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GISH Analysis of Sweet Potato Wild Relative Ipomoea trifida (4x)

甘薯近缘野生种Ipomoea trifida(4x) GISH分析

以甘薯近缘野生种I. trifida (2x)为探针, 与I. trifida (4x) 2个株系“695104”和“697288”的体细胞染色体进行基因组荧光原位杂交, 结果显示, 2株系都与I. trifida (2x)有很近的亲缘关系, 但2株系的信号存在差异。“695104”几乎所有染色体整条都有均匀明亮的信号, 应为I. trifida (2x)基因组直接加倍而来;而 “697288”与“695104”不同, 虽然各条染色体也均有杂交信号, 但信号的区域与亮度有差异, 较为复杂, 可分为三种情况。第1种是整条染色体有均匀明亮的信号, 亮度与分布区域同“695104” , 有41条;第2种是几乎整条染色体有信号, 但亮度较第一种暗, 有14条;第3种为染色体部分区域有信号, 亮度较前二者更暗, 有5条。推测 “697288”是在加倍同时或之后又发生了基因组重组与部分变异。

Using genomic DNA of I. trifida (2x) as probe, I. trifida (4x) lines 695104 and 697288 were analyzed with genome in situ hybridization (GISH). The results showed that the two liness were very closely related to I. trifida (2x) based on hybridization signals. Bright and even hybridization signals were observed on all chromosomes of 695104, showing that I. trifida (4x) 695104 should be from doubling of I. trifida (2x) chromosome set. Hybridization signals of 697288 differed from those of 695104 in brightness and region size. It displayed there types: the first was that 41 chromosomes appeared bright and even signals on whole chromosomal; the second was that 14 chromosomes presented even signals almost on whole chromosome but weaker than the first; the third was that 5 chromosomes displayed more weaker signals than those of both the first and the second. Therefore 697288 might derived from I. trifida (2x), but through recombination and variation.

全 文 : ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2008, 34(2): 341−343 http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/
ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
:  30600417
 : (1971–) !#$%&()*+,%-Tel/Fax: 023-68250383E-mail:
* /012(Corresponding author): 34-Tel/Fax: 023-68250383E-mail: lianggl@swu.edu.cn
Received(5678): 2007-06-19; Accepted(9:78;: 2007-08-27.
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00341
 Ipomoea trifida(4x) GISH
( , 400716)
 :  I. trifida (2x) , I. trifida (4x) 2“695104”“697288”
 !, #$%&, 2 I. trifida (2x)()*+, , 2-./0123“695104”4
56(78(9:;<-., = I. trifida (2x)>?@ABCDB “697288” “695104”EF, GH
I8J9(!-., ,-.KL ;<-., U 3 ZQKL(-., h ZQi23
: D D !(GISH)
GISH Analysis of Sweet Potato Wild Relative Ipomoea trifida (4x)
XIANG Su-Qiong, WANG Wei-Xing, LI Xiao-Lin, CHEN Yao, GUO Qi-Gao, HE Qiao, and LIANG
Guo Lu*
(Horticulture and Landscape College, Southwest University, Beibei 400716, Chongqing, China)
Abstract: Using genomic DNA of I. trifida (2x) as probe, I. trifida (4x) lines 695104 and 697288 were analyzed with genome in
situ hybridization (GISH). The results showed that the two liness were very closely related to I. trifida (2x) based on hybridization
signals. Bright and even hybridization signals were observed on all chromosomes of 695104, showing that I. trifida (4x) 695104
should be from doubling of I. trifida (2x) chromosome set. Hybridization signals of 697288 differed from those of 695104 in
brightness and region size. It displayed there types: the first was that 41 chromosomes appeared bright and even signals on whole
chromosomal; the second was that 14 chromosomes presented even signals almost on whole chromosome but weaker than the first;
the third was that 5 chromosomes displayed more weaker signals than those of both the first and the second. Therefore 697288
might derived from I. trifida (2x), but through recombination and variation.
Keywords: Sweet potatoDIpomoea trifida; Genome in situ hybridization (GISH)
 [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., 2n=6x=90] jkl
m(Convolvulaceae)j(Ipomoea)no , pqrst
uvwxyz{|}~Xr[1], €‚ nƒ„…
’“”PŒ•x–• —˜™3no
š 15, ’›œ ž 6x, ’Ÿ 2x b 4x,  
¡ E¢X A£[2]3’¤¥, ¦ƒ§¨©ª
«¬¨©­®¯° , ±²¯°³´µ¶0
š· ¸šQ¹ º»[3-5], B¼{A
½#¾¯°¿À , ÁÂÃEÄ;śœVF
Æ{A (Nishiyama 1971, 1975; Oracion et al. 1990;
Shiotani and Kawase 1987, 1989)x2Æ{A(Jones and
Dioner 1965; Magoon et al. 1970)ÇVFÆ2Æ{A
(Yen, 1974)[6]3UÈÉ(Ê BË) ³
´ÌÍ I. trifida 2xx4x 6x{AOÎ[1]3σ
 !(Genome in situ hybridization, GISH)ÐÑ
342      34
noÜN¯°ÝÞg(ߗŠ , B0
à=• GISH Ðѯ°áâãäå3Bžæ I.
trifida (2x) , I. trifida (4x)
 !, çèéê I. trifida (2x)0 I. tri-
fida (4x)àQW>º-ë, ¯°{A
noìÆíÝÞX¡Qªàïð , F
a  ñò¯°¶ ó•ÝÞôõ3
ãö 1, 9C÷vwøùúû¶ü(CIP)¨©ýÆZ3
Table 1 Materials for this study

