Application of Dimilin to Control Poplar Longhorn Beetles and Other Insects Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and anatomical properties of stomata and xylem in poplars Interactive effects of phenolic acid and nitrogen on morphological traits of poplar (Populus × euramericana ‘Neva’) fine roots Physiological responses of two poplar species to high boron stress Effects of exogenous phenolic acid on soil nutrient availability and enzyme activities in a poplar plantation. Canopy conductance characteristics of poplar in agroforestry system in west Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Impact of stand features of short-rotation poplar plantations on canker disease incidence at a mesoscale landscape: a case study in Qingfeng County, Henan Province, China Contents and cycling of microelements in Karst urban poplar plantations Relationship Between Resistance Level of 10-and 11-Year-Old Poplar Strains to Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).and the Physical Properties of Poplar Trunk Comparison on rhizosphere effect of cultivar alternation and non-alternation continuous cropping poplar(Populus deltoids) plantation OPTIMIZATION OF AN GENETIC TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM FOR POPLAR BY USING ORTHOGONAL DESIGN A Study on Nutrient Dynamics and the Relative Increment Rate in Different Types of Poplar Intercropping Study on Technology of Integrated Measures to Control Anoplophora glabripennis by means of Selecting Insect-resistant Poplar Species Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Instantaneous Response of Four Poplar Clones to CO2 Study on the Effect of Fertilization on the Growth of P.×euramericana in Reclaimed Area by Coal Ash Research on the Effect of Bacterial Manure on Poplar Growth Transformation of Antibacterial Gene LcI into Poplar Species Comparison of Growth,Biomass and Photosynthesis among Six Poplar Clones in Cold Semi-arid Area of Northeast China Relationship between Canker-tolerance and Spring-freezing Tolerance of Poplar Clones A Study on the Biomass Production of Populus,Salix,Ulmus and Robinia on the Reclaimed Arca by Coal Ash The Accumulation of Poisonous Elements in Populus×euramericana,Salix matsudana,Ulmus pumila and Robinia pseudoacacia Growing on Coal Ash“Soil” Influence of Simulated Damage by Leaf-plucking on Growth of Poplar Early Selection of Poplar Clones Resistant to Coryneum populinum in Vitro Culture A Discussion on Evolution of Poplar Rusts (Melampsora spp.) by Numerical Taxonomic Method A NUMERICAL TAXONOMIC STUDY OF POPLAR RUSTS(MELAMPSORA SPP.) GROWTH AND YIELD MODELS FOR CHINESE WHITE POPLAR SIMULATING DIAGNOSIS OF THE OPTIMUM NUTRIENT STATUS IN FOREST TREE FOLIAGE A CHARACTER ANALYSIS OF A NEW POPLAR CLONE 741 POPLAR BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO BATOCER HORSFIELDI (HOPE.) A STUDY ON MECHANISM OF CONTROLLING CANKER DISEASE BY USING CUT TOP METHOD FOR PLANTING POPLAR TREES THE SELECTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF LEAF AREA MODELS FOR CLONES OF POPULUS SPP. STUDY ON THE SOIL DEGRADATION OF THE POPLAR PLANTATION AND THE TECHNIQUE TO PRESERVE AND INCREASE SOIL FERTILITY COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF ISOLATES OF MARSSONINA BRUNNEA IN CHINA THE SOIL AMELIORATION EFFECT OF POPLAR-BLACK LOCUST MIXED PLANTATION ON SAND SOIL AND THE INTERACTION OF MUTUAL SUPPLEMENT OF NUTRIENT BETWEEN TREE SPECIES STUDY ON RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WOOD PROPERTIES AND QUALITY OF VENEER AND PLYWOOD FROM PLANTATION POPLAR STUDIES ON DIRECTIVE SILVICULTURE OF POPLAR VENEER GLUED WOOD IN THE SOUTHERN REGION OF CHINA Physicomechanical properties of plantation poplar wood under different eco-environments Leaf area index and biomass productivity of mid and short rotation poplar plantations for pulp timber Ecological regionalization of poplar cultivating in Tonghua region of Jiling Province Growth stage and classification of poplar shelterbelt Comparative study on internal