Estimation of leaf area index of three forest types in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of Northeast China. Analysis for Protein Content in Rice by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Technique APPARENT REFLECTANCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN VEGETATION REMOTE SENSING Theory and practice of calibration and validation of crop simulation model Construction of NIRS in-line rapid detection model of concentration process of Artemisiae Annuae Herba Rapid detection of moisture and ash content in Epimedii Herba using near-infrared spectroscopy Determination of 7 flavonol glycosides in Ginkgo biloba reference extract Applicability evaluation of TDP method in the aspect of transpiration of 5 bamboo species Effects of taxon sampling on molecular dating for within-genus divergence events, when deep fossils are used for calibration. Rapid Quantification of Protein in Epimedium by Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy A Rapid Method for Quantitative Analysis of Alkaloids in Epimedium HJ NDVI cross-calibration for grassland in Northern China Models for Determining Oil Contents in Camellia oleifera Seeds by Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy The Comparison and Dynamic Calibration between the LAI Values of a Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation Determined by Canopy Scanner and Litter-fall Collection Measurement of Wheat Hardness by Near Infrared Transmittance Spectroscopy Rapid determination of loganin in Liuwei Dihuang Pills by NIR spectroscopy Adaptability of APSIM model in Southwestern China: A case study of winter wheat in Chongqing City. Flour Particle Size Distribution in Chinese Winter Wheat and Measurement by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Innovation and discussion on evaluation pattern of synchronism/asynchronism release characterization of sustained and controlled release preparations for Chinese herbal formula Comparion of two calibration approaches for regional simulation of crop model Quantitative Analysis of Chromium Content in Soybean Oil Using LIBS and Internal Calibration Method Effects of atmospheric calibration on remote sensing estimation of Moso bamboo forest biomass. Study on parameters of balanced fertilization for winter wheat in cinnamon soil in Northern China Application and validation of AquaCrop model in simulating biomass and yield of oil flax in Northwest China Redistribution patterns of black soil in hillslope landform of Northeast China:A 137Cs study STUDY ON MEASUREMENT OF ~(95) Zr IN SOLID SAMPLE Seasonality and Spatial Pattern of Leaf Area Index of a Spruce-Fir Forest at the Valley in Xiaoxing’an Mountains Adaptability of APSIM Maize Model in Northeast China The unbearable uncertainty of Bayesian divergence time estimation Integrating fossils in a molecular-based phylogeny and testing them as calibration points for divergence time estimates in Menispermaceae Runoff process in forested basin of Hun River-Taizi River, Northeast China: A simulation study. Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Soil Organic Matter Research

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