Review of reproductive ecology of Bryophytes Viewpoints on the study of economic thresholds of cotton bollworm Pollination Biology and Reproductive Allocation of Chirita gueilinensis(Gesneriaceae) Analysis of reproductive ecological factors of endangered Rhodiola gannanica. Stamen fusion in plants: diversity, adaptive significance, and taxonomic implications Size-dependent of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Viola tuberifera(Violaceae)bulbs allocation The Research Progress of Caragana Species during the 21st Century STUDY ON THOUSAND-SEED WEIGHT,LONGEVITY AND VITALITY OF SEEDS OF BETULA LUMINIFERA Reproductive Ecology of Armeniaca sibirica with Cold Resistant in Inner Mongolia THE REPRODUCTIVE ECOLOGY OF FICUS CYRTOPHYLLA,AN UNDERSTORY FIG SPECIES IN XISHUANGBANNA TROPICAL RAINFOREST, CHINA THE EFFECTS OF NECTAR ROBBING ON PLANTEPRODUCTION AND EVOLUTION Comparative Studies of Sexual Reproduction and Asexual Propagation Between Populations of Adenophora lobophylla and A. potaninii 太白红杉种群的生殖对策研究Ⅱ.生殖力和生殖值 A Contribution to the Reproductive Ecology of Dysosma veitchii Researches on the reproductive ecology of endangered plant populations REPRODUCTIVE ECOLOGY OF PHRYNOCEPHALUS PRZEWALSKII