A New Fresh-eating Cultivar of Chinese Dwarf Cherry(Cerasus humilis Bunge)‘Nongda 7’ A New Early-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jingou 1’ Genetic diversity among wild Chinese dwarf cherry from different regions and its closely related plant species based on RAPD analysis A New Middle-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jing Ou 2’ A New Middle-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jing Ou 2’ A New Early-ripening Chinese Dwarf Cherry Cultivar‘Jingou 1’ Identification of the pathogen causing brown rot of Chinese Dwarf Cherry(Cerasus humilis A New Variety of Chinese Dwarf Cherry ( Cerasus humilis Bunge) ‘Nongda 3’ Contents and Distribution of Different Forms of Calcium in Prunus humilis A New Variety of Chinese Dwarf Cherry ( Cerasus humilis Bunge) ‘Nongda 3’ Identification of the pathogen causing anthrac-nose of Chinese dwarf cherry ‘Yanshan 1’ —Chinese Dwarf Cherry Contents and Distribution of Different Forms of Calcium in Prunus humilis