Genetic structure and phylogeography of populations of Alsophila podophylla in Hainan and Guangdong, southern China, based on cpDNA trnL-F noncoding sequences
Abstract:Alsophila podophylla Hook is a large perennial herbaceous fern species belonging to family Cyatheaceae in taxonomy. In this research, population genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of the species were inferred from variations of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trnL-F noncoding sequences. 9 natural populations were sampled, locating at Jian Feng Ling (HNJFL), Wu Zhi Shan (HNWZS), and Diao Luo Shan (HNDLS) in Hainan Province, as well as Gui Keng (ZQDHG), Ji Feng Lin (ZQDHJ), Da Chong (FKHDC), Du Tian (FKH...