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Phenotypic Variations in Natural Populations of Vatica mangachapoi in Hainan, China


【目的】 通过居群取样以及果实与叶片性状测定,揭示青梅居群间和居群内的表型变异规律,为其天然林保护与经营以及种质资源收集、保存与利用提供科学依据,亦为海南岛青梅种及变种的修订提供基础数据。【方法】 在全面调查海南岛青梅天然分布区的基础上,对9个天然居群133个单株的17个果实与叶片形态性状进行研究,运用巢式方差分析、多重比较、相关分析以及聚类分析等方法,探讨青梅天然居群表型多样性水平及其与地理、环境因子的相关性。【结果】 巢式方差分析结果表明,17个果实和叶片形态性状在青梅居群间和居群内均存在极显著差异 (P < 0.01),说明这些性状在居群间与居群内均存在丰富的变异; 居群内的变异 (50.57%) 远大于居群间 (11.38%),居群平均表型分化系数为18.31%;各性状的分化系数变化幅度为4.52% (叶片侧脉数) ~40.31% (果实小萼片长宽比)。相关分析表明,叶片长与叶柄长、叶片长宽比与叶片最宽处至基部的距离呈显著 (P < 0.05)或极显著(P < 0.01)正相关,果实大萼片长与叶片侧脉数、叶柄长显著负相关; 青梅果实和叶片形态性状与年均气温、年降水量相关不显著,叶片侧脉数、叶柄长与海拔呈显著正相关,而果实大萼片长与海拔呈显著负相关, 叶片侧脉数、叶片长与1月平均气温呈显著负相关。利用居群间欧式距离进行UPGMA聚类分析,将9个青梅天然居群分为3类。【结论】 应加强现存青梅天然林及其生境的保护,对于变异丰富的卡法岭等居群以及具特殊土壤生境的石梅湾居群应予以重点保护; 居群内变异是海南岛青梅居群变异的主要来源,开展种质资源收集、迁地保存与遗传改良时,可适当增加居群内个体数,减少居群取样数; 由于海南岛各青梅居群间形态性状变异幅度大,且为连续变异,本研究不支持以往发表的分布于海南岛的青梅新种和变种。

【Objective】Vatica mangachapoi is an endangered tree species distributed naturally in Hainan Island, China. Its population decreased rapidly along with heavy loss of natural forest resources and habitat fragmentation due to over-harvesting and devastating forests for arable land. Efficient strategies are urgently needed for conserving natural forest resources of this species. Moreover, the taxonomy of this species is in controversy, taxonomic status of some varieties still need to be proved. Properties of fruits and leaves were measured for trees sampled from different populations to reveal phenotypic variations within and among natural populations. The study would provide scientific evidences for conservation and management of natural forests, and collection, conservation and utilization of genetic resources of the species, and provide basic data for revision of the taxonomy of species and its varieties. 【Method】 Based on surveys of whole range of natural distribution of V. mangachapoi in Hainan Island, 17 traits of fruit and leaf morphology were investigated for 133 individuals in 9 natural populations, and level of phenotypic diversity in its natural populations was assessed, and relationship between the diversity level and geographic and environmental factors was estimated using nest design, multiple comparison test, correlation analysis and cluster analysis.【Result】The variance analysis showed significant differences in the 17 morphological traits of fruit and leaf both within and among populations, indicating abundant variation among and within populations. The within-population variation (50.57%) was far greater than the among-population variation (11.38%); and the average phenotypic population differentiation coefficient was 18.31% with a range from 4.52% for the number of lateral leaf veins to 40.31% for the length/width ratio of the short sepal. Correlation analysis revealed that there were significant positive correlations between leaf length and petiole length, leaf length/width ratio and distance from the widest position to leaf base, while the length of long fruit sepals were in significantly negative correlation with the number of lateral leaf veins and petiole length. No significant correlation was found between fruit and leaf traits and mean annual air temperature and precipitation. While there were significantly negative correlation between number of lateral vein, leaf length and mean air temperature in January, and the number of lateral veins and petiole length increased remarkably with the increment of elevation. The 9 natural populations were divided into 3 groups by UPGMA cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance calculated from phenotypic traits.【Conclusion】It is important to conserve the remaining natural forests and habitats of V. mangachapoi, and in particular, more attention need to be paid to conservation of populations with abundant variations such as Kafaling (Population 4) and populations with special soil conditions such as Shimeiwan (Population 7). Within-population variation was the main source of variation, more individual trees and fewer populations should be used for genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources. Furthermore, the findings of the present study do not support the new species and varieties in the Hainan Island which were published previously since morphological variation of fruit and leaf varied greatly and continuously, and the variation range were of considerable overlap among individuals within population and among all populations.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 2 期
2 0 1 5 年 2 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 2
