Effect of prim-O-glucosylcimifugin and 4′-O-β-D-glucosyl-5-O-methylvisa-mminol con on proliferation of smooth muscle cell stimulated by TNF-α Antagonism mechanism of gingerols against inflammatory effect of toxic raphides from Pinella pedatisecta Study of effect of Humifuse Euphorbia Herb on alleviating insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic model KK-Ay mice Nephrotoxicity of Aristolochia manshriensis and Longdan Xiegan decoction Inflammatory mechanism for thrombosis and blood stasis animal model induced by endotoxin in combination with carrageenan Study of effect of Tongsaimai tablets on experimental diabetic foot model rats Intervention effect of quercetin on inflammatory secretion of cardiac fibroblasts Inhibitory effects of vina-ginsenoside R7 on activation of rat C6 astrocytes induced by LPS and TNF-α combination Mitigation of safflor yellow injection on acute lung injury of rats induced by oleic acid Pharmacodynamics of Yi Medicine Taruosan on prophase atherosclerosis in golden hamster with hyperlipidemia Effects of Tongsaimai Prescription and Tongsaimai Prescription without Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix on ischemic brain injuries in rats Protection of Shufeng Jiedu Capsule on D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver injury in rats Mechanism of Reduning Injection on anti-acute lung injury in rats based on cytokine storm

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