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Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Xizang(II)


全 文 :第 24 卷 第 3 期             植   物   研   究 2004 年 7 月
Vol.24 No.3            BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH July  2004
第一作者简介:张宪春(1965—),男 ,研究员 ,从事蕨类植物系统分类学研究。
张宪春1  沈哲昊2  董仕勇1
(1.中国科学院植物研究所 ,北京 100093)
(2.北京大学环境科学学院 ,北京 100871)
摘 要 报道了 8种蕨类植物为西藏新记录 ,并讨论了西藏蕨类植物的区系特点和分类问题 。
关键词 蕨类植物;西藏;区系特点;新记录
Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Xizang(II)
ZANG Xian-Chun1 SHEN Zhe-Hao2 DONG Shi-Yong1
(1.Institute of Bo tany , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100093)
(2.Department of Ecology , College of Environmental Sciences , Peking University , Beijing 100871)
Abstract Eight species of pteridophy tes mainly f rom the tropical area of SE Xizang are reported here
as new reco rds , and wi th some discussions of the f lo ristic characters and taxonomy problems of the
pteridof lo ra of Xizang.
Key words pteridophy tes;Xizang;florist ic characters;new records
1 Floristic Characters of the Tibetan Pteridoflora
Xizang (Tibet)is a fascinating plateau no rth of
the giant Himalayas.Its special flora has at tracted
the interests of many botanists , as early as in 1902 ,
Hemsley published the “Flora of T ibet o r High Asi-
a” , in w hich only one species of pteridophy tes w as
recorded under the name of “Polypodium hasta-
tum” .It w as later discovered to be a new species ,
Neocheiropteris wal tonii Ching[ 1] .This peculiar
species and a few similar species f rom the high alti-
tudes , formerly known as “ Lepisorus clathratus” ,
are now recognised as a distinct , Himalayan-Huang-
duan M t.endemic genus , Platygyria Ching &S.
K.Wu[ 2] .They are very dist inct ive Polypodiaceae
plants , the sporangium w ith an unusually w ide an-
nulus , which are not observed in o ther g roups of
Polypodiaceae , otherwise those species are very close
to Lepisorus , especially to L .clathratus group[ 3] .
The pteridophy tes of Xizang are so interesting
but no much w orks have been done until 1983 ,
Ching and his colleagues published the fi rst compre-
hensive t reatment of the pteridophytes f rom Xizang
in Flora Xizangica[ 4] .A to tal of 470 species and in-
fraspecific taxa are recorded in this flora.In 1984 ,
Ching &Y.X .Ling[ 5 ,6] added 45 additional taxa as
supplements , later tw o species of Antrophyum , and
22 species of various groups w ere recorded from
Xizang[ 7 ,8] .Recently , Dr.Shen Zhe-Hao of Peking
University conducted an ecological study in the fern
rich county , Medog of SE Xizang , seven collections
turn out to be species unknown to Xizang before.
Medog perhaps is the most rich place in ferns in
Xizang , and in China , as well as in the wo rld , situ-
ated in the monsoon area adjacent to Assam of Indi-
a , this region receive the highest annual rainfall ,
where rain forests develop in the deep valleys w ith
abundant t ropical pteridophytes.Among the Xizang
flora , a large proportion of is f rom this county .
Medog is still the last county of this country without
bus w ay , and still mo re new finding are expected
from this region.
So far , 547 taxa belonging to 126 genera of 45
families[ 9] have been reported f rom Xizang.It must
be stated that this number is not the def inite number
of the f lora , since the taxonomy of the ferns in the
Himalayas is st ill very confusing
[ 10] , the number
may be changed a lo t at the end.Some species might
be o r have already been reduced from this list by in-
depth reversionary w orks such as Flora Republicae
Popularis Sinicae[ 11] , and also new taxa may be
added with new collections and researches.
2 Enumeration of species
2.1 Selaginellaceae
Selaginel la bisulcata Spring
M onogr.Lycopod.II , Mém.Acad.Roy .
Sci.Belgique 24:259.1850;Baishya & R.R.
Rao , Ferns and Fern-allies of Meghalaya State , In-
dia 25.1982;Baker , Handb.Fern-Allies:107.
1887;R.D.Dixit , Cens.Indian Pterid.11.1984;
Tagaw a & K .Iw ats., Fl.Thailand 3(1)27.
1979;Alston , Bull.Fan Mem.Inst.Biol.5:287.
1934;R.D.Dixit , Selag .India 73 , f.36 , pl.37.
1992;N .Thapa , Pterid.Nepal 25.2002.———
Lycopodioides bisulcata Kuntze , Revis.Gen.Pl.
1:826.1891.Type:Grif fith (K), Assam.
Selaginel la bisulcata var.spinulosa Spring ,
Monogr.Lycopod.II , Mém.Acad.Roy .Sci.Bel-
gique 24:260.1850.Xizang , Medog , Shen Z.H.
S6-2(PE), alt .1850 m , in evergreen broad-leaved
Distribution: China (Sichuan , Yunnan ,
Xizang).Bhutan , Upper Burma , India (Assam ,
Khasia , Shillong , Sikkim , Darjeeling), E.Nepal ,
Thailand , Vietnam and Java.
