用整叶组织透明染色法对亲和性、非亲和性杨树品种与落叶松—杨栅锈菌(Melampsora larici -populina Kleb.)相互作用的组织病理学进行了系统的观察。夏孢子接种6h后开始萌发,12h后芽管侵入气孔,此后在寄主细胞内形成吸器。芽管常形成树杈状或根状分枝,一个芽管分别侵入两个气孔或几个芽管同时侵入一个气孔。杨树与栅锈菌相互识别中的抗锈性的表达主要发生在接种24h后,即气孔下囊形成阶段。表现为夏孢子萌发初期受抑,气孔下囊形成较迟、数量较少,初生侵染菌丝的长度受抑,吸器出现迟、数量少以及寄主叶肉细胞坏死等,但不同组合间在发生时间和程度上有较大差异。接种12h后,感病品种的叶肉细胞中出现吸器,36h后抗病性组合中出现吸器。随着菌丝的增多,抗病品种中的吸器数量、菌落面积小于感病品种,多于近免疫品种。低反应型品种中菌落线性生长受抑和吸器形成的减少均发生在叶肉细胞坏死之后,、尚未发现高感品种出现叶肉细胞坏死现象
The histopathological manifestation of interactions of poplars cultivars and leaf rust(Melampsora larici-populina Kleb.)with different compatibilities was investigated by using whole-leaf cleaning and staining technique at various times after inoculation. The results showed that the urediospore germinated 6 h after inoculation on poplar leaf, and then germ tube grew into stoma and haustorium was formed in the host cell 24 h after inoculation. Germ-tube always branched into several tubes and infected two stomas, or several tubes infected one stoma at the same time. Resistance expression occurs 24 h after inoculation, but there were differences among different compatible combinations. As to resistant host combination, urediospore germinating process and growth rate of germ tube were restrained, and haustorium formed later (36 h after inoculation) and small in number; the number of substomatal vesicle on leaf was small and cell death frequently occured. As to compatible combination, haustorium formed 24 h after inoculation. The number of haustorium and the size of colony in resistant species were smaller than those of the susceptible ones, but larger than the near-immune ones.
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