Cloning and Expression Analysis of Terpene Synthase Gene from Jasminum sambac Cloning and Expression Analysis of Terpene Synthase Gene from Jasminum sambac Plant Terpenoids: Biosynthesis and Ecological Functions Cloning, E. coli Expression and Molecular Analysis of a Novel Sesquiterpene Synthase Gene from Artemisia annua Cloning of sesquiterpene synthase gene As-SesTPS from Aquilaria sinensis and analysis its bioinformatics and expression Research Progress of Terpene Synthases in Conifers The progress of the research on plant monoterpene synthases The Terpene Synthases and Regulation of Terpene Metabolism in Plants The Terpene Synthases and Regulation of Terpene Metabolism in Plants Subcellular localization of a sesquiterpene synthase from Aquilaria sinensis utilizing three transient expression systems Expression pattern analysis of terpene synthases of endangered Aquilaria sinensis under different stresses Plant Terpenoid Synthases:Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Homologous Linalool Synthase Gene Involved in Floral Scents in Osmanthus fragrans var. thunbergii Cloning, bioinformatics, and expression analysis of sesquiterpene synthase gene As-SesTPS1 from Aquilaria sinensis