2.2 Dennstaedtiaceae
(1)Microlepia firma Mett.ex Kuhn
Linnaea 36:146.1869;Tagawa &K.Iwats.,
Fl.Thailand 3(1):116 , f.7-4.1979.Microlepia
hirta sensu C.Chr., Contr.U.S.Nat.Herb.26:
332.1931.Xizang , Medog , Shen Z.H.S11-2(PE)
Distribut ion:China (Yunnan , Xizang);Upper
Myanmar , India.Type from E.Himalaya.
(2)Microlepia speluncae (L.)T .Moore
Index.Fil.93.1857;Tardieu &C.Chr.in Lecomte ,
Fl.Gén.Indo-Chine 7(2):99.1938;Holttum , Fl.
Malaya 2 , Ferns Malaya 314.1954;Ching & al.in
Chun & Chien , Fl.Reipubl.Popul.Sin.2:243.
1959;Tagaw a &K .Iwats., Fl.Thailand 3(1):118 ,
f.7-7.1979;N.Thapa , Pterid.Nepal:83.2002.
———Polypodium speluncae L., Sp.Pl.2:1093.
1753.Xizang:Medog , Shen Z.H.S11-1(PE)
Distribut ion:China (Taiw an , Hainan , Yan-
nan , Xizang).Pantropical in distribution.
2.3 Monachosoriaceae
Monachosorum subdigitatum (Blume)Kuhn
Kuhn , Chaetopt.25.1882;Holttum , Fl.
Malaya rev.ed.2:633.1966;G .B.Nair &U .
Sen , Ann.Bot .(London)38:749-756 , Figs 1-
58.1974;N .Thapa , Pterid.Nepal , 79.2002.
———Aspidium subdigitatum Blume , Enum.Pl.
Javae 171.1828.———Polypodium subdigitatum
Blume , Fl.Javae Filic.196 , t.93.1829;C.B.
Clarke , Trans.Linn.Soc.II , Bo t.1:546 , t.80 ,
f.2.1880.———Gymnogramma subdigitatum
Keyserl., Polyp.Herb.Bunge 31.1873.———
Phegopteris subdigitatum Bedd., Handb.Ferns
Brit .Ind.295.1883.———Anogramma subdigi ta-
ta Backer & Posth., Varenfl.Java 155.1882.
Type:Blume(L), Mt .Burag rang.
Monachosorum daval lioides Kunze , Bo t.
Zeitung (Berlin)6:119.1848;Ching & Y .X.
Lin , Acta Phyto tax.Sin.22(3):196.1984.———
Polypodium daval lioides Mett., Fil.Hort .Bo t.
Lips.30.1856.Type:Zollinger , Tangkuban
Monachosorum gracile Copel., Univ.Calif.
Publ.Bot.12(1931)391;Tagaw a , J.Jap.Bo t.
9:108 , f .1.1937.Type:Keysser B.27(UC).
Monachosorum henryi Christ , Bull.Herb.
Boiss.6:869.1898;Ching & al., Fl.Reipubl.
Popul.Sin.2:255 , t.20 , f .6-10.1959;K .H.
Shing in Icon.Corm.Sin.1:139 , f.278.1972;
2753 期                张宪春等:西藏蕨类植物增补(I I)
W.C.Shieh in H.L.Li & al., Fl.Taiwan 1:
253.1975.Type:Henry 10457 (holo P), Yun-
nan.Xizang , Medog , Shen Z.H.S3-1(PE)
Distribution: China (Chongqing , Hunan ,
Guangdong , Guangxi , Jiangxi , Sichuan , Taiw an ,
Yunnan , Xizang);India (Darjeeling , Sikkim , As-
sam , Khasia), Nepal , Myanmar , Vietnam , Japan ,
Sumatra , Malay Peninsula , Java , Borneo , Philip-
pines , Sulawesi , Papua New Guinea.
This species has been reported by Ching &
Ling (1984)by the name Monachosorum daval-
lioides Kunze f rom Medog .
2.4 Dryopteridaceae
Dryopteris splendens(Hook.)Kuntze
Rev.Gen.Pl.3:813.1891;Fraser-Jenk., Bull.
Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.)Bot .18(5):405 , f.41.
1989;S.K .Wu in W.T .Wang &al., Key Vasc.
Pl.Hengduan M ts.1:132.1993;et Fl.Reipubl.
Popul.Sin.5(1):178 , t .29 , f .1-4.2000.———
Nephrodium splendens Hook., Sp.Fil.4:126.
1862.———Lastrea splendens (Hook.) Bedd.,
Ferns Brit.India 1:42 , t .42.1865.———Aspidi-
um splendens (Hook.)Christ , Farnkr.Erde 259.
1897 , non Willd.1860.Type:Lectotype (Fraser-
Jenkins 1989), J.D.Hooker (lect K , isolect BM ,
E , K), Sikkim.Xizang , Medog , Shen Z.H.S-19
Distribution:China.Yunnan (Gongshan),
Xizang (Medog);India , Nepal , Bhutan.Type
from Sikkim .
