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Comparison in Contents of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines in Female and Male Plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii


全 文 :园 艺 学 报 2010,37(10):1645–1650
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
* E-mail:liuyun19970205@163.com
刘 芸 1,*,钟章成 2,王小雪 1,谢 君 1,杨文英 1
(1 西南大学资源环境学院,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400716;2 西南大学生命科学学院,重庆
摘 要:在栝楼生长发育各阶段,采用高效液相色谱技术分别对雌雄植株叶片内源激素及多胺含量
入生殖生长后雌株显著高于雄株。试验结果表明:高含量的 IAA 和 Spd 有利于栝楼雌花发育,而高含量
的 Put 和 Spm 有利于雄花发育。当雌雄花盛开后,多胺均呈下降趋势,Put 和 Spm 在雌雄株间含量差异
中图分类号:S 567.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0513-353X(2010)10-1645-06

Comparison in Contents of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines in
Female and Male Plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii
LIU Yun1,*,ZHONG Zhang-cheng2,WANG Xiao-xue1,XIE Jun1,and YANG Wen-ying1
(1Key Laboratory of Eco-Environment of Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Ministry of Education,College of Resources
and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing 400716,China;2School of Life Science,Southwest University,
Chongqing 400715,China)
Abstract:The contents of endogenous hormones and polyamines in leaves were measured by HPLC
in female and male plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim during their developmental stages. The results
showed that great difference in endogenous hormones existed between female and male plants. The
contents of IAA in female plants were always higher than those of male plants. However,the contents of
ABA in female plants were always lower than those of male plants. During the vegetative growth stage,the
contents of GA1/3 and ZR in male plants were higher than those of female plants,then the contents of GA1/3
and ZR both decreased rapidly during the reproductive growth stage of male plants. However,the contents
of GA1/3 and ZR in female plants were continuously increased until the end of female’s vegetative growth
and then also decreased rapidly. The Spd contents in female plants were significantly higher than those of

1646 园 艺 学 报 37 卷
male plants. The Spm contents in male plants were higher than those of female plants during the vegetative
growth stage. However, no significant difference of Spm contents existed between male and female plants
during the reproductive growth stage of female plants. The Put contents in male plants were significantly
higher than those of female plants during the vegetative growth stage. However,the Put contents in female
plants were significantly higher than those of male plants during the early reproductive growth stage of
female plants,thereafter,the Put contents were decreased and had no difference between male and female
plants during the late reproductive growth stage of female plants. The results suggested that high contents
of IAA and high Spd were beneficial to the development of female flowers,while high levels of Put and
Spm were beneficial to the development of male flowers. Polyamines decreased after flowering of female
and male plants except Spd. While the difference of Put and Spm content was lesser at the late
reproductive stage. These results demonstrated that polyamines were concerned with sex determination
and differentiation of Trichosanthes kirilowii.
Key words:Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim;endogenous hormones;endogenous polyamine;growth
and development stage;dioecy

影响(Heslop-Harrison,1964;Chailakhyan & Khryanin,1982;Durand & Durand,1991)。赤霉素
系统似乎很稳定,赤霉素和 6-BA 对其性别表达没有影响(Bavrina et al.,1991)。相同的激素也可
能引起不同的性别,如在山靛中 IAA 是雄性化作用(Dauphin et al.,1979),而在大麻和菠菜中是雌
性化作用(Chailakhyan & Khryanin,1982)。此外,植物的性别表达不仅仅被植物激素调控,也可
能被其他的化学成分调控。多胺就参与植物细胞分裂、DNA 凝聚及激素的调控等(赵福庚和刘友良,
2000)。腐胺被认为是形成花的主要的多胺,施用外源腐胺能诱导开花(Altamura & Tomassi,1998)。
Tassoni 等(2000)研究发现亚精胺是拟南芥中主要的多胺,在花中特别丰富。高武军(2008)的研
达,农业生产上常根据经营目的外施具有促雌或促雄性别的调节物质以提高经济效益(朱大恒 等,
栝楼的研究很少涉及激素和多胺在性别决定和调控方面的作用(李珊 等,2008;Liu & Zhong,2009),
本研究中以雌雄异株植物栝楼(Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim)为材料,初步分析雌雄植株生长
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
选取 2005 年播种在重庆市药用植物研究院药用植物苗圃里的雌雄异株栝楼(Trichosanthes
10 期 刘 芸等:栝楼雌雄植株激素和多胺含量的比较 1647