Feb.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150219
收稿日期: 2014 - 09 - 26; 修回日期: 2014 - 11 - 26。
基金项目: 林业公益性行业科研专项“青皮、格木、檀香、紫檀良种选育与高效培育技术研究”(201204301-2)。
* 曾杰为通讯作者。青梅种质资源调查与收集过程中得到海南石梅湾、霸王岭、五指山、吊罗山、卡法岭、热带天堂等地林业部门的大力支
持,沙二 (云南省勐腊县林业局)、汪奕衡 (中国科学院植物研究所) 参与部分种实和标本采集工作,本所的刘丹、张迪参与果实、叶片的测量
尚帅斌 郭俊杰 王春胜 赵志刚 曾 杰
(中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所 广州 510520)
摘 要: 【目的】通过居群取样以及果实与叶片性状测定,揭示青梅居群间和居群内的表型变异规律,为其
数据。【方法】在全面调查海南岛青梅天然分布区的基础上,对 9 个天然居群 133 个单株的 17 个果实与叶
多样性水平及其与地理、环境因子的相关性。【结果】巢式方差分析结果表明,17 个果实和叶片形态性状在
青梅居群间和居群内均存在极显著差异 ( P < 0. 01),说明这些性状在居群间与居群内均存在丰富的变异 ; 居
群内的变异 (50. 57% ) 远大于居群间 (11. 38% ),居群平均表型分化系数为 18. 31% ;各性状的分化系数变
化幅度为 4. 52% (叶片侧脉数 ) ~ 40. 31% (果实小萼片长宽比 )。相关分析表明,叶片长与叶柄长、叶片长
宽比与叶片最宽处至基部的距离呈显著 ( P < 0. 05 )或极显著 ( P < 0. 01 )正相关,果实大萼片长与叶片侧脉
数、叶柄长显著负相关 ; 青梅果实和叶片形态性状与年均气温、年降水量相关不显著,叶片侧脉数、叶柄长与
海拔呈显著正相关,而果实大萼片长与海拔呈显著负相关,叶片侧脉数、叶片长与 1 月平均气温呈显著负相
关。利用居群间欧式距离进行 UPGMA 聚类分析,将 9 个青梅天然居群分为 3 类。【结论】应加强现存青梅
天然林及其生境的保护,对于变异丰富的卡法岭等居群以及具特殊土壤生境的石梅湾居群应予以重点保护 ;
群内个体数,减少居群取样数 ; 由于海南岛各青梅居群间形态性状变异幅度大,且为连续变异,本研究不支
关键词: 青梅; 天然居群; 表型多样性; 海南岛
中图分类号: S718. 54 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)02 - 0154 - 09
Phenotypic Variations in Natural Populations of Vatica mangachapoi
in Hainan,China
Shang Shuaibin Guo Junjie Wang Chunsheng Zhao Zhigang Zeng Jie
(Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,CAF Guangzhou 510520)
Abstract: 【Objective】Vatica mangachapoi is an endangered tree species distributed naturally in Hainan Island,
China. Its population decreased rapidly along with heavy loss of natural forest resources and habitat fragmentation due to
over-harvesting and devastating forests for arable land. Efficient strategies are urgently needed for conserving natural forest
resources of this species. Moreover,the taxonomy of this species is in controversy,taxonomic status of some varieties still
need to be proved. Properties of fruits and leaves were measured for trees sampled from different populations to reveal
phenotypic variations within and among natural populations. The study would provide scientific evidences for conservation
and management of natural forests,and collection,conservation and utilization of genetic resources of the species,and
provide basic data for revision of the taxonomy of species and its varieties. 【Method】Based on surveys of whole range of
natural distribution of V. mangachapoi in Hainan Island,17 traits of fruit and leaf morphology were investigated for 133
individuals in 9 natural populations,and level of phenotypic diversity in its natural populations was assessed,and
第 2 期 尚帅斌等: 海南岛青梅天然居群表型变异
relationship between the diversity level and geographic and environmental factors was estimated using nest design,multiple
comparison test,correlation analysis and cluster analysis.【Result】The variance analysis showed significant differences in
the 17 morphological traits of fruit and leaf both within and among populations,indicating abundant variation among and
within populations. The within-population variation ( 50. 57% ) was far greater than the among-population variation
(11. 38% ); and the average phenotypic population differentiation coefficient was 18. 31% with a range from 4. 52% for
the number of lateral leaf veins to 40. 31% for the length /width ratio of the short sepal. Correlation analysis revealed that
there were significant positive correlations between leaf length and petiole length,leaf length /width ratio and distance from
the widest position to leaf base,while the length of long fruit sepals were in significantly negative correlation with the
number of lateral leaf veins and petiole length. No significant correlation was found between fruit and leaf traits and mean
annual air temperature and precipitation. While there were significantly negative correlation between number of lateral
vein,leaf length and mean air temperature in January,and the number of lateral veins and petiole length increased
remarkably with the increment of elevation. The 9 natural populations were divided into 3 groups by UPGMA cluster
analysis based on Euclidean distance calculated from phenotypic traits.【Conclusion】It is important to conserve the
remaining natural forests and habitats of V. mangachapoi, and in particular,more attention need to be paid to
conservation of populations with abundant variations such as Kafaling ( Population 4) and populations with special soil
conditions such as Shimeiwan ( Population 7 ) . Within-population variation was the main source of variation,more
individual trees and fewer populations should be used for genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources.
