A New Species of Pterophyllurn from Haizhou Formation of fuxin Comparative Observation on the Characteristics of Leaves of Four Species in Chinese Isoetaceae Details of compressions of Glyptostrobus (Cupressaceae s.l.) from the Eocene of Fushun, NE China Observation on the epidermis of leaves by scanning electron microscope and the determination of contents of aloin in three species of Aloe Characteristics of the Cuticle of Marattiales The overview and prospect of chemical composition of plant cuticular wax The Cuticles of Two Fossil Cycads and Epiphytic Fungi A Dispersed Cuticle of Cordaites from the Coal of Late Paleozoic, North China On Cordaites neimengensis sp. nov from Lower Permian of Zhungeerqi, Inner Mongolia, China Cuticular Studies on Two Pleistocene Species of Lauraceae in Baise Basin, Guangxi Leaf Epidermal Cells: A Trap for Lipophilic Xenobiotics SEM Observation of the Inner Surface Structure of Needle Cuticles in Pinus Rice CYP703A3, a cytochrome P450 hydroxylase, is essential for development of anther cuticle and pollen exine STUDIES ON LEAF SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENUS EPIMEDIUM IN CHINA The comparative study on the cuticle micro-morphology of Pilgerodendron uviferum(Cupressaceae) and its relatives Studies on the Leaf Cuticle of Three Chinese Endemic Genera in Magnoliaceae SEM Observation on the Structure of Cuticles on Leaf Inner Surface of Abies (Pinaceae) and Its Significance in Systematics A New Species of Nilssoniopteris from the Early Cretaceous of Hailar Basin Molecular clone of Col gene in Meloidogyne incognita and analysis of its VIGS effect A SEM STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF SURFACE OF SEABUCKTHORN AND ELAEAGNUS AND THEIR IMPLICATION ON TAXONOMY Ⅱ.THE MORPHOLOGY OF FOLIA SURFACE OF SEABUCKTHORN AND THEIR IMPLICASURF ATION ON TAXONOMY Methods of maceration and microscopical analysis on cuticle Morphology of Seeds of Astragalus complanatus R. Br. and Astragalus with SEM Morphological Studies on Pterophyllum guizhouense sp. nov. and P. astartense Harris from the Late Triassic of Guizhou, China Research on the Characteristics of Fruit Cracking in the Hybrid Progenies Between Ziziphus jujuba‘Dongzao’and‘Linyi Lizao’ Research on the Characteristics of Fruit Cracking in the Hybrid Progenies Between Ziziphus jujuba‘Dongzao’and‘Linyi Lizao’ Cuticle Characteristics of Sublepidodendron cf. xinjiangense Sun ANATOMICAL ANDDEVELOPMENTAL STUDIESON THE FRUIT OF PYRUS BRETSCHNEIDERI Ultrastructural Study of the Sunny-Side and Shaded Side Peels of the Cold-Stored Apple Fruits and Superficial Scald Development Wax and Cuticle of Peanut Seed Coat in Relat ion to Infection and Aflatoxin Production by Asperillus flavus Analysis and Identification of WBC11 Gene in a Cuticle Development Mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana Intraspecific Variation of Leaf Epidermal Cuticle Waxes under Scanning Electronic Microscope:Stipa purpurea and Oxytropis microphylla from the QinghaiTibet Plateau A SEM STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF FOLIAR SURFACE OF SEABUCKTHORN AND ELAEAGNUS AND THEIR IMPLICATION ON TAXONOMY1.THE MORPHOLOGY OF FOLIAR SURFACE AND THEIR ATTACHMENT Cuticle Micromorphology of Nageia

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