摘 要 :金铁锁为石竹科金铁锁属植物,学名Psammosiline tunicoides W.C.Wu et C.Y.wu,别名麻参、昆明沙参,独丁子、蜈松七、白马分鬃、金丝矮陀陀等。滇南本草记载:“金铁锁、味辛辣、性大温、有小毒、吃之令人多吐。专治面寒疼、骨气心气痛。攻疮痈排脓。”民间以其根配方用于外伤止血及铁打损伤、风湿疼痛及胃痛。贵州省中医研究所曾报导金铁锁乙醇提取物在小鼠实验中有镇痛作用. 经中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学研究室分析,金铁锁根部主要含五环三萜皂甙,水解所得就主要为丝石竹皂甙元(Gypsogenin)及另外五个皂甙元。为了对此药的有效成分及药理作用作进一步研究,为此药及其复方的临床应用提供实验依据,我们对金铁锁总皂甙作了初步实验研究。
Abstract:Subchtaneous injection of total saponins from Psammasilene tunicoides, at a dose of 5 mg/kg, raised the paia threshold significantly (P <0.001) in the expe-riment on mouse by "Hot-Plate" method, as well as significantly lessened the fre- quency of "Writhing" response induced by 0.6%,acetic acid in mice. Psammosilene tunicoides saponins could inhibit the croton oil induced infla- mmation of the ear in mice, and the granuloma caused by cotton.In vitro, Psa- mmosilene tunicoides saponins had a definite inhibitory action on Staphyloco- ccus, Escherichia coll, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Trichoph- yton tonsurans, Trichophyton gypseum, and Sporotrichum schenekii.