Changes of Thylakoid Membrane Stacks and Chl a/b Ratio of Chloroplast from Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Seeds During Their Germination Under Light Studies on the Somaclonal Variation of Regenerated Plants from Protoplasts of Actinidia deliciosa Studies of Ultrastructure and ATPase Localization of Mature Embryo Sac in Vicia faba L. Confocal Microscopic Observations on Actin Filament Distribution in Lily Pollen Protoplasts Ultrastructural Development of Chloroplasts in Sacred Lotus Embryo Bud under Invisible Light Motile Fibrils and Cytoplasmic Streaming in Germinated Pollen Plant Regeneration of Protoplasts of Trifolium lupinaster L. from Cell Suspension Cultures Plant Regeneration from the Protoplast Culture of Multitiller and Multispike Forage Maize and Seeding of the Regenerated Plant Isolation and Purification of Cytokinin-Binding Protein from Wheat Chloroplasts Mesophyll Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Oriental Planetree (Platanus orientalis) Ultrastructural Observations on Parthenogenesis and Antipodal Apogamy of Allium tuberosum Roxb The Chemical Constituents from Podocarpus fleuryi Hickle Plant Regeneration from Protoplast of Trititrigia (Triticum sect. trititrigia Maekey) Ultrastructural Observation of Differentiation Laticifers in Hevea brasiliensis Dynamic Change of Amyloplast DNA in Developing Cotyledon Ceils of Lotus Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Formation of Picea wilsonii Mast. in Ditterent Conditions Studies on the Changes of Cell Ultrastructure in the Course of Seed Germination of Bletilla striata Under Fungus Infection Conditions Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Fluorescence Microscopic Observations on Actin Filament Distribution in Corn Pollen and Gladiolus Pollen Protoplasts Chlorophyll Accumulation in Leaves of Rice Pollen Albinos The Effect of Light and Hormones on Leaf Senescence An Ultrastructural Study of Embryo Sac in Oryza sativa L. Plant Eegeneration from Protoplasts of Brassica carinata Braun An Ultrastructural Study on the In Vitro Parthenogenesis in Sunflower Plant Regeneration from Cotyledon Protoplasts of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Construction of Chloroplast Genomic Library of Amaranthus cruentus R104 and Cloning of the Gene for the Large Subunit of Ribulose-1, 5-disphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Ultrastructural Studies of Barley Mesophyll Cella lnfected with Barley Yellow Mosaic Viruses The Effect of Cadmium on Photosystem II in Spinach Chloroplasts Cyto-Histological Observations on Organogenesis of Rubus laciniatus Culture In Vitro Cloning and Sequencing of rpoA Gene from Rice Chloroplast Genume Culture of the Cotyledon Protoplast of Xinjiang Muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.) and Plant Regeneration Studies on Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplasts of Solanum tuberosum L. Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Vessel Elements of Eight Genera in Magnoliaceae Photosynthetic Functions of Rice Improved by 2,3-eroxypropionate The Ultrastructure of Mature Embryo Sac in Dolichos lablab Ultrastructural Studies of Vegetative Cells on Jaoa bullata (Jao) Fan Ultrastructure of Chloroplast and Photosynthetic Properties of the Leaves at Different Position in Maize Damage of PSII by Sulfite A Study on Ultrastructure, Development and Function of Plastids of Cuscuta australis R.Br Effect of pp333 on Stem Elongation and Leaf Anatomy of Peanut Plant Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Glycosides from the leaf of Apocynum hendersonii Hook. f Cryopreservation of Protoplast-Derived Cell Suspensions of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Mass Isolation and Culture of Pollen Protoplasts from Three Plant Species Embryogenic Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration from Suspension-Derived Proto-plasts of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) The Ultrastructural Study on the Early Embryonic Development of Radish Investigation on the Development of Male Cametophyte in Anemarrhena Asphodeloides Anatomical Studies on Hypocotyl of Circaeaster Somatic Embryogenesis from Sugarcane Protoplasts Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Peucedanum Terebinthaceum (Fisch.) Fisch. ex Turcz Investigation on the Ultrastructure of the Tapetum in Pinus bungeana Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Ligusticurn wallichii Franch The Proteins in Mung Bean Mitochondria Studies on the Character istic of the Structures in the Cortical Cells of Gastrodia clara after Infection of Armillaria mellea Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Brassica Juncea L. The EfFect of B9 upon the Structure of Leaves and Chloroplasts in Peanut plant Effect of High Temperature on Chloroplast Ribosomes and Biosynthesis of Chloroplast Proteins in Wheat A Light and Electron Microscopic Study of Anabaena volzii Lemm Purification and Characterization of Low Molecular Weight RNA of Chloroplasts The Ultrastructural Changes Induced by Radiation in the Meristematic Cells of Root Tips of Wheat A Simi-Evergreen Broad-Leaf Forest on the South Slope of the Eastern Himalayas Effect of Zinc on the Contents of Tomato Chloroplast DNA, RNA, Protein and Chl-Protein Complexes in Relation to Light On the Fertilization of Gastrodia elata B1.Orchidaceae SUBPOPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE IN A PANMICTIC POPULATION AS REVEALED BY MOLECULAR MARKERS: A CASE STUDY OF CASTANEA SEQUINII USING SSR MARKERS EFFECTS OF INITIAL CLONE NUMBER ON MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY AND BIOMASS ALLOCATI ON OF THE INVASIVE SPARTINA ANGLICA PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY OF THE CLONAL PLANT TRAPA BICORNISIN RESPONSE TO SEDIMENT PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION AND PLANT DENSITY HIERARCHICAL PLASTICITY OF CENTELLA ASIATICAIN RESPONSES TO MICROSITES WITH DIFFERENT HERBACEOUS COVERAGE OF FOREST EDGE AND ABANDONED GRASSLAND SLOPE HIGH SEDIMENT PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION ENHANCED INVASIVENESS OF ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES SOIL-NUTRIENT PATCH CONTRAST MODIFIES INTENSITY AND DIRECTION OF CLONAL INTEGRATION IN GLECHOMA LONGITUBA DYNAMIC CHANGE OF PHYTOPLANKTON CELL DENSITY AFTER THERMAL SHOCK AND CHLORINATION IN A SUBTROPICAL BAY IN CHINA LITTER FALL PRODUCTION IN RELATION TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN NORTHEAST CHINA’S FORESTS PATCHY CONTRAST OF HABITAT AFFECTS INTRACLONAL DIVISION OF LABOR OF POTENTILLA ANSERINA SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ALONG NORTHEAST CHINA TRANSECT (NECT) FROM 1982 TO 1999 COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON CRYSTAL IDIOBLASTS OF FIVE DESERT C4 PLANTS SEASONAL ASPECT STAGES OF PLANT COMMUNITIES AND ITS SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATION IN TEMPERATE EASTERN CHINA LONG-TERM STUDIES OF FOREST DYNAMIC IN THE DUKE FOREST, SOUTH EASTERN UNITED ST ATES: A SYNTHESIS (REVIEW) TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY AND CARRYING CAPACITY IN NORTHEAST CHINA SEEDLING GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF THE ENDANGERED TREE SPECIES SHOREA WANTIANSHUEA AFTER A MAST-FRUITING EVENT INSECT HERBIVORY PATTERNS ON LEAVES OF CASTANOPSIS FARGESII DURING LEAF EXPANSION IN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN EASTERN CHINA MERCURY TOLERANCE AND ACCUMULATION IN THE HALOPHYTE SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM RESPONSE OF SOIL RESPIRATION TO SIMULATED NITROGEN DEPOSITION IN PLEIOBLASTUS AMARUS FOREST, RAINY AREA OF WEST CHINA