and interspecific associations of herbaceous layer were studied in a Pinus tabulaeformis forest located on sandy site in Chifeng.The objective of the study was to obtain a better understanding of the structure and the successional dynamics of herbaceous species in that forest.The results of the study should provide a reference for scientific management,biological protection and sustainable utilization, especially a theory basis relating to maintain the natural structure and function and accelerated restoration of degenerated ecological system of Pinus tabulaeformis forests on sandy sites. Altogether 100 sample plots of 1 m×1 m were systematically distributed in a 4 hm2 experimental area. In each of these plots, the abundance, coverage and individual height of each herbaceous plant were assessed at regular monthly intervals from June to September in 2009.Up to 32 herbaceous species, which belong to 16 families and 24 genera, were investigated in this research.A range of different indices were used to define the biodiversity of the community.The number of species and the Gleason index were the greatest in August.The Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Evenness index were greatest in June and July, while the lowest values were found in September. In order to analyze the relationships among the species, including the overall association and the interspecific association in the herb community, a series of techniques, including analysis of variance and the χ2 test, were used.The overall association among herbaceous plants was positive in August, but negative in June, July and September. The overall association strength among herbaceous species gradually decreased from June to September, and changed from negative to non-significant associations.The non-significant overall associations of the herbaceous species indicated that there was a certain link among the herbaceous species,but the independent distribution patterns still existed.The overall association of a certain herbaceous community was constantly changing with time,there was no single change from negative association to positive association,or from correlation to noncorrelation. The overall association of a certain herbaceous community was constantly changing with time. there was no single change from negative to positive association, or from significant to non-significant correlation. The overall association among the community varied with changes in habitat, involving changes in moisture or radiation. An interspecific association analysis of the herb species presented for every month, revealed that the ratios of positive to negative associations ranged from 0.379 to 0.558 in our investigation period (from June to September). The number of species pairs with a negative association was larger than that with positive associations in each month of the investigation period. In our investigation period, the interspecific associations between species pairs were also changing with time. This is an indication that with the dynamic development of the different species during the growing season, the community composition has changed dynamically. The decline of one species leading to the improved growth of another. The community functioning and the relationship among the different species also changed during the observation period. These changes had an influence on the interspecific associations. A positive association in a particular species pair indicates similar resource usage and niche overlapping. A negative association in a species pair indicates repellency between the two species, which may be the result of long-term adaption to different environments, different resource usage, and which may explain the niche separation.
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