EMULSIFYING PROPERTIES OF HYDROLYSATES MADE BY LIMIT ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF SWEETPOTATO HEAT-DENATURED PROTEIN Analysis of Interspecific SNPs in Sweetpotato Using a Reduced-Representation Genotyping Technology Difference and Related Reason for Assimilate Distribution of Sweetpotato Varieties with Different Tuber Root Yields Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Root Yield and Nitrogen Utilization in Different Purple Sweetpotato Varieties Preliminary Study on Relationship between Pigments and Flesh Color of Sweetpotato Based on the Characteristic Values of image RGB Behaviors of sweetpotato resistance to root rot in the different environmental conditions and its inheritance Studies on Overcoming Low Seed-setting in Cross between Sweetpotato and 2n Pollen Clones of It‘s Closerel ated Triploidy Hybrid with Plant Growth Regulator Extraction of Dietary Fiber from Sweetpotato Residues by Enzymatic Hydrolysis Method Assisted by Ultrasonic Technology Mutagenic Effects of Ion Beams on Embryogenic Cell-aggregates of Sweetpotato Effects of long-term phosphorus fertilization on quality and starch RVA characters in sweetpotato Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Root Organogenesis in Ipomoea batatas, Salix matsudana and Glycine max Establishment and Application of a Multiplex RT-PCR Detection Method for SPCSV, SPVG and SPFMV Infecting Sweetpotato Effects of ecological conditions on main quality traits of sweetpotato Effects of potassium fertilization period on photosynthetic characteristics and storage root starch accumulation of edible sweetpotato. Effects of the Ratio of Purple Sweetpotato Flour on the Properties of Sweetpotato Starch and Starch Noodle The Use of RAPD,ISSR and AFLP Markers for Analyzing Genetic Relationships among Sweetpotato Cultivars with Known Origin Identification and Evaluation of 76 Special Utilized Sweetpotato Germplasm Resources Genetic Diversity among Main Sweetpotato Germplasm Resources using SRAP Markers ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY OF ROOT QUALITIES IN PURPLE-FLESHED SWEETPOTATO UNDER FLIED SHADING STRESS Variations of flavanoid contents in vine tips among different varieties, parts and time of topping of sweetpotato for vegetable-use Responses of nitrogen supply forms on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and root characters of sweetpotato A new bacterial stem and root rot disease of sweetpotato in Guangdong, China Genetic Diversity in Main Parents of Sweetpotato in China as Revealed by ISSR Marker GISH Analysis of Sweet Potato Wild Relative Ipomoea trifida (4x) Cloning of lyc-b Gene from Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) and Transferring the Gene into Tobacco Response of SweetpotatoinSource-Sink Relationship Establishment, Expanding, and Balance to Nitrogen Application Rates Screening and Evaluation Indicators for Low Potassium-Tolerant and Potassium Efficient Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties (Lines) Physiological Basis of Improving Soluble Sugar Content in Sweetpotato for Table Use by Humic Acid Application Relationship among Amylose Content, Starch Pasting and Ethanol Fermentation in Sweetpotato Varieties for Starch Use Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Sweetpotato Landraces in China Identification of Sweetpotato Drought-Resistance and Physiological Response of Sweetpotato Leaves under Osmotic Stress Suitable nitrogen rate for storage root yield and quality of sweet potato

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