Influence of scorpion alcoholic extraction on mdr1 mRNA and P-gpexpression in brain of phenytoin-resistant convulsive rats Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on phyA and phyB mRNA Expression of Alfalfa Inhibition of humulon on arylamine N-acetyltransferase-1 activity and gene expression in SGC-7901 cells Early reactions of Arabidopsis thaliana to phenanthrene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon stress Study on inhibitory effect of water extract of Polygonum multiflorum on CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 enzymatic activities and mRNA expressions in rat liver Study on regulatory effect of Danshensu on lipid metabolism of hyperlipidemia rats mRNA Expression of Heat Shock protein 70 gene in the oyster(Crassostrea hongkongensis) responding to Vibiro alginolyticus challenge Foliar Spray Calcium and Salicylic Acid Improve the Activities and Gene Expression of Photosynthetic Enzymes in Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Light Intensity and Suboptimal Temperature Spatio-Temporal Expression Pattern of Six Novel Candidate Genesin Ginsenoside Biosynthesis from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Study of hepatic energy metabolism on rats by six cold property traditional Chinese medicines