作 者 :韩正敏 李传道 黄敏仁
期 刊 :林业科学 1998年 34卷 3期 页码:59-65
Keywords:Poplar, Marssonina brunnea, Specialized form, Isolate,
摘 要 :从我国江苏、河南、山东、陕西、北京和吉林6个省(市)的不同杨树上收集了42个杨生褐盘二孢菌(Marsonina brunnea)标本,比较和分析了它们的分生孢子大小和形态、培养性状、致病性方面的差异;并观察了它们之间的菌丝融合情况。42个菌株间的分生孢子平均长度、平均宽度和分隔位置存在差异不显著。菌株个体内单个分生孢子变异幅度很大。分离自白杨派杨树上的菌株孢子萌发时均产生一个芽管;在PDA培养基上菌落生长速度较快(25d菌落直径在1cm以上),菌落颜色为深褐色,并产生酱红色的孢子堆。来自黑杨派和青杨派上的菌株,孢子萌发时产生多个芽管;在PDA培养基上菌落生长速度较慢(25d菌落直径不超过1cm),颜色较浅,产生黄绿色孢子堆。人工接种测定各个菌株对不同杨树的致病力,发现来自白杨派的5个菌株对毛白杨有较强的致病力,但对青杨派和黑杨派树种几乎不致病或致病力很弱。来自黑杨派和青杨派树种的37个菌株,对黑杨派树种I-45杨和加杨有较强的致病力;对青杨派树种青杨和小叶杨,对白杨派的毛白杨具有中等程度的致病力。聚类分析表明,来自白杨派的5个菌株为一个类群,来自黑杨派和青杨派的37个菌株为另一类群。菌株的致病性和菌株的地区来源也不存在相关性。菌丝融合结果表明,来自白杨派的几个菌株菌丝可以相互融合;来自黑杨派和青杨派的菌株之间菌丝可发生融合;但来自白杨派的菌株和所有黑杨派、青杨派的菌株之间不能发生融合。研究结果进一步证明,将我国杨生褐盘二孢菌划分为单芽管专化型(M.brunneaf.sp.monogermtubi)和多芽管专化型(M.brunneaf.sp.multigermtubi)是恰当的。
Abstract:42 isolates of Marssonina brunnea collected from different poplars in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Beijing, Shaanxi and Jilin Provinces of China were studied with the morphological markers, characteristics of colony growth culture, pathogenicity and hyphal anastomosis grouping. No significant difference was found on the morphological features of conidia (shape, mean dimension, size and septum location). Morphological features could not be used to study the specialized forms or isolates within the Marssonina brunnea, but could identify the spices of Marssonina brunnea. Five isolates from the poplar or Section Leuce possessed the characteristics of faster colony growth, dark reddish conidiosorus production on PDA medium, germinating only one germtube, mostly pathogenic to P.tomentosa and slightly pathogenic to P.×euramericana I-45,P.canadensis, P.cathayana and P.simonii by artificial inoculation in vitro. The thirty-seven isolates from the poplars of Section Aigeiros and Section Tacamahaca, however, had the characteristics of slowly colony radial growth and yellowish-green conidiosorus production, germinating 1~5 mostly 2~3 germtubes, usually pathogenic to P.×euramericana I-45 and P.canadensis, also pathogenic to P.tomentosa, P.cathayana and P.simonii. The test of hyphal anastomosis showed that hyphal anastomosis developed between isolates from the poplar of Section Leuce, and between isolates from poplars of Section Aigeiros and Section Tacamahaca, but could not develop between isolates from the poplars of Section Leuce and isolates from poplars of Section Aigeiros or Section Tacamahaca. The five isolates from the poplar of Section Leuce were placed in one group and the thirty-seven isolates from the poplars of Section Aigeiros and Section Tacamahaca in the other group. These two groups were similar to the two specialized forms reported by Li (1984) and He et Yang (1991).
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