SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITIES IN DIFFERENT PLANTATIONS IN LOWLANDS OF THE YELLOW RIVER DELTA, CHINA Effects of mowing and grazing on soil nutrients and soil microbes in rhizosphere and bulk soil of Stipa grandis in a typical steppe. Effects of earthworm on soil microbes and biological fertility: A review. Allelopathic effects of aqueous extract of exotic plant Rhus typhina L. on soil micro-ecosystem Effects of ginger aqueous extract on soil enzyme activity, microbial community structure and soil nutrient content in the rhizosphere soil of ginger seedlings Remediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using four greening tree species Effect of leguminous forage rotations on soil microbe consortiums and enzyme
activity in continuously cropped potato fields
Effects of self-sown grass on soil physical properties and microbial diversity of pear orchards in yellow river delta Effects of Fertilizing on Millet Rootshoot Growth, Rhizospheric Soil Enzyme and Microbe in Immature Soil in North China Carbon Catabolic Characteristics About the Soil Dominant Bacteria from ‘Hanfu’Apple Orchard with Herbage-mulching Management Soil microbial variation and relationship with soil environmental factors in the desert hinterland greenbelt Effects of relay intercropping maize on rhizosphere soil microbial ecological characteristics in capsicum fields Impacts of Cd and Pb pollution on soil microbes in tobacco root zone and on tobacco leaf quality Degradation of fenpropathrin, phoxim and their mixture by soil microbes A preliminary study on DNA sequence diversity of soil microbial community affected by agricultural chemicals Effects of long-term fertilization on soil microbial community structure and aggregate composition in yellow clayey paddy field Seasonal Nitrogen Retention in Temperate Hardwood Forests Dynamic changes of soil ecological factors in Ziwuling secondary forest area under human disturbance EFFECT OF INCORPORATING MODELS OF Astragalus sinicus INTO SOIL ON MICROBES AND ENZYME IN TOBACCO SOIL Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Microbes and Enzyme Activities in Iron Tailings under Natural Restoration and Plantation Soil microbial functional and diversity under typical artificial woodlands in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau Effects of seed-dressing agents on groundnut and rhizosphere microbes

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