Effect of infestation by the Asian corn borer together with Fusarium verticillioides on corn yield loss Economic threshold and critical period of competition of Flaveria bidentis Control of continuous potato monoculture barrier via biological soil disinfestation method in Yellow River irrigation areas of central Gansu Province, Northwest China Effects of Eupatorium adenophorum on the growth of cotton and its economic threshold Influence of Alternanthera philoxeroides on the growth of paddy rice and its economic threshold Alert and prevention of the spreading of Aegilops tauschii, a worst weed in wheat field Influence of barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crusgalli, on the growth and yield of paddy rice and its economic threshold Influence of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli) on the growth of double-cropping paddy rice and its economic threshold BIONOMICS AND INFESTATION OF WEB-SPINNING SAWFLY CEPHALICA DANBAICA IN QINGHAI PROVINCE Correlation between Damage of Curculio chinensis and Fruit Traits of Camellia meiocarpa THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GOOD IRRADIATION PRACTICE FOR INSECT DISINFESTATION OF CEREAL GRAIN PRODUCTS Occurrence and effects of Aegilops tauschii in China Characterization of Interaction between Wheat Roots with Different Resistance and Heterodera filipjevi Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of a Nematode Infestation Mimic Rolling Leaf Mutant in Rice BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STIFFGRASS AND ITS CONTROL Parasitism in Acorns of Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides and Castanopsis delavayi (Fagaceae) and Its Impact on Population Regeneration