摘 要 :绿萝(Epipremnum aureum(Linden et Andre)Bunting)系天南星科(Araceae) 麒麟叶属(Epipremnum)的一种木质藤本植物,常攀援于山石上、墙壁上或它树上附生,分枝多,枝悬垂,园艺上用作荫棚悬挂植物。绿萝的叶片薄革质,翠绿色,一般 (特别是叶面)有多数不规则的黄色斑块,极为美丽,它不仅是庭园观赏植物,而且还可折枝插瓶,经久不萎。本种不易开花,通常都是无性扦插繁殖门。迄今为止,关于绿萝的组织培养,除1986年K·Y.Paek等人报道用Scundapsus aureus(Epipremnum pinnatum)的茎央和腋芽进行培养外,尚未见到其他的报道。
Abstract:The arbuscular mycorrhizal status of 65 plant species growing in the dryhot valley of Jinsha River (Binchuan and Yongsheng Counties) was surveyed by means of acid stain after the roots were lysised in alkaline solution.It was found that plants growing in different areas of the dryhot valley of Jinsha River shown a different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal infection and infection intensity.Most of common plant species growing in the dryhot valley of Jinsha River usually formed arbuscular mycorrhizae.The arbuscular mycorrhizal status of a definite plant species in different parts of the river may be relative to its mycorrhizal dependency.