Furthermore,the findings of the present study do not support the new species and varieties in the Hainan Island which
were published previously since morphological variation of fruit and leaf varied greatly and continuously,and the variation
range were of considerable overlap among individuals within population and among all populations.
Key words: Vatica mangachapoi; natural population; phenotypic diversity; Hainan Island
性与环境异质性的综合体现 (臧润国等,2009 )。
学与遗传学研究的重要内容 ( 李斌等,2002;
Pigliucci et al.,2006; Mizianty et al.,2007)。利用表
关系 (Hausmann et al.,2001; Sanou et al.,2006)。
关 (Chechowitz et al.,1990; Weight et al.,2008),作
为一 种 可 量 化 的 特 征 被 广 泛 用 于 植 物 分 类
(Duminil et al.,2009; Weight et al.,2008)、表型变
异 (曾杰等,2005; 辜云杰等,2009; Sisó et al.,
2001; Cardillo et al.,2006; Li et al.,2006)研究。果
各种环境而产生分化 (李伟等,2013),种实表型性
格局 ( Simons et al.,2006; Leverett et al.,2014;
生态学与进化生物学研究的内容之一 (Venable et
青梅 ( Vatica mangachapoi)又名青皮,为龙脑
香科 (Dipterocarpaceae) 青梅属( Vatica) 植物,是
典型的热带雨林树种,其高可达 30 m 以上,胸径
达 1. 2 m。青梅天然分布于越南、泰国、菲律宾、印
于海拔 800 m 以下,对土壤具有较强的适应性,从
(Appanah et al.,1998) ; 其叶片、茎中含有大量可
利用的次生代谢物,可用于香料、药物开发 (Qin et
着 橡 胶 树 ( Hevea brasiliensis )、荔 枝 ( Litchi
源丧失严重,居群规模急剧减小 (李意德,1995),
背景 (Mamo et al.,2006),根据其现存居群大小与
林 业 科 学 51 卷
遗传多样性水平进行针对性的科学保护 ( Lee et
al.,2006; 2013 )。有关青梅遗传多样性研究,目
前仅见黄久香等 (2008 ) 用 AFLP 标记分析海南
岛 7 个居群遗传多样性的报道。开展青梅表型多
群保护提供理论依据; 另一方面,可为其遗传改良
万宁青梅 ( V. mangachapoi ssp. hainanensis var.
wanningensis) 等是否成立尚待从居群水平上证
基础上,以 9 个青梅天然居群为研究对象,系统测
定了果实、叶片的 17 个表型性状,旨在揭示其表
1 材料与方法
1. 1 居群取样 由于龙脑香科树种结实大小年现
大规模的青梅采种较为困难。2011 年 9 月至 2013
年 10 月,在对海南岛青梅天然林全面调查的基础
上,开展青梅果实以及标本的采集工作,其中 2011
年 9 月完成乌烈居群的采样工作,2013 年 7—10
带天堂、五指山什顺村、石梅湾、陀烈 8 个居群的
标本和果实,共计 9 个居群,133 个单株。每个居
群内取样植株间距在 100 m 以上。对于每个采样
条制作标本,用全球定位系统 (GPS) 测定其经纬
情况见表 1。
表 1 青梅 9 个天然居群的地理位置与环境因子①
Tab. 1 Geographical location and environmental factors of the 9 natural populations of Vatica mangachapoi
Elevation /

7 月平均气温
1 月平均气温
Soil type
Number of
霸王岭 Bawangling Pop. 1 19°07 109°06 400 ~500 23. 6 1 751 28. 6 18. 0 砖红壤 Latosol 6
尖峰岭 Jianfengling Pop. 2 18°43 108°56 270 ~460 24. 5 1 682 27. 3 19. 4 砖红壤 Latosol 14
甘什岭 Ganshiling Pop. 3 18°22 109°39 200 ~300 24. 5 1 200 28. 0 20. 0 砖红壤 Latosol 11
卡法岭 Kafaling Pop. 4 18°41 109°19 620 ~790 24. 0 1 559 26. 3 17. 2
Mountain yellow earth
热带天堂 Tropical
Paradise Forest Park
Pop. 5 18°15 109°38 290 ~430 25. 5 1 279 28. 5 20. 9 砖红壤 Latosol 8
五指山 Wuzhishan Pop. 6 18°56 109°26 420 ~570 22. 5 1 690 26. 0 17. 0
Lateritic red earth
石梅湾 Shimeiwan Pop. 7 18°39 110°15 5 ~70 24. 5 2 032 28. 5 18. 7
Coastal sandy soil
陀烈 Tuolie Pop. 8 18°54 108°51 350 ~520 24. 0 1 240 27. 2 19. 1 砖红壤 Latosol 18
乌烈 Wulie Pop. 9 19°10 109°00 130 ~400 24. 3 1 676 29. 3 18. 7 砖红壤 Latosol 18
①气象数据来源于国家气象信息中心,平均气温根据采种点附近气象站的观测数据计算获得,海拔每升高 100 m,气温下降 0. 6 ℃。The
climatic data were obtained from the National Meteorological Information Center. Mean air temperatures were calculated with data from the meteorological
stations near the sampled populations according to the formulae: T2 = T1 - (A2 - A1 ) × 0. 6 /100,where T1 and T2 are temperature (℃ ),and A1 and A2
are altitude (m) of sampled population and meteorological station nearby,respectively. MAAT: Mean annual air temperature; MAP: Mean annual
precipitation; MATJU: Mean air temperature in July; MATJA: Mean air temperature in January.