No. of accession

Female parent

Male parent

Chromosome number

CIP693231 2x10.1 2x3.1 2n=2x=30 I. trifida (2x)
CIP697288 4x6.1 4x20.1 2n=4x=60 I. trifida (4x)
CIP695104 4x19.1 OP 2n=4x=60 I. trifida (4x)
 I. trifida(2x) gDNAÝþô
ñò CTAB[7]ñ, ídó• Roche
 DIG-High Prime •o½ 3
[8] (ñ, !” 0.5~1.0 cma, #þ”
ƒ 0.002 mol L−1 8-$%&«( 20~25)*
1.5~2.0 h, Hd•+,-./-012(331)45 1 h,
3% 6789-$:9;Î( 25<= 2 h,  10 min,
>45 30 min, ?×35% Giemsa( 5~10
min, @ABCDd•3
1.3.1  Ežƒ 60FG
¶H 6 h, 100 µg mL-1RNase A 37Ií 1 h, 2×SSC
AJ 3K, LK 5 min, 70%-90%-100%1/MKN«, L
O 3 minD0.01% Pepsin 37)* 10~15 min, 1×PBSAJ
2K, LK 5 minD1%.P(50 mmol L−1 MgCl2, 1×PBS,
)ƒQ‡45 5 min, 2×SSCRA 3K, LK 5 min3
1.3.2  70%²=î.ST(2×SSCUV)68i£
2 min, WÊX±YZ[M1/N«(70%x90%x100%),
LO 5min3
1.3.3  L\× 20 µL!(, ] 50%.S
T , 10%^2_`a , 2×SSC, 2 ng µL−1 , 0.5 µg
ssDNA(bcd DNA)3ef;:, 0 PCR gà 97i£
10 mindWÊ0h 10 min3@!(ƒ×à, i
àij×, kl, 37«h!±m3
1.3.4   0.1% SDS (2×SSC,
) 37RA 3K, LK 5 minD0.1% SDS(0.2×SSC,)
37RA 3KDLK 5 min, 2×SSCQ‡n@A 2KDo
×, @ 100 μLlp , 37lp 30 minDolp(,
@ 200 ng Anti-DIG-FITC, 37‡q 1 hD1×PBS / Tween20
(0.2%) 37RA 3 K, LK 5 minD1~2 µg mL−1 PI r
10 min, st¸ Vectashied H1000(Vector)l×3•
Olympus BX60%uCº», SPOT Cooled CCDv-w
éxy z{, • Spot Photoshop|}xy)*3
 I. trifida (2x) gDNA , I. trifida (4x) 2
 695104 697288¶~
!,#$x 1, AxC r €!-.h
dνx, ‚€%&!-., BxD ƒ„!
-.32  I. trifida (2x)()*+, , 2
-./0123x 1-Ax 1-B%&, 69510445
6(78à(9:;<-., _`Ï I. trifida
(2x)>?@ABCDx 1-Cx 1-D…%&, 697288