kirilowii Maxim)为试验材料,2006 年进行了标记取样,2007 年加大标记样本数量,以保证雌雄株
样本均达 9 株。2007 年 5 月下旬,当栝楼苗长至 0.5 m 左右时,随机选取 300 株栝楼苗,每株挂牌
1.2 内源激素和多胺含量的测定
取样时间选择在栝楼生长发育几个有代表性的时期:雌雄株均处于营养生长期(6 月 15 日),
雄花始花期(7 月 15 日,以此作为雄株进入生殖生长的测定期),雌花始花期(8 月 7 日,以此作为
雌株进入生殖生长的测定期),雌雄花期结束(9 月 6 日,其中雌花先于雄花提前 9 d 凋谢,此时雌
在上述 4 个时期分别从标记的栝楼植株茎尖上取幼叶,第 1 次取样时由于一些植株性别未知,
为保证每个样品能重复至少 3 次,因此随机从 90 株挂牌植株上取样(根据该药用植物园其它地块种
植记录,栝楼种群的雌雄性比大约为 1︰7);第 2 次取样时,未现蕾或开花植株取样 50 株以保证测
定时有足够雌株样品;其余时间取样雌雄株各 9 株。每次取样后立即放入液氮速冻,保存于–80 ℃
内源激素的提取和纯化参照于玉梅等(2008),Liu 和 Zhong(2009)的方法。色谱条件:流动
相 A 为甲醇,B 为 0.8%冰醋酸溶液,流速 0.8 mL · min-1,柱温 40 ℃,检测波长 260 nm。
多胺提取和纯化参照刘俊等(2002)的方法进行。色谱条件:流动相甲醇︰水 = 60︰40(体积
比),流速 0.7 mL · min-1,柱温 30 ℃,检测波长 230 nm。
测定重复 3 次,取平均值。所有数据采用 SPSS13.0 作统计处理。
2 结果与分析
2.1 栝楼雌雄株内源激素含量变化
由表 1 可以看出,雌雄株栝楼由营养生长转入生殖生长期间叶片 IAA 含量均呈增加趋势,而性
别分化完成后呈逐渐降低的趋势。除雄株始花期以外,雌株栝楼叶片 IAA 含量均显著高于雄株,雌
雄株叶片 IAA 含量峰值均出现在各自的始花期,因而雄株栝楼叶片 IAA 含量峰值较雌株早 20 d 左
表 1 雌雄栝楼植株内源激素含量动态变化
Table 1 Changes of endogenous hormones in leaves of male and female plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii /(ng · g-1FW)
Measurement time(M–D) 性别 Sex 吲哚乙酸 IAA 赤霉素 GA1/3 玉米素核苷 ZR 脱落酸 ABA
雄株 Androdioecy 56.21 ± 3.70B 15.33 ± 1.25A 115.64 ± 8.41a 110.68 ± 5.48a 营养生长期(06–15)
vegetative growth stage 雌株 Gynodioecy 87.14 ± 5.82A 9.54 ± 0.84B 106.18 ± 9.70a 92.19 ± 6.50a
雄株 Androdioecy 98.35 ± 4.73a 24.54 ± 1.45A 163.45 ± 11.20a 123.56 ± 6.35a 雄花始花期(07–15)
Initial bloom of
雌株 Gynodioecy 106.59 ± 7.90a 16.52 ± 1.60B 142.57 ± 9.50b 103.65 ± 5.40b
雄株 Androdioecy 79.25 ± 5.20B 13.21 ± 1.12B 104.14 ± 7.68B 226.91 ± 13.42A 雌花始花期(08–07)
Initial bloom of pistillate 雌株 Gynodioecy 132.54 ± 8.76A 27.46 ± 1.80A 178.94 ± 10.20A 129.67 ± 12.10B
雄株 Androdioecy 23.18 ± 1.16A 8.79 ± 0.94B 38.74 ± 3.50a 309.38 ± 14.55A 雌雄花期结束(07–06)
Florescence end 雌株 Gynodioecy 51.26 ± 2.34B 11.69 ± 1.03A 51.67 ± 4.71a 188.52 ± 10.62B
注:数据为平均值 ± 标准误(n = 9),不同小写或大写字母代表同一时期雌雄株内源激素含量差异显著(P < 0.05)或极显著(P < 0.01)。
Note:The values are means ± standard errors(n = 9). Values in each column noted with different letters differ significantly at P < 0.05(lower
case)and very significantly at P < 0.01(capital).
1648 园 艺 学 报 37 卷
栝楼叶片 GA1/3 含量在营养生长期雄株显著高于雌株,当雄株进入生殖生长期后逐渐降低,而
雌株一直呈增加趋势,直到雌株进入生殖生长期时显著高于雄株(表 1)。雌雄植株叶片 GA1/3含量
峰值出现在各自的始花期,因而雄株较雌株峰值早 20 d 左右出现。峰值出现后,雌雄株 GA1/3 含量
栝楼雄株叶片 ZR 含量在营养生长期略高于雌株,在其始花期达到最大值,以后急剧下降,而
雌株继续增加,也在其始花期达到峰值后急剧下降(表 1)。从表 1 中可以看出,ZR 含量变化趋势
类似 GA1/3,只是在由营养生长转入生殖生长前期含量差异不如 GA1/3 明显。但 GA1/3 和 ZR 在雌株
雌雄株栝楼在营养生长期叶片 ABA 含量较低且保持相对稳定,雄株始花期急剧增加并显著高
于雌株(表 1),而雌株增加相对缓慢,到始花期时升高略微加快。在雌雄个体性别分化过程中雄株
ABA 含量始终高于雌株,但营养生长期差异不明显,转入生殖生长期后差异才逐渐显著。从变化趋
势上来看雌雄性别分化过程中 ABA 含量变化规律基本一致,均随着生长发育进程逐渐升高(表 1),
而雄株性别决定期 ABA 含量并未有明显的变化,仅雌株由营养生长转入生殖生长期 ABA 含量有显
2.2 栝楼雌雄株内源多胺含量变化
由表 2 可知,在栝楼整个生长发育阶段,雌株叶片中亚精胺含量极显著高于雄株。精胺含量在