1. 2 形态指标测定 龙脑香科树种主要依据叶片、
果实萼片、花粉粒进行分类 (Maguire et al.,1977;
Dayanandan et al.,1999),故选取叶片与果实性状进
脉数、叶片长和宽、叶柄长、叶基至最宽处距离 (以
(Frampton et al.,1990),故计算果实高宽比、大萼片
等指标,共计 17 个指标。用游标卡尺测量叶片长和
标,测量精度为 0. 01 mm,量角器测量叶基角,精度
为 0. 1°。每个植株随机测量 15 个成熟叶片、30 粒
1. 3 统计分析 应用巢式设计模型对青梅 17 个表
第 2 期 尚帅斌等: 海南岛青梅天然居群表型变异
型为 Yijk = μ + Pi + Ti( j) + e( ij) k。式中: Yijk 为第 i 居
群第 j 个植株第 k 个观测值; μ 为总均值; Pi为第 i
个居群的效应值 (固定); Ti( j) 为第 i 个居群第 j 个
植株的效应值 (随机) ; e( ij) k为试验误差。依据公
式 V st = δ
t / s /( δ
t / s + δ
s ) 计算居群间表型分化系数
( V st)。式中: δ
t / s是居群间方差值; δ
差值 (葛颂等,1988)。应用相关分析揭示各表型
Pearson 系数(因经度和纬度的跨度较小,未纳入相
关分析 )。上述统计分析在 SPSS 18. 0 软件上
距离 (Euclidean distance),应用非加权配对算数平
均法 (un-weighted pair-group method using arithmetic
averages,UPGMA) 进行系统聚类分析,并运用相关
计分析运用 NTSYS PC2. 11 软件进行。
2 结果与分析
2. 1 青梅居群间和居群内的表型变异特征 巢
式方差分析结果(表 2)表明,17 个果实与叶片性
(P < 0. 01),说明青梅在居群间与居群内变异丰
富。9 个青梅居群 17 个表型性状的平均值、标准
差和多重比较结果见表 3。从表 3 可以看出,果实
大 (小) 萼片最长、最宽,叶基角最大,叶柄最短的
是石梅湾居群; 果实最宽,大萼片长宽比最大,果
实高宽比最小的是乌烈居群; 果高和宽最小的为
尖峰岭居群; 叶片最长、最宽,叶柄长、基宽距最
大,叶片侧脉数最多的是卡法岭居群; 三亚热带天
最小; 侧脉数最少的为石梅湾居群和三亚热带天
堂居群; 叶片宽度最小,果高最大的为乌烈和霸王
表 2 海南岛 9 个青梅居群 17 个表型性状的巢式方差分析①
Tab. 2 Variance analysis of 17 phenotypic traits among and within 9 Vatica mangachapoi
populations on the Hainan Island,China
Phenotypic traits
均方 Mean square F
居群间 居群内 随机误差 居群间 居群内
侧脉数 Number of lateral leaf veins NLV 227. 10 22. 62 2. 13 106. 61** 10. 62**
叶基角 Angle of leaf base ALB 13 155. 80 2 289. 81 119. 83 109. 79** 19. 11**
叶长 Leaf length LL 5 570. 67 1 849. 69 102. 42 54. 39** 18. 06**
叶宽 Leaf width LW 421. 64 185. 61 15. 91 26. 50** 11. 66**
叶柄长 Leaf petiole length PL 149. 08 24. 71 3. 01 49. 56** 8. 21**
基宽距 Height of maximum leaf width HMW 1 391. 15 532. 43 37. 51 37. 09** 14. 20**
叶片长宽比 Ratio of leaf length to width RLW 6. 15 1. 48 0. 08 78. 21** 18. 86**
叶片长宽积 Leaf length multiply width LMW 12 237 183. 66 4 773 023. 05 308 171. 61 39. 71** 15. 49**
大萼片长 Long-sepal length LSL 5 148. 32 1 254. 51 15. 75 326. 80** 79. 63**