2.5 Elaphoglossaceae
Elaphoglossum stelligerum (Wall.ex Baker)
T .Moore ex Alston &Bonner , Candollea 15:216.
1956;Sledge , Bull.Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.)Bot .
4:92.1967.———Acrostichum stelligerum Wall.,
List n.2167.1829 , nom .nud.;Baker in Hook.
&Baker , Syn.Fil.ed.2:521.1874.Type:Wal-
lich 2167(K , blank sheet), N .India(Darjeeling).
E laphoglossum yunnanense (Baker)C.Chr.,
Contr.U .S.Nat .Herb.26:327 , 335.1931;
Tardeiu &C.Chr.in Fl.Gén.Indo-Chine 7(2):
539.1941;Holt tum , Rev.Fl.Malaya 2:455 , f .
264.1955;Tagaw a &K .Iw ats., Fl.Thailand 3
(3):304.1988;S.H .Wu , Fl.Reipubl.Popul.
Sin.6(1):141 , t.25 , f .6-11.1999.———Acros-
tichum yunnanense Baker , Bull.Misc.Inform.
Kew 233.1898.Type:Henry , 10310(holo K , iso
MO), China , Yunnan.
Elaphoglossum viscosum auct .non J.Sm.:
Bedd., Handb.Ferns Brit.India 420 , f.250.
1883.Xizang , Medog , Shen Z.H.S14-1(PE).
Distribut ion:China (Yunnan , Xizang);N .
Vietnam (Annam), N .Thailand and N .India.
2.6 Polypodiaceae
(1)Crypsinus oxyloba (Wall.ex Kunze)Sledge
Bull.Bri t.Mus.(Nat.Hist .)Bo t.2:145.1960;
Tagaw a &K .Iwats., Fl.Thailand 3(4):559 , f.
56 ~ 6.1989.———Polypodium oxylobum Wall.,
List n.294.1828 , nom.Nud.;Kunze , Linnaea
24:255.1851;C.Chr., Contr.U .S.Nat.
Herb.26:334.1931.———Polypodium hastatum
var.oxylobum C.B.Clarke , Trans.Linn.Soc.
Lond.II., Bot.1:563.1880.———Phymatopter-
is oxyloba Pichi Serm., Webbia 28(2):464.1973;
S.G .Lu in Y.X .Lin , Fl.Reipubl.Popul.Sin.6
(2):180 , t.34 , f .7-9.2000;N .Thapa , Pterid.
Nepal.51.2002.———Phymatodes oxyloba C.
Presl ex Ching in Contr.Inst .Bot .Acad.Peiping
2(3):67.1933;Tardieu &C.Chr.In Lecomte ,
Fl.Gén.Indo-Chine 7(2):474.1941.———Phy-
matopsis oxyloba Ching , Acta Phy totax.Sin.9:
190.1964;K .H.Shing , Ic.Co rm.Sin.1:250.
1972.Type:Wallich 294 (K), Nepal.
Polypodium tri f idum D.Don , Prod.Fl.
Nepal.3.1825;Hand.-Mazz., Symb.Sin.6:
44.1929;non Hoffm.1970.Xizang , Medog , Shen
Z .H.S5-2 (PE)
China(Yunnan , Sichuan , Guangxi , Guang-
dong ,);Vietnam , Myanmar , Thailand , N .India ,
Sikkim , Nepal.
(2)Microsorium zippelii (Blume)Ching
Bull.Fan Mem .Inst.Biol.4:308.1933;Tardieu
&C.Chr.in Lecom te , Fl.Gé n.Indo-Chine 7
(2):479.1941;Holttum , Rev.Fl.Malaya 2:
176 , f .85.1955;Tagawa & K .Iw ats., Fl.
Thailand 3(4):525.1989;L.Shi in Y .X .Lin ,
Fl.Reipubl.Popul.Sin.6(2):224 , t .46 , f.1 ~
3.2000;S.P.Khullar , Ill.Fern Fl.W.Himal.
276       植  物  研  究                  24 卷
1:123 , pl.46.1994;Noot ., Blumea 2:371 , pl.
6:55 , 15:56-57.1997.———Polypodium zippl ii
Blume , Fl.Jav.Fil.172 , t.80.1929.———
Pleopelt is zippeli i T .Moore , Ind.Fil.348.1862.
———Polypodium heterocarpum var.zippel ii Baker
in Hook.& Baker , Syn.Fil.360.1868.———
Colysis zippelii J.Sm., Hist.Fil.100.1875.
———Neocheiropteris z ippeli i Bosman , Monogr.
Microsorum , Leiden Bot.Ser.14:123.1991.
Type:Zippelius (L), Java.Xizang , Medog , Shen
Z .H.S17-2 (PE)
Dist ribution:China(Guangxi , Hainan , Guizhou ,
Yunnan , Xizang).SE Asia and the Himalayas.
Acknowledgements This study was suppor ted by the
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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2773 期                张宪春等:西藏蕨类植物增补(I I)