and external nutrient cyclings or poplar tree under different fertilizations Ⅱ.Effect of fertilization on concentration and storage of major nutrients in poplar leaves before and after leaf fallen Comparative study on internal and external nutrient cyclings or poplar tree under different fertilizations Ⅰ.Effect of fertilization on biomass or poplar tree and its internal and external cypling of N before and after leaf fallen Structure of transpiration ecoboundary layer of organs of poplar seedlings PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF DOUBLE CROSS HYBRID CLONES OF WHITE POPLAR UNDER WATER STRESS STUDY ON DISPERSAL PATTERN OF Anoplophora glabripennis ADULTS IN POPLARS Water Use Efficiency Difference among Four Poplar Clones and Its Physiological Mechanism Studies on the Lightfastness of Dyed Veneer of I-214 Poplar Research on Drying Technology for Italian Poplar Thin Board Effects of Transgenic Poplars to the Structure of Insect Community The Growth and Photosynthesis of Poplar Trees in Fast-growing and High-yield Plantations with Subterranean Drip Irrigation Study on the Surface Properties of Poplar and Chinese Fir Wood Studies on Pulp-oriented Cultivation Techniques of Poplar Wood A STUDY ON PRINCIPAL FELLING AGE OF POPLAR PLANTATION ON CHANGJIANG RIVER BEACH Identification and Validation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Poplar Using Publicly Expressed Sequence Tags A Study on Rooting Characteristics of Cuttings of New Poplar Clones Application of Complex Nitrophenol sodium to Poplar Cuttings A Study on Ice Nucleation Active Bacteria in Northern Poplars Analysis of the Relationships of Net Photosynthesis Rates among Eight Poplar Clones in Semi-arid Area, Western Part of Liaoning Province Predation of Wood Pecker on some Pests in Poplar Plantation Nestling Food Composition and Consumption of Great Tit in Poplar Plantation A Study on the Damage of Poplar Caused by Anoplophora glabripennis A Study on the Over-Compensation Effect of Poplar from Leaf Loss Studies on the Occurrence, Distribution and Wood Properties of Wetheartwood in Populus deltoides I-69 Activities of Phenylalanine Ammonial yase in Poplar Clones of Aigeiros Section Wood Properties of 6 Poplar Clones Intensive Cultivation Studies on the Isolation and RFLP Analysis of Poplar Chloroplast DNA Study on the Disease Resistance of New Poplar Cultivars to Trunk Cancer, Dothiorella gregaria, and Leaf Black Spot, Marssonina brunnea ESTABLISHMENT OF SITE QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT INTENSITY TABLE FOR POPLAR IN LlNYl REGION, SHANGDONG PROVINCE STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY AND GROWTH IN A POPLAR PLANTATION I. THE EFFECT OF WATER SUPPLY ON GROWTH, ARCHITECTURE AND LEAF QUANTITY OF TREE STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY AND TREE GROWTH IN A POPLAR PLANTATION.II.ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY IN THE FIELD, WATER-CONSUMPTION FOR TRANSPIRATION AND VOLUME INCREMENT AND ESTIMATION OF WATER REQUIRMENT IN Relationship between the Resistance Level of Poplar Strains Resist to Cryptorrhynchus lapathi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)and the Physical Properties of Their Trunks Cultural Characteristics, Anamorph and DNA Phylogeny of Botryosphaeria dothidea Causing Poplar Canker Partitioning of autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in southern type poplar plantations Study on the Nutrient Cycling of Ⅰ-69 Poplar Plantation Comparative Studies on the Growth of Different Poplar Clones on Beach Land of Yangtse River Controlled Breeding Techniques to Accelerate Rooting of Poplar Floral Cuttings by Warming the Flowerpots The litter decomposition rate of mixed forest of poplar and black locust The shading and its effect on crop yield under poplar-crop intercropping system A study on microclimate under poplar-crop intercropping systems Spatio-temporal characteristics of the expansion of poplar plantation in West Dongting Lake wetland, China.