大萼片宽 Long-sepal width LSW 593. 87 97. 29 1. 47 404. 64** 66. 29**
小萼片长 Short-sepal length SSL 1 142. 78 253. 53 2. 87 398. 32** 88. 37**
小萼片宽 Short-sepal width SSW 60. 54 14. 12 0. 18 343. 75** 80. 16**
果实高 Fruit height FH 99. 82 17. 31 0. 36 274. 29** 47. 57**
果实宽 Fruit width FW 125. 39 18. 39 0. 34 374. 23** 54. 89**
大萼片长宽比 Ratio of long-sepal length
to width
RLLW 12. 03 4. 70 0. 05 235. 71** 92. 09**
小萼片长宽比 Ratio of short-sepal
length to width
RSLW 11. 48 6. 78 0. 07 166. 67** 98. 45**
果实高宽比 Ratio of fruit height to width RFHW 0. 13 0. 06 0. 00 44. 78** 19. 20**
① **: P < 0. 01.
林 业 科 学 51 卷
表 3 海南岛 9 个青梅居群 17 个表型性状的变异状况(平均值 ±标准偏差) ①
Tab. 3 Variations of 17 phenotypic traits in 9 Vatica mangachapoi populations on the Hainan Island (mean ± SD)
居群 Population
Pop. 1 Pop. 2 Pop. 3 Pop. 4 Pop. 5 Pop. 6 Pop. 7 Pop. 8 Pop. 9
14. 18 ±
1. 60b
13. 03 ±
1. 16cd
13. 21 ±
1. 64c
14. 71 ±
1. 52a
12. 07 ±
1. 02e
13. 90 ±
1. 29b
11. 83 ±
0. 92e
12. 85 ±
1. 15d
12. 78 ±
1. 20d
12. 93 ±
1. 52
ALB /( ° )
71. 5 ±
12. 8e
82. 2 ±
10. 0c
83. 7 ±
14. 2c
75. 9 ±
12. 0d
89. 0 ±
9. 5b
81. 7 ±
21. 0c
91. 9 ±
12. 6a
75. 4 ±
12. 7d
73. 8 ±
9. 0de
81. 8 ±
14. 1
LL /mm
74. 62 ±
7. 86b
68. 30 ±
7. 70e
73. 91 ±
14. 17bc
80. 73 ±
20. 36a
61. 15 ±
8. 10f
70. 64 ±
9. 88cd
71. 46 ±
7. 80d
67. 64 ±
9. 77e
68. 64 ±
7. 21e
71. 10 ±
11. 76
LW /mm
23. 48 ±
2. 62d
25. 06 ±
3. 62c
26. 81 ±
4. 13ab
27. 02 ±
5. 68a
24. 98 ±
2. 81c
25. 38 ±
2. 39b
26. 75 ±
3. 05ab
24. 03 ±
2. 83d
23. 93 ±
2. 59d
25. 54 ±
3. 65
PL /mm
11. 99 ±
0. 41b
11. 00 ±
1. 65cde
11. 83 ±
1. 86b
12. 60 ±
1. 30a
10. 68 ±
1. 03e
11. 29 ±
1. 49c
10. 18 ±
1. 26f
10. 96 ±
0. 96de
11. 16 ±
1. 08cd
11. 12 ±
1. 47
HMW /mm
35. 47 ±
4. 44c
32. 54 ±
4. 07d
37. 87 ±
8. 50b
39. 55 ±
9. 74a
30. 67 ±
3. 41e
36. 69 ±
5. 64b
34. 30 ±
4. 77c
34. 89 ±
5. 90c
34. 67 ±
3. 58c
35. 17 ±
6. 22
3. 25 ±
0. 53a
2. 79 ±
0. 45de
2. 78 ±
0. 33e
3. 01 ±
0. 37b
2. 47 ±
0. 22g
2. 80 ±
0. 34de
2. 70 ±
