Biochemical and molecular biological mechanism of the expression of the flower color of higher plant and its ameliorating by gene engineering Operation Skills of Flow Cytometer for Detecting Nuclear DNA Contents in Higher Plant Cells HEAVY METAL TOLERANCE AND HYPERACCUMULATION OF HIGHER PLANTS AND THEIR MOLECULAR MECHANISMS: A REVIEW Research advances on GS/GOGAT cycle in higher plants Research Advances in the Subcellular Organization of the Enzymes Catalyzing Anthocyanins Bioynthesis in Higher Plants Recent advances in molecular biology of nitrate transporters in higher plants THE EFFECT ON GLUTOTHIONE PEROXIDASE ACTIVITY AND CLUTOTHIONE CONTENT OF HIGHER PLANTS BY SELENIUM Advances in Study of Plant Organic Nitrogen Nutrition Progress in Divinyl Reductases and Their Encoding Genes Involved in Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Higher Plants Biological Functions and Regulatory Mechanisms of Local Auxin Biosynthesis in Higher Plants SOME ADVANCES IN THE SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION RESEARCH OF HIGHER PLANTS Floristics of Higher Plants in China——Report from Catalogue of Life: Higher Plants in China Database Phospholipases in Signalling Transduction of Higher Plants Research advances in higher plant adaptation to salt stress Accumulation of pollutants in sediments and their eco-toxicity in the wastewater irrigation channel of western Shenyang Vacuolar sequestration mechanisms of anthocyanins in higher plants Physiological toxicity of copper pollution to higher plant Function and Regulation Mechanisms of Nitrate Transporters in Higher Plants The Latest Research Progress and Application of the DNA Barcode in Higher Plants Binding Between Flavin Mononucleotide and Glycollate Oxidase from Higher Plants Adaptation of higher plants to environmental stressesland stress signal trans-duction Determination of the Higher Plant Organ Colors by Anthocyanins and Its Influence Factors Correlation analysis between UDS and MCN in Vicia faba treated with Cd2+ and Al3+ and UDS technique in higher plants