Adaptation to Extremely High Temperature in an Alpine Environment: Systemic Thermotolerance in Arabis paniculata In Vitro Heat Stability of Plasma Membrane Vesicles and Tonoplast Membrane Vesicles Isolated From the Hypocotyle of Phaseolus vulgaris Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Heat Shock Protein Gene CpHSP1 from Chimonanthus praecox Involvement of Ca2+-CaM signal system in heat shock signal transduction Response of Higher Plants to Heat Shock Identification and Characterization of Proteins Associated with Plant Tolerance to Heat Stress Molecular Mechanisms and Genetic Basis of Heavy Metal Tolerance/Hyperaccumulation in Plants Synthesis of Heat Shock Protein in Maize Seed Embryo with Different Vigor During Germination Transmissional Effect of Heat Shock in Plants Anti-aging mechanism of polysaccharide from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea in Caenorhabditis elegans Response of AtsHsp17.6-CⅠ and AtsHsp17.6-CⅡ of Arabidopsis thaliana L. to Abiotic Stress Effects of triptolide on expression of heat shock proteins and major hiscompatibility-I molecule in synoviocytes and chondrocytes of collagen-induced arthritis rats PLANT HEAT SHOCK RESPONSE AND ITS APPLICATION IN PLANT TISSUE CULTURE