0. 22f
2. 84 ±
0. 32cd
2. 89 ±
0. 21c
2. 82 ±
0. 34
LMW / mm2
1 791. 12 ±
251. 35de
1 757. 00 ±
411. 48e
2 073. 13 ±
722. 82b
2 325. 71 ±
1 119. 36a
1 581. 20 ±
357. 48f
1 830. 01 ±
402. 26cd
1 962. 08 ±
400. 50bc
1 668. 21 ±
396. 36ef
1 678. 72 ±
331. 34ef
1 880. 46 ±
590. 51
LSL / mm
44. 78 ±
2. 86d
42. 44 ±
7. 16f
44. 03 ±
3. 85e
42. 27 ±
4. 89f
45. 85 ±
5. 66c
42. 28 ±
6. 74f
50. 63 ±
7. 50a
48. 19 ±
4. 89b
45. 89 ±
8. 36c
46. 19 ±
7. 05
LSW / mm
13. 17 ±
0. 99c
11. 30 ±
1. 41f
13. 34 ±
1. 61bc
12. 11 ±
1. 96d
13. 16 ±
1. 87c
12. 10 ±
1. 62d
14. 43 ±
2. 06a
13. 45 ±
1. 57b
11. 85 ±
1. 91e
12. 98 ±
2. 06
SSL / mm
16. 02 ±
1. 10f
16. 52 ±
3. 36e
16. 22 ±
1. 74f
17. 78 ±
2. 21c
18. 16 ±
2. 95b
17. 02 ±
2. 18d
19. 90 ±
3. 27a
19. 84 ±
2. 99a
16. 79 ±
3. 36d
18. 11 ±
3. 20
SSW / mm
5. 07 ±
0. 44d
4. 48 ±
0. 56h
4. 83 ±
0. 52f
4. 95 ±
0. 62e
5. 22 ±
0. 84b
4. 79 ±
0. 60f
5. 49 ±
0. 83a
5. 15 ±
0. 78c
4. 61 ±
0. 51g
5. 02 ±
0. 75
FH / mm
7. 32 ±
0. 40a
5. 87 ±
0. 92f
7. 19 ±
1. 00b
6. 89 ±
0. 51c
7. 30 ±
0. 49a
6. 08 ±
0. 97e
6. 69 ±
0. 85d
6. 90 ±
0. 82c
7. 32 ±
0. 43a
6. 82 ±
0. 86
FW / mm
6. 93 ±
0. 55c
5. 56 ±
0. 87g
6. 95 ±
0. 99c
6. 61 ±
0. 60d
7. 12 ±
0. 49b
5. 75 ±
1. 00f
6. 44 ±
0. 87e
6. 60 ±
0. 87d
7. 28 ±
0. 44a
6. 57 ±
0. 91
3. 42 ±
0. 23e
3. 76 ±
0. 42b
3. 35 ±
0. 44f
3. 54 ±
0. 40d
3. 51 ±
0. 33d
3. 53 ±
0. 46d
3. 53 ±
0. 36d
3. 61 ±
0. 31c
3. 90 ±
0. 52a
3. 60 ±
0. 41
3. 19 ±
0. 37g
3. 67 ±
0. 45b
3. 39 ±
0. 40f
3. 62 ±
0. 44cd
3. 50 ±
0. 33e
3. 61 ±
0. 55d
3. 65 ±
0. 50bc
3. 87 ±
0. 41a
3. 65 ±
0. 62bc
3. 63 ±
0. 49
1. 06 ±
0. 05a
1. 06 ±
0. 06a
1. 04 ±
0. 03c
1. 05 ±
0. 04bc
1. 03 ±
0. 03d
1. 06 ±
0. 04a
1. 04 ±
0. 04c
1. 05 ±
0. 05b
1. 01 ±
0. 04e
1. 04 ±
0. 04
①居群编号见表 1,表型性状缩写见表 2; 两两居群间具不同字母表示差异显著 (P < 0. 05)。See Tab. 1 for codes of populations,and Tab. 2 for abbreviations of
phenotypic characters. Paired populations without the same letter are significantly different (P < 0. 05) .
