Establishment of SCoT Amplification System and Primer Selection for Carica papaya Construction of RNAi Two-T-DNA Plant Expression Vector of β-Gal Gene and A Preliminary Study on the Genetic Transformation of Carica Papaya L. Cryopreservation of in Vitro Papaya Shoot2tips by Vitrification Technique andIts Regeneration Laticifer Ultrastructural and Immunocytochemical Studies of Papain in Carica papaya Embryo Sacs of Hevea brasiliensis and Carica papaya Isolated with Enzyme-Squash Technique Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Papaya Suspension Cultures Influence of Potassium on the Resistance of Carica papaya L. to Leaf Blight EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ IRRADIATION AND GA_3 TREATMENT ON MUTATION OF Carica papaya L. SCoT Fingerprints and Genetic Variations of the Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Major Cultivars SRAP Analysis of Genetic Relationships among Carica papaya L. Genotypes Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Novel Proteinase Omega Promoter from Carica papaya Karyotypes Analysis and 45S rDNA-FISH of the Tetraploid and Diploid in Carica papaya L. Karyotypes Analysis and 45S rDNA-FISH of the Tetraploid and Diploid in Carica papaya L. Studies of Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis of Papaya Studies of Karyotype in Carica papaya Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya Study on the Genetic Stability of Carica papaya (Caricaceae) Propagating Plantlets Through Cytological Approach Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Novel Chymopapain Promoter from Carica papaya cDNA-AFLP Analysis and Cloning of Fruit Ripening-related Genes from Papaya cDNA-AFLP Analysis and Cloning of Fruit Ripening-related Genes from Papaya Genetic Diversity Analysis of Papaya Resources by SRAP and SCoT Combination Cell Ultra structure of Papaya Shoot-tip dur ing Cryopreservation Studies of Karyotype in Carica papaya Studies of Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis of Papaya Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya