Removal experiment of species or function groups and its applications in ecology Compensation effectsof planting density and fertilization on grain yield,water use efficiency and seedsnutrient contents of dry land spring wheat Physiological compensation effects of nutrient on winter wheat in dryland Effects of potato/soybean intercropping on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of three soybean varieties. Effect of the Defoliation Frequency on the Community Characteristics and Primary Productivity of Alpine Meadow The compensation growth and salt ion distribution in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) after salt stress reduction Effects of nitrogen nutrition and water stress on compensation effect of the yield of soybean Study on the Regrowth Ability of Pinus tabulaeformis after Damaging by Pine Caterpillar The Effects of Compensation and Extra Compensation of Larix olgensis for Needle Pests Injury Response of invasive plant Flaveria bidentis to simulated herbivory based on the growth and reproduction Compensation effect of millet after drought Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on growth and development of maize root system Effects and Mechanisms of Alternate Water and Nitrogen Supply to Partial Root Zone of Maize Compensation effect of cotton growth and development after soil salt content reduction at bud stage.

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