2. 2 青梅居群间表型分化 17 个表型性状在青梅
见表 4。由表 4 可知,各性状在居群内的方差分量
量比值为 1. 48 ~ 21. 10,其平均值为 6. 25。居群间
和居群内的方差分量百分比分别为 11. 38% 和
50. 57%。17 个 表 型 性 状 的 分 化 系 数 平 均 为
18. 31%,其变化幅度为 4. 52% ~ 40. 31%,以叶片
2 倍,小萼片长、宽分化系数约为小萼片长宽比的 4
倍,而叶片长、宽的分化系数约为叶片长宽比的 2 /3
与 1 /2,说明大、小萼片的形状较叶片稳定。
2. 3 青梅居群表型性状间及其与环境因子的相关
性 表 5 显示了青梅居群 17 个表型性状间的相关
性。由表 5 可知,叶片侧脉数与叶片长、叶柄长、基
基角呈显著负相关; 叶柄长还与叶片长、基宽距及
叶片长宽比呈显著正相关。果实大 (小) 萼片长与
青梅 17 个表型性状与居群环境因子的相关分
析结果 (表 6) 表明: 叶片侧脉数与海拔呈极显著
正相关,与 1 月平均气温呈显著负相关; 叶片长与 1
月平均气温也呈显著负相关关系; 叶柄长与海拔呈
显著正相关; 大萼片长则与海拔呈显著负相关; 果
实宽与 7 月平均气温呈显著正相关; 年均气温、年
第 2 期 尚帅斌等: 海南岛青梅天然居群表型变异
表 4 海南岛青梅表型变异在居群间和居群内的分布①
Tab. 4 Distribution of phenotypic variances among and within Vatica mangachapoi
populations on the Hainan Island,China
Variance component
Percentage of variance component (% )
coefficient (% )
NLV 0. 922 1. 366 2. 130 20. 88 30. 91 48. 21 40. 31
ALB 49. 020 144. 665 119. 831 15. 64 46. 14 38. 22 25. 31
LL 16. 786 116. 485 102. 416 7. 12 49. 42 43. 45 12. 60
LW 1. 065 11. 313 15. 913 3. 76 39. 99 56. 25 8. 60
PL 0. 561 1. 447 3. 008 11. 19 28. 85 59. 97 27. 94
HMW 3. 874 32. 995 37. 506 5. 21 44. 36 50. 43 10. 51
RLW 0. 021 0. 094 0. 079 10. 89 48. 44 40. 67 18. 36
LMW 33 672. 905 297 656. 762 308 171. 612 5. 27 46. 55 48. 19 10. 16
LSL 8. 783 41. 292 15. 754 13. 34 62. 73 23. 93 17. 54
LSW 1. 120 3. 194 1. 468 19. 37 55. 24 25. 38 25. 96
SSL 2. 006 8. 355 2. 869 15. 16 63. 15 21. 69 19. 36
SSW 0. 105 0. 465 0. 176 14. 05 62. 33 23. 62 18. 39
FH 0. 186 0. 565 0. 364 16. 69 50. 67 32. 64 24. 78
FW 0. 241 0. 602 0. 335 20. 48 51. 08 28. 44 28. 62
RLLW 0. 017 0. 155 0. 051 7. 43 69. 64 22. 93 9. 64
RSLW 0. 011 0. 224 0. 069 3. 50 73. 79 22. 72 4. 52
RFHW 0 0. 002 0. 003 3. 47 36. 45 60. 09 8. 69
均值 Mean — — — 11. 38 50. 57 38. 05 18. 31
①表型性状缩写见表 2。See Tab. 2 for abbreviations of phenotypic traits.
表 5 海南岛青梅居群 17 个表型性状间的相关性①
Tab. 5 Correlation between 17 phenotypic traits in Vatica mangachapoi populations on the Hainan Island,China
ALB -0. 675*
LL 0. 752* -0. 390
LW 0. 031 0. 568 0. 454
PL 0. 915** -0. 643 0. 768* 0. 134
HMW 0. 741* -0. 404 0. 895** 0. 456 0. 767*
RLW 0. 758* -0. 829** 0. 707* -0. 302 0. 692* 0. 557
LMW 0. 537 -0. 005 0. 889** 0. 800** 0. 621 0. 828** 0. 312
LSL -0. 733* 0. 329 -0. 325 -0. 088 -0. 682* -0. 361 -0. 269 -0. 288
LSW -0. 453 0. 415 -0. 054 0. 188 -0. 352 -0. 062 -0. 182 0. 030 0. 789*
SSL -0. 516 0. 382 -0. 234 0. 174 -0. 561 -0. 198 -0. 411 -0. 065 0. 756* 0. 584
SSW -0. 370 0. 410 -0. 063 0. 181 -0. 341 -0. 129 -0. 197 0. 039 0. 738* 0. 898** 0. 728*
FH -0. 086 -0. 244 0. 009 -0. 205 0. 213 0. 044 0. 150 -0. 054 0. 334 0. 428 -0. 014 0. 355
FW -0. 164 -0. 203 -0. 055 -0. 191 0. 146 -0. 001 0. 065 -0. 088 0. 348 0. 373 -0. 002 0. 299 0. 988**
RLLW -0. 223 -0. 248 -0. 316 -0. 390 -0. 298 -0. 335 -0. 059 -0. 395 0. 024 -0. 594 0. 026 -0. 512 -0. 227 -0. 114
RSLW -0. 311 0. 100 -0. 257 0. 065 -0. 425 -0. 112 -0. 377 -0. 124 0. 265 -0. 148 0. 652 -0. 042 -0. 428 -0. 351 0. 586
RFHW 0. 528 -0. 112 0. 348 0. 058 0. 282 0. 237 0. 367 0. 233 -0. 384 -0. 082 -0. 109 -0. 021 -0. 595 -0. 711* -0. 415 -0. 120
①表型性状缩写见表 2。See Tab. 2 for abbreviations of phenotypic traits. * : P < 0. 05;**: P < 0. 01.
