Physiological foundation for thedifferences of long-term water use efficiency among Populus deltoides clones Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Biomass Partition of Elaeagnus moorcroftii Effects of Different Levels of NP Nutrition on the Dry Matter Distribution of Rootand Shoot of Chinese Fir,Slash Pine and Timor Mahogany Seedlings Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation on growth and photosynthesis of Cyclobalanopsis glauca seedlings Above-and below-ground biomass distribution of main alpine meadow plants and impact of degradation on root/shoot ratio and root area Responses of Growth and Physiology Metabolism of Ophiopogon japonicus to NaCl Stress Effects of loess soil stabilization on Lolium perenne L. growth and root activity. PATCHY CONTRAST OF HABITAT AFFECTS INTRACLONAL DIVISION OF LABOR OF POTENTILLA ANSERINA Effects of changing precipitation patterns on seedlings of Stipa grandis, a dominant plant of typical grassland of Inner Mongolia, China Water Changes in Soil and Water Use during Seedling Growth of Three Herbaceous Grasses Effects of Normal Urea and Release-Controlled Urea on Root and Shoot Growth and Yield of Maize in Different Water Conditions Root Distribution and Competitive Ability of Summer Corn Denghai 3719