GHI8àJ9(!-. , ,-.KL <
M(12 , N O! , PQ 3 ST3U 1 V
 1 I. trifida(4x)695104 697288 GISH
Fig . 1 GISH analysis of I. trifida(4x) 695104 and 697288
A: 695104 GISH; B: 695104 GISH; C: 697288 GISH;
D: 697288 GISH 5 µm
A: GISH result of 695104; B: GISH signal of 695104; C: GISH result of
697288; D: GISH signal of 697288 scale bars=5 µm.
 2 :   Ipomoea trifida(4x) GISH 343
695104,  41 2, 
 ,  14  3 !
, #$%& ,  5I. trifida (4x) 2()
* I. trifida (2x)+,-./0123, 4567
896 ):, ; 695104< I. trifida (2x)=>?@
AB, 697288 CD?@EFGHIJBK+,-L
trifida45Z[ \][9], H9 RFLP R^APD I^SSR
U_` DNAabcdeVfgh I. trifidaij
Z[kl mno)[10-12]plqrs NOR^tu
vU rDNA-FISH wZ[xyln z{|}~ I.
trifidap45ijZ[ \][13],, I. trifida+€
‚Y!Z[ ln\]ƒ„…D†‡ˆ‰UŠ‹Œ
Ž 500 m‘ ’“”•– I. trifida—$@,
D†‡ˆ‰Ž 1 000~1 600 m ˜“”•–K™@
I. trifida, yš›œž$@ I. trifidaŸ
2 ¡¢£† ¤^¥¦§e“f”•–¨© ™@š
›, Austin Y!¨ª™@š›Z[(6x)$@«B
 .[14], ¡y¬ž^./­x“®¯,
Y! I. trifida (2x) °±?@&!²³[1]€´Tµ´ 2
()gh8¶·* WX, 0123E 2()
Igh I. trifida (2x)kl mno), <7 I. trifida
(4x)¸¹¦º): , »¼ I. trifida (4x)() I.
trifida (2x)=>?@AB,  C?@EFGHIJB
K+,-L-M3 , ½¾45y¿+,- À
Á, ¡~¯$% Ã!«BÂ
Ï Ðn, ÑÒ ÓÔ+ÕÖÈÉÓÔ¦©­×’,
e+, Lá96Gâã!ä ÇSå~ ln
«Bæç I. trifida (6x)èÈéÃr7Z[Ç, ’@
I. trifidaxy¿êÂln«BëfìíKZ[ij
É ­./,yHî,z{­ï8®ðØñòDB
A=>Îr óô,¨ªõöw7Ú÷Z[ ÓÔøù
­^Üà­^¹ÞßeÞ+,ÁZ[, ŋ
¬ÙK ln«BZ[R  ./, ! 
Îrln«B, ûÛÜÝÞßõö ‘K+Հ
wZ[ln«B I. trifida (2x) I. trifida (4x) o)K
V, áÁijZ[ 6, &ì
ìí I. trifida Uy¿«BGRxyijZ[R
GISHV´T, W{y¿|}WX9
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