2. 4 青梅居群分类 为了研究青梅居群间的亲缘
关系,基于青梅 17 个表型性状计算 9 个居群间的欧
氏距离,利用 UPGMA 法进行聚类,得到居群树状图
(图 1)。可将 9 个居群分为 3 类: 霸王岭、乌烈、甘
什岭、卡法岭聚为一类; 尖峰岭与五指山聚为一类;
邻的居群并未完全聚在一起。进一步对 9 个居群间
间相关性不显著 (R = 0. 302 2,P = 0. 954 1)。
林 业 科 学 51 卷
表 6 海南岛青梅居群表型性状与环境因子的相关性①
Tab. 6 Correlation between geo-ecological factors and phenotypic traits of Vatica mangachapoi
populations on the Hainan Island,China
Phenotypic traits
7 月平均气温
1 月平均气温
NLV 0. 883** - 0. 006 - 0. 647 - 0. 570 - 0. 715 *
ALB - 0. 624 0. 087 0. 453 0. 068 0. 469
LL 0. 495 0. 253 - 0. 445 - 0. 356 - 0. 681 *
LW - 0. 052 0. 039 0. 129 - 0. 357 - 0. 062
PL 0. 767 * - 0. 220 - 0. 352 - 0. 357 - 0. 464
HMW 0. 536 - 0. 026 - 0. 560 - 0. 484 - 0. 657
RLW 0. 527 0. 287 - 0. 559 - 0. 066 - 0. 656
LMW 0. 354 0. 117 - 0. 186 - 0. 427 - 0. 458
LSL - 0. 687 * 0. 179 0. 352 0. 545 0. 306
LSW - 0. 505 - 0. 021 0. 240 0. 341 0. 270
SSL - 0. 245 0. 033 0. 214 - 0. 061 0. 095
SSW - 0. 301 0. 091 0. 228 0. 186 0. 118
FH - 0. 168 - 0. 346 0. 397 0. 647 0. 309
FW - 0. 235 - 0. 336 0. 448 0. 686 * 0. 346
RLLW - 0. 091 0. 253 0. 089 0. 178 - 0. 031
RSLW 0. 003 - 0. 039 0. 008 - 0. 331 - 0. 040
RFHW 0. 478 0. 176 - 0. 547 - 0. 632 - 0. 409
①环境因子和表型性状的缩写分别见表 1 和表 2。See Tab. 1 and Tab. 2 for abbreviations of environmental factors and phenotypic traits. * :
P < 0. 05; **: P < 0. 01.
图 1 海南岛 9 个青梅天然居群的聚类
Fig. 1 Dendrogram of 9 natural Vatica mangachapoi populations on the Hainan Island,China using UPGMA clustering method for
Euclidean distance derived from 17 phenotypic traits
居群编号见表 1。See Tab. 1 for codes of populations.
3 讨论
3. 1 青梅天然居群表型变异规律 本研究通过对
海南岛 9 个青梅天然居群的 17 个表型性状进行巢
18. 31%,换言之,居群内变异占 81. 69%。黄久香
等 (2008)应用 AFLP 标记研究了海南岛 7 个青梅
(多态位点百分率为 79. 45% ),且居群间的遗传变
异占 19. 8%。本研究结果与其一致。这些研究均
有关海南岛的青梅分类,王兰州 (1985) 根据
定为新种———海南青梅 (V. hainanensis),并进一步
根据大萼片长和宽以及叶片长、宽、侧脉数细分为 2
个 新 变 种———腺 瓣 青 梅 ( V. hainanensis var.
glandipetala) 和 细 叶 青 梅 ( V. hainanensis var.
parvifolia); 符国瑷等(2008)则依据叶片侧脉数、大
第 2 期 尚帅斌等: 海南岛青梅天然居群表型变异
未超出青梅鉴别特征的性状描述 (Blanco,1837)。
受 (许涵等,2007),因而海南青梅及其 2 个变种腺
瓣青梅和细叶青梅未收入“Flora of China”(Li et al.,
3. 2 青梅居群间表型性状与生态因子的关系 青
的变异影响不显著,而 1 月份平均气温对叶片侧脉
数和叶片长影响显著,10 月份至翌年 6 月份为海南
岛旱季,降水较少,叶片侧脉数和叶片长随着 1 月份
节性干旱的适应; 海拔显著影响大萼片长、叶片侧
片短有利于青梅幼苗定居乃至物种生存 ( Suzuki et
3. 3 青梅居群保护建议 青梅作为海南岛乡土珍
1) 如上所述,青梅的遗传变异有近 4 /5 存在于居群
居群取样数。2) 尽管居群内变异远大于居群间变
湾青梅居群的土壤特殊性,对其亦应重点保护; 五
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(责任编辑 徐 红)