Effects of sewage sludge amendment on physico-chemical properties of mine tailings and physiological responses of Cinnamomum camphora Physiological Properties and Growth of Cinnamomum camphora Saplings under Drought Stress and Rewatering Effects of Controlled Atmospheres with High-O2 or High-CO2 Concentrations on Postharvest Physiology and Storability of ?°Napoleon?± Sweet Cherry Effects of selenium added to soil on physiological indexes in flue-cured tobacco Influence of soil waterlogging on growth and physiological properties of poplar and willow seedlings PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF DOUBLE CROSS HYBRID CLONES OF WHITE POPLAR UNDER WATER STRESS The Study on the Physiological Properties of Smooth Sweetvetch and Rodshaped Sweetvetch and Their Forms of Variability Influence of Calcium on Alleviating NaCl-Induced Injury Effects in Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings The comparative studies on biochemical and physiological properties of Speeded-growth poplar and Lombardy poplar The Interactive Effects of Enhanced UV-B Irradiation and Water Deficit on Physiological Properties of Spring Wheat Seedling Effects of GBE50 on physiological characteristics and intracellular free calcium of myocardium Physiological Properties and Quality Evaluation of ‘Nanred’ Pear during Postharvest Ripening at Room Temperature

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