Preparation and Primary Application of Enterobacter sakazakii Colloidal Gold Test Strip Immuno-gold Localization of IAA in the Leaf Cells of Vicia faba Development of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies and Colloidal Gold Test Strips for Zeranol Advancement of colloidal gold chromatographic technique in screening of ochratoxin A Subcellular Localization and Mass Spectrum Identification of the Protein Related to Paulownia Witches‘ Broom Phytoplasma Infection Immunity Coloidal Gold Localization of Calmodulin in Cucumber Young LeafCells Immunity Coloidal Gold Localization of Calmodulin in Cucumber Young LeafCells In Vitro Effect of Stylar S-RNase of Pear on the Calmodulin Localization of Pollen Tube DEVELOPMENT OF A RAPID COLLOIDAL GOLD TEST STRIP FOR DETECTING FLUOROQUINOLONES RESIDUES Establishment of small molecular monoclonal antibody technology platform in Chinese materia medica