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Design and Implement of the Gas Analysis Fast Testing Device for Formaldehyde Emissions


在充分调研分析的基础上,设计开发基于欧洲标准BS EN 717-2: 1995《木质板材.甲醛释放量的测定.用气体分析法测定甲醛释放量》的甲醛释放量快速检测装置。装置采用西门子S7-200系列PLC CPU224作为其核心控制单元,选用北京昆仑通态自动化软件有公司全中文工控组态软件MCGS编制人机交互界面程序,具有检测精度高、采集速度快、抗干扰性强等特点,可以使传统的甲醛释放量检测由原来的3~28天缩短为4 h,从而节省大量的人力、物力及财力,缩短检测周期。

According to the Europe standard (BS EN 717-2: 1995: Wood Based PanelsDetermination of Formaldehyde ReleasePart 2: Formaldehyde Release by the Gas Analysis Method), the thesis, on the basis of a fully study and analysis, designed and made the gas analysis fast testing device for formaldehyde emissions. The device, which had the Siemens S7-200 PLC CPU 224 as central control unit and the MCGS as manmachine program, is featured largely in higher precision, higher speed and powerful antiinterference. It also decreased the time of testing formaldehyde release from 3~28 d to 4 h, thus it could save lots of human, material and financial resources.

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