Analysis of Genetic Structure of Magnolia sprengeri Populations Based on ISSR Markers Study on Population Genetic Structure in Castanopsis fargesii with Microsatellite Markers Advances in Research of the Malus sieversii (Lebed.)Roem. Advances in Research of the Malus sieversii (Lebed.)Roem. Analysis of Genetic Structure and Genetic Relationships of Partial Maize Inbred Lines in China A Preliminary Study on Genetic Structure of Liaodong Oak (Quercus liaotungensis) Populations in Dry and Moist Habitats and It‘s Adaptive Implications Analysis of genetic diversity of wild banana(Musa itinerans) in Minjiang watershed by ISSR The research of botanical classification of local pepper varieties “shuanla”and“que la”in Yunnan Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of an Endangered Species: Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Genetic Structure Analyses Based on Fluorescent-AFLP Markers of Wild Populations of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim in Heilongjiang Provinc Adaptation Evolutionary Mechanism of Ex-situ Conserved Small Population of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei Spatial Genetic Structure of A Sympatric Population of Castanea mollissima and Castanea henryi Plant community assembly rules across a subalpine grazing gradient in western Sichuan, China Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) in Beijing Region GENETIC DIVERSITIES OF FOUR JUGLANS POPULATIONS REVEALED BY AFLP IN SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA Influence of environmental factors on phylogenetic structure at multiple spatial scales in an evergreen broad-leaved forest of China Genetic structure of Hucho taimen (Pallas) from Heilongjiang River as inferred from mtDNA sequence Genetic structure and population variation of satellite DNAβ associated with Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus in Nicotiana glutinosa Analysis of Genetic Diversity between Island and Mainland Natural Populations of Chenopodium album L. in Dalian Area by ISSR Polymorphism analysis of endangered Notopterygium incisum and endemic species based on cpDNA trnT-trnL sequences Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure among Local Chinese Cherry Varieties [Cerasus pseudocerasus (Lindl.) G.Don] Based on ITS Sequence Landscape genetics:principles and its applications for the genetic effects of habitat fragmentation Clonality and its population genetic conseuqneces in seagrasses PLANT MATING SYSTEM AND ITS EVOLUTIONARY MECHANISM IN RELATION TO POPULATION ADAPTATION Allozymic Genetic Diversity in Eurycorymbus caraleriei (Levl.) Hand.-Mazz., an Endemic and Dioecious Tree in China Genetic Diversity of Toona ciliata from Different Provenances Based on Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) Markers Genetic Diversity of Taiwania cryptomerioides Detected by ISSR Analysis Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure in Natural Populations of Castanopsis hystrix from Its Main Distribution in China Analysis of the Genetic Structure of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary Populations from Different Regions and Host Plants by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers Phylogenetic clustering and overdispersion for alpine plants along elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains Region, southwest China Molecular phylogeography and conservation genetics of Sladenia celastrifolia inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation Detecting molecular signatures of natural selection in Morus alba populations from trans-Himalaya Substitution of Hainan indigenous genetic lineage in the Utsat people, exiles of the Champa kingdom Phylogenetics of early branching eudicots: comparing phylogenetic signal across plastid introns, spacers, and genes Effect of sampling strategy on estimation of fine-scale spatial genetic structure in Androsace tapete (Primulaceae), an alpine plant endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Two genetically distinct units of Sinomanglietia glauca (Magnoliaceae) detected by chloroplast PCR-SSCP Research advances in plant community assembly mechanisms Analysis on the Population Genetic Diversity of an Endangered Plant (Elaeagnus mollis) by SSR Markers ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Endanged Plant Pseudotsuga gaussenii Flous Preliminary Studies on Genetic Diversity and Clonal Structure of Heleocharis valleculosa f. setosa Populations in Poyang Lake Small-scale spatial patterns of genetic structure in Castanopsis eyrei populations based on autocorrelation analysis in the Tiantai Mountain of Zhejiang Province Genetic structure of Pine caterpillars (Dendrolimus )populations based on the analysis of Cyt b gene sequences SRAP Markers for Population Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity in Malus sieversii from Xinjiang, China Sequence Analysis of Nuclear DNA  JRD5680 for Determining Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure Analysis of Common Walnut(Juglans regia L.) Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae) by RAPD ISSR Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of Relic Plant Bretschneidera sinensis from Wuyishan Region Analysis on genetic diversity and genetic structure among three types of Coptis chinensis by ISSR Population genetic structure and its variation of rice blast fungus in long-grained nonglutinous rice growing regions in Sichuan SEED PROTEIN DIVERSITY OF CARAGANA POPULATIONS IN MAOWUSU SANDY GRASSLAND AND ITS BIOLOGICAL IMPLICATION Genetic structure of the geographical populations of tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Fujian, China Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Lycoris radiata Using ISSRMarker SNP Analysis of Six Nuclear Gene Fragments for Studying Population Genetics of Oryza granulata from China Genetic and Epigenetic Variation in the Cytotype Mixture Population of Actinidia chinensis STUDY ON POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE GEOGRAPHICAL PROVENANCE OF POPULUS EUPHRATlCA OLIV. AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT Spatial Genetic Structure of Toona ciliata var. pubescens Populations in Terms of Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Soybean Cultivar Population Released in Northeast China Genetic Diversity Analysis of 41 Pansy Germplasms Based on RSAP Markers Study on population genetic diversity of Camellia japonica in 5 islands between China and Japan SRAP Analysis on the Effect of Geographic Isolation on Population Genetic Structure of Populus davidiana in Tibetan-inhabited Regions in Southwest China A REVIEW ON UNDERSTANDING THE GENETIC STRUCTURE OF POPULATION The Influence of Insular Geographical Isolation on Population Genetic Structure of Camellia japonica Spatial Autocorrelation of Genetic Structure in a Population of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Huangshan, Anhui Spatial autocorrelation of genetic structure of Prunus padus population in broadleaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains. Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Beauveria bassiana in northern China. Genetic Diversity of Platycladus orientalis Provenances Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationship of Juglans regia Wild and Domesticated Populations in Qinling Mountains Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences Analysis on genetic diversity and genetic structure among three typesof Coptis chinensis by ISSR A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE AND BREEDING SYSTEM BETWEEN BUTOMUS UMBELLATUS AND LIMNOCHARIS FLAVA (BUTOMACEAE) Preliminary Study on SSR Analysis in Natural Populations of Actinidia Population Genetic Structure and Variation of Endangered Cercidiphyllum japonicum in Shennongjia Area: The Mountain Barrier to Gene Flow Genetic differentiation of Wolffia globosa in China Analysis of Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Castanopsis fargesii by RAPDs Genetic diversity of Gnetum parvifolium of Fujian by ISSR Markers A STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AMONG MASSON PINE NATURAL POPULATIONS BY ISOZYME DISTRIBUTIONS IN DAIYUN MOUNTAIN AREA OF FUJIAN PROVINCE Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Glechoma longituba Genetic Diversity Analysis on Rhodoleia championii Wild Populations Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Chenopodium album L. Populations in Four Natural Islands of South of Changdao,Shandong Province by ISSR ISSR Analysis on the Population Genetic Structure of Camellia japonica of Japanese Islands Analysis on the Population Genetic Diversity of Endangered Shrub Reaumuria trigyna by ISSR Markers Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Arceuthobium sichuanense

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