A reviewon the methods for measuring total microbial activity in soils Soil microbial properties under typical halophytic vegetation communities in arid regions Soil microbial and soil enzyme activity in a discontinued farmland by the Lower Shiyang River Spatio-temporal patterns of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in five temperate forest ecosystems A STUDY ON THE SOIL MICROBES AND SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITIES IN VARIOUS POPLAR MIXED STANDS The Feature Analysis of Soil Microbial Distribution in Northeastern China Grassland Ecosystem Response of Soil Microbe Flora to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition at a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata Effects of different cropping modes on crop root growth, yield, and rhizosphere soil microbes’ number.  Soil anti-scouribility during vegetation succession of Ziwuling secondary forest Effects of enrofloxacin residues on the functions of soil microbes The effects of grazing on grassland soils Effects of different nitrogen forms on microbial quantity and  enzymes activities in soybean field Correlations of Soil Enzyme Activity and Microbes,Nutrients in Soil of Jujube Orchard in Coastal Saline Land Response of Soil Microbes to Different Models of Conversion of Farmland to Forest Effects of Flaveria bidentis invasion on soil microbial communities, enzyme activities and nutrients Carbon Catabolic Characteristics About the Soil Dominant Bacteria from ‘Hanfu’Apple Orchard with Herbage-mulching Management Effect of soil fumigation on soil microbe and nitrification Influence of fertilizing modes of organic agriculture on the soil microbial activities The soil properties of the subalpine timberline ecotone and adjacent vegetations in Western Sichuan Influence of Rotation on Continuous Cropping Soil Environment and Cucumber Yield Microbial diversity in continuously planted Chinese fir soil Effect of cropping system on yield of strawberry and soil biological property under plastic greenhouse condition Effect of transgenic Bt cotton leaves on soil microbial community diversity Relational analysis of soil enzyme activities, nutrients and microbes inRobinia pseudoacacia plantations in the Yellow River Dalta withdifferent degradation degrees Application of 13C-labeled PLFA analysis in soil microbial ecology studies CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL MICROBES IN SOUTH SUBTROPICAL LATERITIC RED EARTH UNDER ARTIFICIAL FORESTS Study on the Seasonal Dynamics Model of Soil Microbial Growth on the Leymus chinensis Meadow in the Northeast of China Influence of Rotation on Continuous Cropping Soil Environment and Cucumber Yield Microbial diversities of shelter\|forest soils in the extreme arid area Soil microbes functional diversity in sand-fixing Caragana microphylla communities in Horqin Sandy Land. Effects of conservation tillage on soil microbes quantities and enzyme activities in wheat-herb rotation system Effects of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Quantity of Soil Microbes in the Subalpine Fir Forest Control effects of biomass on dual symbiosis system, soil microbeand yield of soybean Effects of heavy metal compound contamination of Cd, Zn, Cu andPb on soil biological activity Effect of 3-methy-phenol and phosphorous on soil microbes and enzyme activity in wheat faba-bean intercropping systems THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROBES AND ORGANIC CARBON COMPOSITION IN THE SOILS APPLIED TOGETHER WITH CHEMICAL FERTILIZER, STRAW INCOOPERATION AND MICROBIAL AGENT Mineralization of Soil Microbial C, N, P and K in Different Vegetations Types at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Effects of fluazinam on soil sucrase activitiy and respiration Effects of fluoride on soil properties and yield and quality of maize Characteristics of aquatic plant roots, soil microbes and agricultural non-point source pollutant mitigation in riparian buffer zones Effect of incorporation of Astragalus sinicus on microbe and enzyme dynamics in tobacco cultivated soils Effect of acetochlor application on soil microorganism number and enzymes activities Indication and response of soil microbe to acetochlor Soil microbial community characteristics under different vegetation types at the Holocene-basalt Platform, Jingpo Lake area, Northeast China Relationship between plant communities, characters, soil physical and chemical properties, and soil microbiology in alpine meadows Effect of fertilization in immature loess subsoil on productivity and rhizospheric soil nutrient and biological activity of cereal crops Effects of soil microbe inoculation on the growth and photosynthetic physiology of Elsholtzia splendens under copper stress Soil enzyme activities in different re-vegetation stages on sloping-land with purple soils in Hengyang of Hunan Province,  China Biological properties of lateritic red soil and their relationships with soil fertility in Southern China under different land use types. Characteristics of soil microbial populations in depressions between karst hills under different land use patterns. Variation characteristics of soil microbial activities in the  Tarim Desert Highway shelter forests, Xinjiang of Northwast China. Effects of different organic fertilizers on the microbes in rhizospheric soil of flue-cured tobacco. Characteristics of soil microbial community under different vegetation types in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, East China. Relationships between vegetation characteristics and soil properties at different restoration stages on slope land with purple soils in Hengyang of Hunan Province, South-central China. Microbes, enzyme activities and nutrient characteristics of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils under four shrubs in Xining Nanshan, Prefecture, China Influence of different planting spacing of areca nut intercropping with Vanilla on soil microbes and nutrients Research on Soil Microbe and the Relativity between Microbe and Soil Chemical Factor of Mangrove Forest in South China Effects of Chinese milk vetch manure and fertilizer on soil microbial characteristics and yield of rice Effects of different years of cultivation abandonment on soil physical, chemical and microbial characteristics in the midstream and downstream of Shiyang River area The correlation between soil physical and chemical properties and soil microbes in different types of Nitraria dune Effects of Haloxylon ammodendron planting on soil physico-chemical properties and soil microorganisms in sandy dunes Response of microbial community functional diversity in the rhizosphere of Caragana microphylla to environmental change Effects of 1,3-dichloropropene on soil microbial population and enzyme activities Ecolgical effect of heavy metals on soil microbes Effects of Soil Microbes on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Elsholtzia splendens under Copper Stress Condition Influence of mulching management on soil microbe and its relationship with soil nutrient in Phyllostachys praecox stand Soil Microbe Quantities,Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen and Fractal Characteristics under Different Vegetation Restoration Patterns in Watershed,Northwest Hunan Ecological distribution patterns of soil microbes under artificial Eucalyptus Grandis stand A review on microbial gene and community diversity in agricultural soil Preliminary study on soil microbes and soil biochemical activities in mining wasteland Effect of Nitrogen Deposition on Soil Microbial Community Structure Determined with the PLFA Method Responses of soil microbes and enzyme of compound community to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature Effects of tree species on soil organic carbon density: A common garden experiment of five temperate tree species Responses and regulation mechanisms of microbial decomposers to substrate carbon, nitro-gen, and phosphorus stoichiometry Applications of soil metaproteomics in soil pollution assessment: A review. Effect of Various Mulching Durations with Plastic Film on Soil Microbial Quantity and Plant Nutrients of Spring Wheat Field in Semi-arid Loess Plateau of China Difference and assessment in microbial characteristics of lime concretion black soil affected by long-term fertilization Effects of Alfalfa Root Growth on Improving Immature Soil of Loess Parent Material Mechanism of effects of soil microbes on cuttings rooting of Huperzia serrata Process on resarching methods of ecology of Chinese traditional medicine resources

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