Determination of catalpol and aucubin in fresh Rehmannia glutinosa by HPLC Accumulation trends of catalpol in vegetative organs of Rehmannia glutinosa var. huechingensis Effects of Rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharides on proliferation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes and insulin resistance Analysis of genetic diversity of wild Rehmannia glutinosa by
using RAPD and ISSR markers
Study on distribution and dynamic accumulation of catalpol and total iridoid in fresh Rehmannia glutinosa Effect of substrate of edible mushroom on continuously cropping obstacle of Rehmannia glutinosa Observation of prime position and driving zones in process of tuberous root expanding and expression analysis of phytohormone relative genes in Rehmannia glutinosa RAPD analysis on genetic relationship among varieties of Rehmannia glutinosa Comparative analysis of character on germplasm resources of Rehmannia glutinosa Effects of Rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharides on activity and gene expression of hepatic glycometabolic key enzymes in type 2 diabetic rats Bioinformatic prediction and validation of conserved microRNAs and their target genes in Rehmannia glutinosa