Characterization of plant n-alkanes in alpine meadow Efficient expression of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana N-alkanes characteristic of roughage from the sheep grazing system in the Songnen Plain farming-pastoral zone The n-alkane Distribution and Crystal Morphology of Epicuticular Wax in Seven Species of Polygonaceae Blood see sorrow of the chemical composition of the research Study on sugarcane alkane alcohol to quail hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis model Study on the Determining Method on n-Alkane in the Cuticular Wax of Plants Optimum Combination of Plant Wax Compositions As Markers in the Composition Estimation of Dietary Plant Species of Desert Steppe in Inner Mongolia Estimation of Diet Composition and Herbage Intake of Grazing Cows using n-Alkane Technique in Inner Mongolia Typical Steppes Establishment of trans-inactivation system for haloalkane dehalogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana The Response of Wax n-Alkanes in Ficus tikoua Leaf to Growing Environments A Effect of Liquid Alkane Oxygen-vectors on Rhodotorula Fermentations and Lycopene Production Estimation of diet composition and herbage intake of grazing sheep at different stocking rates in Inner Mongolia typical steppe by using n-alkanes technique

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