摘 要 :羽叶三七(Panax japonicus C. A. Meyer var. bipinnatifidus (Seem.)Wuet Feng)又称疙瘩七,产我国西北部至西南部山区,是人参属植物中分布海拔和纬度均较高的一个种类。在陕西省秦岭地区主要产于南北坡海拔2100—2900米的针叶林下阴湿处。民间以其根茎入药,具有清热解毒、顺气健胃、活血祛瘀、滋补强壮之效。作为国产人参属植物皂甙成分系统研究的一个部分,本文报告秦岭产羽叶三七根茎的皂甙成分,并讨论其化学分类学意义。
Abstract:From the rhizome of Panax japonicus C.A.Meyer var. bipinnatifidus (Seem. ) Wu et Feng, collected in Qinling Mountain Shaanxi, China, ten saponins were isolated. By means of 13C NMR, EI-MS and comparw with authntic samples, which were identified with chikusetsusaponm V(yield: 2.20% ), IV (0.022% ), IVa (0.20% ), zingibroside R1 (0.026% ), ginsenoside Rb1 (0.122%), Rd (0.085%), Re (0.06% ), Rg1 (0.085% ), Rg2 (0.058% ) and 24 (s ) -pseudoginsenoside F11 (0.016% ), respectively. From the similarity of saaponm constituents between var. bipinnatifi-dus and other varieties of P.japonicus, there are suitable that var.bipnnatifi- dus as a variety of P.japonicus and as a geographic substitutc form of var. major in more high elevation and more high latitude.