本文以玉米(Zea mays L.)抗南方型锈病自交系P25和感病自交系F349的F1与F349回交,并连续回交所得BC5代的F349抗病近等基因系(nearly isogenic lines,NILs)为材料,以RGA(resistance gene analogs)的方法,在抗病自交系中克隆出一条321 bp的特异性DNA条带。根据序列比对的结果,设计出新的引物作为分子标记,在96株BC7、BC4F5NILs及其亲本和杂种F1群体上进行鉴定,其中94株的田间抗感结果与分子检测结果一致,选择的有效率达97.9%。此标记扩增效果清晰,可重复性强,在抗玉米南方型锈病的分子标记辅助育种研究中有应用价值。
It is a valuable way to develop co-segregation molecular markers for enhancing selection efficiency. Using maize(Zea mays L.) resistant inbred line P25, susceptible inbred line F349 and the derived NILs of BC5(F349 is the recurrent parent) to southern corn rust as materials, a 321-bp specific DNA band was amplified and cloned by means of RGA (resistance gene analog) primers. The new primers designed in terms of the above band sequence as a molecular marker were used for marker assistant selection(MAS) among the 96 BC7, BC4F5 inbreds and their parents in order to evaluate the selection efficiency. Finally, the specific band was gained and the performance in 94 of 96 plants was consistent between the field test and molecular marker analysis. The selection efficiency of the marker was up to 97.9%. The marker can produce clear and steady amplification bands in PCR, and be used valuably in MAS for southern corn rust resistance.
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