摘 要 :用 Eberhart & Russell 模式和 Shukla 方法,比较分析了14个 T 型冬小麦 F_1杂种和10个纯系(亲本)品种在5个不同地点的产量和品质性状的稳定性。结果表明,所有性状都存在显著的基因型×环境互作。在基因型×环境互作的模式与性质上,杂种和纯系品种都主要表现为非线性响应。杂种小麦的产量表现比纯系品种更为稳定,但在蛋白质含
Abstract:Data obtained from a regional test of fourteen wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)hybrids and ten purelines over five locations were analysed to compare the stability ofyield and quality characters of hybrid and pureline winter wheat cultivars using Eberhart-Russell‘s model and Shukla‘s method.The results s