表 2 雌雄栝楼植株内源多胺含量动态变化
Table 2 Changes of endogenous polyamines in leaves of male and female plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii /(nmol · g-1FW)
Measurement time(M–D) 性别 Sex 亚精胺 Spermidine 精胺 Spermine 腐胺 Putrescine
雄株 Androdioecy 12.3 ± 2.07B 27.15 ± 1.56a 48.93 ± 4.21A 营养生长期(06–15)
Vegetative growth stage 雌株 Gynodioecy 37.1 ± 3.53A 18.64 ± 2.05b 19.54 ± 2.43B
雄株 Androdioecy 16.7 ± 2.35B 42.50 ± 5.31a 85.60 ± 7.68A 雄花始花期(07–15)
Initial bloom of staminate 雌株 Gynodioecy 58.1 ± 4.79A 26.70 ± 3.25b 26.80 ± 3.54B
雄株 Androdioecy 12.1 ± 1.83B 10.50 ± 1.59a 21.50 ± 2.89b 雌花始花期(08–07)
Initial bloom of pistillate 雌株 Gynodioecy 90.5 ± 9.51A 14.90 ± 2.08a 35.20 ± 3.64a
雄株 Androdioecy 10.7 ± 2.43B 7.56 ± 0.84a 13.87 ± 1.45a 雌雄花期结束(09–06)
Florescence end 雌株 Gynodioecy 66.8 ± 5.12A 5.37 ± 0.65a 14.50 ± 2.14a
注:数据为平均值 ± 标准误(n = 9),不同小写或大写字母代表同一时期雌雄株内源多胺含量差异显著(P < 0.05)或极显著(P < 0.01)。
Note:The values are means ± standard errors(n = 9). Values in each column noted with different letters differ significantly at P < 0.05(lower
case)and very significantly at P < 0.01(capital).
3 讨论
Chailakhyan 和 Khryanin(1978a,1978b)对大麻幼苗(2 ~ 3 对叶)的根部用 GA3(25 mg · L-1)
处理,当成年后 80%的植株为雄株,而对照群体雄株仅为 30%;用 6-BA 和 IAA 处理后所有的植株
发育为雌性或两性株;而用 ABA 处理植株性别也产生相似的结果。本试验中 4 种内源激素仅 IAA
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株较雄株生长慢,且雌株始花期较雄株晚 22 d。对于 ABA,Chailakhyan 和 Khryanin(1978a,1978b)
用其处理植株也有雌性化的效果,本试验中却发现雌株 ABA 含量低于雄株,其含量变化也不能证
在对栝楼属叶片的 GA3 研究中发现,从营养生长转向生殖生长的过程中雄性个体的 GA3 比雌性
个体增加得多(孙永刚,2007)。汪俏梅和曾广文(1997)的研究表明,GA3 处理苦瓜有明显的促雌
效果,内源 IAA/ZT 与雌/雄成正相关。本试验中雌雄栝楼植株的 GA1/3 含量只是峰值出现时间不同,
节位上出现雄花,CTK 诱导雄株上出现雌花。王白坡等(1999)分析了银杏雌雄株芽尖及叶片中内
源激素含量,在整个生长季节雌株芽尖中 GA3 和 ZT 的平均含量比雄株高 20%以上;而 IAA 和 ABA
性性别的表达的说法可能有物种依赖性(Chailakhyan & Khryanin,1978a,1978b;Khryanin,2002)。

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